The River Boat Paddle Wheeler: The Comfort.
A gang of river pirates operating up and down the Mississippi river and rivers leading into it, down to the gulf of Mexico been raiding river boats...
For whatever they can loot from them. Including people to sell them as slaves down in Mexico.
The Pinkerton agency was hired to find out who is leading them, and protect the river boats. Two Pinkerton agents visited one paddle wheeler to stake out who been leading the gang called the River Rats.

The two Pinkerton agents boarded the east bound train to St. Louis, Missouri. The train had two cars which had induvial bed rooms, usually. But this train which the Pinkerton agents was a special train just for them, usually Pentleton slept in the first car of the train sleeping on the sofa, while Emma Watson took the car with the bed. Pentleton, Thinking because they share a romantic moment back in Santa Fe, that things as changed between them Pentleton flirting with Emma made a suggestion they share the bed chamber, Emma Watson came up to him and gave him a hug, and said, "That kiss was my way of thanking you for sitting at my side while I was recovering Pentleton, nothing more, don't get any fresh ideas, meet the sofa Pentleton." Then she waved her hips as she walked toward the sleeper car, giggling.Pentleton answered, " Okay darling you don't know what you're missing." She responded, "I'm sure." Has she closed the bedroom chamber door.
Keith Farrell, a season river boat Capitan who sailed river boats up and down the Mississippi River to the Gulf hundreds of time with very little trouble even during the Civil War. Which he was on the side of the South, weren't to happy, at the prospect having two Pinkerton agents being on board his ship.
When they arrived in St. Louis, the Pinkerton agents board the paddle wheeler, Comfort, and laid out their plans to entrap the river rats. Ferrell said upon the Pinkerton agents boarding his paddle wheeler, " I don't like the idea of Pinkerton agents anywhere near me least of all on my ship. Your agency is noted for being ruthless, in your dealings. This is a pleasure craft, not a ship of war." Emma Watson chimed in and said, "Hardly a pleasure craft you are commanding sir, paddle wheelers like yours getting raided by these river pirates. Hardly an atmosphere for any kind of pleasure." The Capitan snapped back at her and said, "Listen young lady I'm the skipper of this boat, and I won't hear no lip from a woman! How is it a woman is working as a Pinkerton agent in the first place?"
Grey Pentleton defended his partner saying, " Because our boss is opened minded enough to hire women agents operatives, Miss Watson is a full fledge agent, I trust her with my life. Besides Capitan I thought you would pleased with our presents on board your boat, your boss, hired the Pinkerton agency, along with the federal government who is concern over public safety, and continued commerce on the Mississippi river, and its connecting rivers across the country, it strike me over your attitude over our presence, it cast a bad light on you captain, and a cloud of suspicion you might be in on this somehow." Ferrell sounding indignant snapped back and said, " How dare you, to even suggest such a thing I'm a twenty year veteran of sailing these vessels up and down these water ways, I don't need some young buck accusing me of colluding with thieves."
Pentleton answered, " Neither does my partner needs to hear insults from a paddle wheeler captain that as issues with women working, besides staying home being a house keeper. You would rather have armed soldiers guarding the shipment of gold ore we brought with us?"
Ferrell said before the two agents left the wheel house of the ship, " Alright welcome aboard then, just remember, I'm the captain of this boat, and if any of the crew, or passengers complain about you two I'll sail this boat to any stop along the way of our journey and cast you two off this ship."
Pentleton answered, " Thank you for your cooperation on this matter." Then left the wheel house.
Walking out the wheel house Emma Watson thank Grey Pentleton for standing up for her by saying, "Thank you Grey for saying those things to the captain about me, and my job, I'm thankful." Then she came up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she said jokingly, " Now don't any ideas there Pentleton." Pentleton smiled and said, " Not to worry Emma I have my choice of women right here on this boat." Emma answered, " Oh yeah, we'll see about that!"
Pentleton then changed the subject and said, " We have our work cut out on who is the master mind behind these raids, I think we just met the prime suspect." Emma responded, " I would say so you could tell he was hiding something by his talking, and attitude about our presents."
Pentleton answered, " He is worth keeping our eyes on, everything is set up in the on board saloon, you'll be tending the 21 card table, and I'll be playing poker. Lets see what happens during our journey."
That night in the on board casino Grey Pentleton was playing poker, while Emma Watson was in the back of the room at the 21 card table. She was keeping a eye on Pentleton while he was flirting with the saloon girls serving drinks from the bar.
Though she wasn't going to admit it to herself yet, over the past few years she worked along side Grey Pentleton, she was starting to fall in love with him. Though being an agent for the Pinkerton agency wouldn't allow it, she long to hold Grey Pentleton in her arms at night, of course she wasn't about to let on seeing Pentleton flirting with the saloon girls. She first realized this back when Pentleton was severely injured by a shoot out with the comancheros lead by Hector Gomez. Pentleton was recovering from his gun shot wound surrounded by beautiful women nursing him back to health, seeing that Emma Watson chase the women away, and looked after her partner herself. That was the beginning when Emma Watson began to show her feelings for him. She didn't realize it yet Pentleton had those same feelings for her.
The next night the paddle boat was hosting a ball, in the on board ball room, and Emma Watson, and Grey Pentleton were dancing closely, while watching the goings on in the ball room. Emma Watson said," I saw you in the casino flirting with those saloon girls, shameful display I ever saw Pentleton." Pentleton drew her closer to him, and said. "Well Miss Watson if I didn't know any better I'd say you are jealous." Emma Watson quickly answered, "In your dreams Pentleton."
Then when they were just about to kiss each other, the ballroom opened, and armed men came bursting in.
Capitan Ferrell came in the room with armed men and said, " No one move an inch, you all are our guess while I take this boat to Mexico, you'll make find slaves in Mexico, and good profit at the slave auction. Now, drop your guns, and give us your valuables."
It was a tense moment then Pentleton gave the order, "Now!" Suddenly the crew heard gun fire outside the ball room, the Capitan commanded his gun men to open fire, then suddenly the band that was playing dropped their instruments, and fired their guns they were hiding, and shot down the capitan's men, and he turned around admit the panic, saw both Emma Watson, and Grey Pentleton holding their weapons on him. Pentleton said," Looks like your pricy is at an end Ferrell, your boys were just taken out by other undercover Pinkerton agents. We suspect you are just a pod in a bigger origination, but in time they will all be exposed, in the meantime your under arrest." Then Pentleton gave an order to lock up Ferrell down below until they reached New Orleans where Ferrell would face charges for piracy, murder, and being a slaver.
On the train ride back to Santa Fe, New Mexico the subject of sleeping arrangements were brought up again, this time Emma Watson didn't object they share sleeping quarters, she melted in the arms of Grey Pentleton, let her long red hair down and told Grey Pentleton, "Oh Grey take me." The lights in the bed chamber turned out, and falling under his passion, she said, " Oh yes, Grey! You Animal!. . . THE END until next time.
The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe. Written and produced by Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU)
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