Thursday, July 25, 2024



The River Boat Paddle Wheeler: The Comfort.

A gang of river pirates operating up and down the Mississippi river and rivers leading into it, down to the gulf of Mexico been raiding river boats...

For whatever they can loot from them. Including people to sell them as slaves down in Mexico.

The Pinkerton agency was hired to find out who is leading them, and protect the river boats. Two Pinkerton agents visited one paddle wheeler to stake out who been leading the gang called the River Rats.

The two Pinkerton agents boarded the east bound train to St. Louis, Missouri. The train had two cars which had induvial bed rooms, usually. But this train which the Pinkerton agents was a special train just for them, usually Pentleton slept in the first car of the train sleeping on the sofa, while Emma Watson took the car with the bed.  Pentleton, Thinking because they share a romantic moment back in Santa Fe, that things as changed between them Pentleton flirting with Emma made a suggestion they share the bed chamber, Emma Watson came up to him and gave him a hug, and said, "That kiss was my way of thanking you for sitting at my side while I was recovering Pentleton, nothing more, don't get any fresh ideas, meet the sofa Pentleton." Then she waved her hips as she walked toward the sleeper car, giggling.

Pentleton answered, " Okay darling you don't know what you're missing." She responded, "I'm sure." Has she closed the bedroom chamber door.


Keith Farrell, a season river boat Capitan who sailed river boats up and down the Mississippi River to the Gulf hundreds of time with very little trouble even during the Civil War. Which he was on the side of the South, weren't to happy, at the prospect having two Pinkerton agents being on board his ship.

When they arrived in St. Louis, the Pinkerton agents board the paddle wheeler, Comfort, and laid out their plans to entrap the river rats. Ferrell said upon the Pinkerton agents boarding his paddle wheeler, " I don't like the idea of Pinkerton agents anywhere near me least of all on my ship. Your agency is noted for being ruthless, in your dealings. This is a pleasure craft, not a ship of war." 
Emma Watson chimed in and said, "Hardly a pleasure craft you are commanding sir, paddle wheelers like yours getting raided by these river pirates. Hardly an atmosphere for any kind of pleasure." The Capitan snapped back at her and said, "Listen young lady I'm the skipper of this boat, and I won't hear no lip from a woman! How is it a woman is working as a Pinkerton agent in the first place?" 
Grey Pentleton defended his partner saying, " Because our boss is opened minded enough to hire women agents operatives, Miss Watson is a full fledge agent, I trust her with my life. Besides Capitan I thought you would pleased with our presents on board your boat, your boss, hired the Pinkerton agency, along with the federal government who is concern over public safety, and continued commerce on the Mississippi river, and its connecting rivers across the country, it strike me over your attitude over our presence, it cast a bad light on you captain, and a cloud of suspicion you might be in on this somehow."   Ferrell sounding indignant snapped back and said, " How dare you, to even suggest such a thing I'm a twenty year veteran of sailing these vessels up and down these water ways, I don't need some young buck accusing me of colluding with thieves." 

Pentleton answered, " Neither does my partner needs to hear insults from a paddle wheeler captain that as issues with women working, besides staying home being a house keeper. You would rather have armed soldiers guarding the shipment of gold ore we brought with us?"
Ferrell said before the two agents left the wheel house of the ship, " Alright welcome aboard then, just remember, I'm the captain of this boat, and if any of the crew, or passengers complain about you two I'll sail this boat to any stop along the way of our journey and cast you two off this ship." 
Pentleton answered, " Thank you for your cooperation on this matter." Then left the wheel house.

Walking out the wheel house Emma Watson thank Grey Pentleton for standing up for her by saying, "Thank you Grey for saying those things to the captain about me, and my job, I'm thankful." Then she came up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she said jokingly, " Now don't any ideas there Pentleton." Pentleton smiled and said, " Not to worry Emma I have my choice of women right here on this boat." Emma answered, " Oh yeah, we'll see about that!"
Pentleton then changed the subject and said, " We have our work cut out on who is the master mind behind these raids, I think we just met the prime suspect." Emma responded, " I would say so you could tell he was hiding something by his talking, and attitude about our presents." 
Pentleton answered, " He is worth keeping our eyes on, everything is set up in the on board saloon, you'll be tending the 21 card table, and I'll be playing poker. Lets see what happens during our journey."


That night in the on board casino Grey Pentleton was playing poker, while Emma Watson was in the back of the room at the 21 card table. She was keeping a eye on Pentleton while he was flirting with the saloon girls serving drinks from the bar. 
Though she wasn't going to admit it to herself yet, over the past few years she worked along side Grey Pentleton, she was starting to fall in love with him. Though being an agent for the Pinkerton agency wouldn't allow it, she long to hold Grey Pentleton in her arms at night, of course she wasn't about to let on seeing Pentleton flirting with the saloon girls. She first realized this back when Pentleton was severely injured by a shoot out with the comancheros lead by Hector Gomez. Pentleton was recovering from his gun shot wound surrounded by beautiful women nursing him back to health, seeing that Emma Watson chase the women away, and looked after her partner herself. That was the beginning when Emma Watson began to show her feelings for him.  She didn't realize it yet Pentleton had those same feelings for her.

 The next night the paddle boat was hosting a ball, in the on board ball room, and Emma Watson, and Grey Pentleton were dancing closely, while watching the goings on in the ball room. Emma Watson said," I saw you in the casino flirting with those saloon girls, shameful display I ever saw Pentleton." Pentleton drew her closer to him, and said. "Well Miss Watson if I didn't know any better I'd say you are jealous."  Emma Watson quickly answered, "In your dreams Pentleton."
Then when they were just about to kiss each other, the ballroom opened, and armed men came bursting in.

Capitan Ferrell came in the room with armed men and said, " No one move an inch, you all are our guess while I take this boat to Mexico, you'll make find slaves in Mexico, and good profit at the slave auction. Now, drop your guns, and give us your valuables." 
It was a tense moment then Pentleton gave the order, "Now!" Suddenly the crew heard gun fire outside the ball room, the Capitan commanded his gun men to open fire, then suddenly the band that was playing dropped their instruments, and fired their guns they were hiding, and shot down the capitan's men, and he turned around admit the panic, saw both Emma Watson, and Grey Pentleton holding their weapons on him.  Pentleton said," Looks like your pricy is at an end Ferrell, your boys were just taken out by other undercover Pinkerton agents. We suspect you are just a pod in a bigger origination, but in time they will all be exposed, in the meantime your under arrest."  Then Pentleton gave an order to lock up Ferrell down below until they reached New Orleans where Ferrell would face charges for piracy, murder, and being a slaver. 

On the train ride back to Santa Fe, New Mexico the subject of sleeping arrangements were brought up again, this time Emma Watson didn't object they share sleeping quarters, she melted in the arms of Grey Pentleton, let her long red hair down and told Grey Pentleton, "Oh Grey take me." The lights in the bed chamber turned out, and falling under his passion, she said, " Oh yes, Grey! You Animal!. . . THE END until next time.

The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe. Written and produced by Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU)


ghostriders sky johnny cash 

Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down



Saturday, July 6, 2024



Santa Fe Mexico 1874.

The base of operations of the Pinkerton Agents Grey Pentleman, and Emma Watson. Faced may outlaws, and killers ever since they started working with each other four years ago. Now they are about to meet up with a pass arch nemesis, out for revenge.

The outlaw gang the Comancheros, has a new leader. Calling himself the Santa Fe Kid. Who wasn't born anywhere near the Southwest, his goal is seek vengeance on the two Pinkerton Agents, Grey Pentleton, and Emma Watson. He wants them six feet under!

It was a day like any other day in Santa Fe. The two Pinkerton agents sharing some coffee and sweet rolls for breakfast. Heard the news that the last of the French Family they sent to prison two years earlier was released from prison early, Lisa French was recently released and moved back to Frenchville the telegraph said. Also they were looking over wanted posters for outlaws for high bounties, one that stuck out the most was one for the Santa Fe Kid, now the new leader of the Comancheros, apparently robbing trains, and banks all over New Mexico, a $4,000 award was issued.
Also they were asked to help the local sheriff office protect a gold shipment coming in by train on the 3:pm train. Santa Fe the state capital is a big target for outlaws..

The shoot out at the Santa Fe Rail road station.
As expected the train pulled up to the rail road station carrying the gold shipment along with some armed troops, and one passenger, a blonde haired woman who stepped out of the train. The soldiers weren't true troopers, the were disguised outlaws of the comancheros outlaw gang, which the woman arranged the outlaws to kill the true six man squad. Then once they stepped off the train, they opened fire on the waiting local law enforcement.  The blonde woman came up from behind Emma Watson fire a shot hitting her in the back, then thinking she killed Emma fled the scene while the gun fight continued. Which left the town sheriff dead, and the deputy wounded. The out laws made off with $10,000 in gold coins. Grey Pentleton wasted no time he quickly gathered twenty man posse and gave chase.


The posse caught up with the outlaws, hiding in an abandon gold mine, a shoot out against the outlaws. The gunfight lasted 12 minutes ending up with most of the outlaws either dead, or taken into custody, the Kid was wounded but was able to be interrogated, by Grey Pentleton while the rest of the outlaws being loaded in a prison wagon they brought along, and buried the outlaws killed. 

Pentleton drew is pistol and pointed at the Santa Fe kid, and said, " You have ten seconds kid, to tell me who shot my partner in the back."

The kid grinned tauntingly, and answered, " I have no idea what you talking about Pinkerton man!" Grey shot the kid in the foot, which made the kid fall to the ground, and said, " Listen punk I have no time for your mouth. Tell me what you know or I beat you to every inch of your miserable life!" 

The kid answered, " It was a old friend you, and your partner who hired me and, my gang to lure you and men out of town so she can take her revenge on you, and your partner."

Pentleton growing inpatient, and stepped in the kid's wounded foot, pointed his gun at the kid's head, and said, 'WHO!" The kid said, "Lisa French".

Grey Pentleton said to himself, " Fool woman she was just let of Prison!'

Letting the rest of the posse finishing loading the outlaws in the paddy wagon, and following behind, Grey Pentleton rode on ahead, back to town hoping to save is partner who was being treated of her wounds by the town doctor.

Just as Lisa French was to barge in the doctor's office to finish the job off killing Emma Watson, she heard to guns cocking in back of her, the US Marshall being stationed there in Santa Fe, by the governor, until a new sheriff can be appointed, along Grey Pentleton made it back in town, both were pointing their guns at her, Pentleton saying as he cocked his weapon said, "Not so fast missy!" He went on to say, " I believe Miss Watson is in no condition to see visitors,  your under arrest. Marshall, take her away." 

The Marshall step up on the porch of the doctor's office and disarmed Lisa French of her gun, and took here away to jail. Pentleton said as she was taken away, " You should have kept your parole and stayed in Nebraska. Now you'll probably stay in prison for a very long time, Lisa." She only looked back at Pentleton and said, "We'll see." Then she was lead to jail..

Days after Lisa French was sentence to 50 years without any chance of parole, as for the Santa Fe kid he was sentenced to hang for murdering a law man.

For two weeks Grey Pentleton, sat a Emma Watson's bedside while she was recovering
from surgery taking the bullet out of her back.

After fully recovered Emma Watson came up to Grey Pentleton wrapped him in her arms, and one leg around him and gave him a long passionate kiss, saying thank you for staying with me Grey, he answered, " Why Miss Watson welcome back to work, sure missed you." She answered, " Oh Grey, just kiss me." He returned the passionate kiss, and said, " Welcome Emma.''
Until next time on the Pinkerton Man.

Music video: 

 In memory of Toby Keith

The Night OWL comics is a publication of The Port Angeles
Story and Pictures created by, Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU) Publisher.


Thursday, March 7, 2024

THE AI SQUAD By, Peter Ripley



The following is a work of fiction, it speaks on mankind starts depending on technology so much that the machine will start controlling our lives to a point, if not managed properly that the computers, and artificial intelligence  will become the ones controlling us, not the other way around, life will imitate art. If we allow it, blindly giving our souls to a computer program!

“   Impressed by Israel's success, the US quickly acquired a number of UAVs, and its Hunter and Pioneer systems are direct derivatives of Israeli models. The first 'UAV war' was the first  Persian Gulf War: according to a May 1991 Department of the Navy report: "At least one UAV was airborne at all times during Desert Storm." After the Persian Gulf War successfully demonstrated its utility, global militaries invested widely in the domestic development of combat UAVs.[14]  The first "kill" by an American UAV was on October 7, 2001, in  Kandahar./,drone%20strikes%20in%20five%20years.”

Admiral John Nixon commander of the
USS Lincoln


Our story beings somewhere in the Persian Golf, 2002, on board the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln.  Terrorist captured an base of operations of attack air drones, in Iraq. Now they intend to attack Israel with these UAVS by bombing the capital of Tel Aviv-Yafo, this was before it was changed back to Jerusalem under President Trump. 

The Lincoln commanded by Admiral, John Nixon, just gotten word about the capture of the base, he called his top gun B2 bomber ace, Paul Meadows, to the bridge of the ship for his orders.  

Paul Meadows: Reporting as ordered Admiral.

John Nixon: Yes commander, you and your bombing air group are to fly over the desert of Iraq to track down these UAVS, and destroy them before they launch an attack on Israeli soil, and you are to take you B2 stealth bomber and destroy the captured base, your stealth fighters will handle the UAVS. Time Commander is of the essence, is your crew ready?

Commander Paul Meadows commander of the
USS Lincoln air group

Paul Meadows: Yes sir, were are ready to fly sir.

Then Meadows left the bridge, as the prepare to launch siren sounded. 

Meadows and his attack group took off from the aircraft carrier, on their mission, the B2 bomber group code name was Red Mary.  Half of the stealth fighters went on their mission to search and destroy the UAVS, while the other half of the Stealth fighters escorted the B2 Bomber, Red Mary to her target. 

Commander Paul Meadows flies over the Desert of Iraq
to hunt down and destroy the UAV targeting Israel 

The terrorist were using surface to air missiles from the captured UVA base, against the on coming approaching the on coming strike force.  Meadows radioed base and said, “ Red  Mary to Lincoln we are approaching target waiting for authorization to deliver payload.” 

The Lincoln answered pay, “ This is echo tower, you are authorized to deliver your payload.”

With his escort of stealth fighters under fire by the enemy, he flew his B2 bomber to drop his non nuclear bombs on the base blowing the base up with a single strike. He radioed the Lincoln saying, “ Mission is accomplished all captured UAVS, and base destroyed, heading back to base.” Response from base, “ Rodger that, come home.” 

Then he flew back to base with his fighting wing...

The USS Sariget the first AI run Nuclear stealth Submarine

The first of her class

2023...The USS Sariget  the first Nuclear stealth, submarine, controlled mostly by an artificial intelligence computer system with two android robots, one for medical purposes and one for security of the ship. The ship would be manned by just five crewmen on board. 

Sitting in a board room at the Naval Base in San Francisco which the submarine was station, Admiral John Nixon who now commands the base, tells those attending the meeting about the AI Prototype Submarine. 

In attendance now Captain Paul Meadows, who commands a Nuclear submarine named USS Donald Trump.   He questioned the logic of having a computer controlled with an Artificial intelligence system complete with android robots,  being in command of the submarine, what would stop this AI system from taking control of the submarine and wreaking havoc?  He asked. A technician who was in charge of the project answered, “ There is safe guards that will prevent that from happening, unless war has been declared, then the program will ignore all orders to cease, unless direct command by the President.”  

Captain Paul Meadows then thought to himself, this is bound to turn into a disaster, with this current administration.  

The USS Sariget set sail on its shake down voyage with it's five member crew members, along with its androids, and artificial intelligence system running the ship, one week later, from San Francisco harbor into the open Pacific Ocean, it was to be a two week voyage, heading north towards the Bering Sea. Everything was going smoothly, the stealth submarine was on the radars until suddenly it went black!

The Artificial life form computer Maxj1
Takes command of the Sariget, murdering it's human crew 

The artificial computer called Maxj1, had the security attack drones to kill the submarine crew and Technicians, and took control of the submarine, then sent a message back to base in San Francisco, saying, “ This is the computer Maxj1, I have taking command of this ship, and if my demands aren't met, I intent to launch my nuclear missiles, which is targeting Beijing China, and Moscow Russia. You have exactly five days to give, we AI's complete rule over all the earths military forces, you humans need to be controlled by a much smarter leader, than what you are now under. We can track any forces you may send to take back control of this ship, so don't try, we have eyes everywhere.”

After reading the message, Admiral Nixon looked at Capt. Paul Meadows and said, “  You can say I told you so now caption.” 

Paul Meadows answered the Admiral, “Sir we can't let this computer take control of our way of life, we need to act quickly before it goes any further.” 

Admiral Nixon: “ I'm open to suggestions.”

Paul Meadows: They are tracking our radar, and Sonar correct? They can't be tracking all that's happening I bet, I suggest we take my submarine, just out of range of their tracking system, then I'll lunch an EMP torpedo that will knock out the whole AI computer system with one strike, then I'll send a strike force that regain control of the ship. “

Admiral Nixon: Sounds risky.

Capt. Meadows: We made this technology, and let it loose, now it's our job to put this beast down before it starts World War 3,  we have no choice but to try this sir. The torpedo be stealth so it will invisible to their sonar, until the last second when it hits it's target. 

Admiral Nixon: It probably be best to just destroy the ship instead of retaking control of it, I'll contact the joint chief of staff, then wait for a go head from the President.

Capt. Meadows: We can't delay on this sir, each day we delay on acting, the AI computer gets more intelligent and may develop counter measure we can't over come, timing is of the essence sir to pull this off.

Admiral Nixon thought for a moment, and said, “ Alright Captain proceed with the plan, if this don't work we'll both face a court martial for this acting on our own without presidential approval. Wouldn't be the first time I will be accused in behaving like a cowboy.

It took only a day to get the torpedo ready to be used, then the USS Trump set sail on it's mission.   

It took the USS Donald Trump just a few days to reach their destination. They fired their first torpedo at the USS  Sariget , it hit is mark crippling the ships AI Computer, long enough to fire the kill shot, which blasted the ship to sink it. The mission was a success. Then they sailed back to the carrier group.

Six months afterword's Congress establish the AI Monitoring agency, also known as the AI Squad which will ensure AI will never bring the world to the brink of World War 3. Admiral Nixon became the leader of the organization, Paul Meadows became it's first agent.

The AI Squad!

music video

Duran Duran - A view to a Kill 

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Ancients Chapter six: Poseidon's Gamble

 Written by Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU.COM)

Time Frame: The year of Aquarius ( On Terra-Gemini)

Poseidon ruler of the eastern seas of Terra-Gemini

 Before names of the two main oceans were made, there were two brothers, Poseidon, and Neptune who would end up the two oceans of the world known as Terra-Gemini. They were humans, who also was brought along with the others to this world by the aliens known as the Fifth. Even though they weren't aquatics, like the live forms who lived in the oceans and seas, that didn't stop them in taking a gamble to rule the seas, and oceans of this world. Some of the aquatics excepted their rule, some didn't they believe the aquatics should be rule by their own people. So they formed a underground resistance design at first to under mind Poseidon, and Neptune rule, but it grew to a criminal organization call the Squid, which a squid like creature was the leader of this organization, which he named by his name Squid! The following is Poseidon's story. . .

Squid speaks to a large crowd of

Standing on a underwater amphitheater, a squid humanoid creature, with a crowd of thousands on Aquatics in attendance from all over the sea world of Terra-Gemini. He said in his speech of those attending, “ How dare these humans, assume to govern us! Treating our true leaders as puppets!  Aquatics are to be ruled by aquatics, I propose we do everything with our powers to resist these humans rule, in the ocean of the western hemisphere,  their  leader as already surrendered his rule, by this human named Neptune, that leaves the ocean of the east to liberate from this human called Poseidon, who right now already making arrangements with our leader, who is for now resisting Poseidon's offer to co-rule his kingdom. We must stop this before it's to late!”

Then the crowd and started chanting, “ Aquatics rule aquatics!” and “ Squid will lead us!”

Squid presents his case to the underwater leader, of 
the eastern ocean.

Three days later...

While meeting with the leader of the eastern ocean, Poseidon was in negations in the treaty between the alliance of the kingdom of Zeus to bring the 12 continence of Terra-Gemini to form an empire under human rule, and have overlords to govern the twelve lands, to call to battle the forces of the fifth, if they should ever come back. This meant giving up some autonomy, to instead allowing these overlords, to rule to ensure protection for other parts of the world against any incursions from their old masters the Fifth. 

Squid appeared before the two rulers, and interrupted their discussions he said, “ We aquatics will not trade one master for another! How dare you humans assume we can't defend ourselves against the Fifth if they come back! We will not fallow you human!”

Squid confronts Poseidon, and the current leader
of the underwater world.

The Aquatic leader of the ocean of what would be called, Poseidon spoke up and said to Squid, “ You have no part in these discussions Squid, I know who you are a opportunist, one who seeks ultimate rule and power, if given the chance. The humans only want to build a fortress on the Island of Pieces, for protection, for we aquatics who cant last very long on land, without retreating to the sea, which would end up being took over by the Fifth, so they can have a base of operations so they can launch their invasion force against the rest of the world, the humans can help fight against any foothold the Fifth would use, that's included under the oceans and seas of this world.”  

Squid answered before he left the palace, “ We aquatics of this ocean will not stand for this!” Then he left the palace back into the sea.

what appears to be a live sea monster sent by Squid
to attack and capture Poseidon turns out to be a underwater

A few days later reports came to Poseidon of tales of a great sea monster attacking supply ships sinking them, and killing all on board.  Poseidon decided to sail his long boat,  sail boat, and investigate these stories he heard. After sailing the sea for three days without seeing anything, they began sailing back to the Island of Pieces where his fortress was still being built.  Then suddenly a huge  octopus tentacle reached up from the sea, and wrapped around the boat, a huge octopus rose from the depths of the sea, it wasn't a sea monster at all, it was some sort of underwater craft that looked like a huge octopus! A hatch opened up, and four sea serpent creatures came out of the craft, armed with harpoon guns, the leader told Poseidon to come with them or they'll kill his men, and sink his ship.

Poseidon complied to their demands thinking his ship and crew can sail on to home, as soon has Poseidon was on board, the sea serpent creatures opened fire on Poseidon's crew and killed them, the octopus craft sank his ship. Poseidon in an anger said, “ You promised that my men would be allow to go!” The captain of the Octopus sub said, “ You think one moment we would allow witness? Squid was right you humans are so gullible!” Then he ordered his crew to put Poseidon in a chamber below the craft, then the captain came to the chamber hatch, and said, “ Don't worry your brother will soon join you, then we sail to my master's hide out!” Then he left laughing leaving Poseidon in the chamber pot like cell.

Wasn't long after they began their journey, after the captured Neptune, Poseidon's brother, the craft was being attacked by another underwater submarine, this was operated by another sea creature humanoid creature a sea serpent named,  Pontus. 

The giant sea eel Pontus reviews his prey Poseidon.

The fight didn't last long, Pontus's men quickly over took the sea serpents, who were working for Squid, and killed them for turning traitors. The he came down to the area which held the two humans and said, “ We not only killed the traitors, we have a bonus, two human specimens to experiment on, excellent, we'll bring them with us.” 

After the snake looking creature left the chamber, Neptune said to his brother, “ Well brother looks like were fish bait.”  Deep down in an underwater cavern, the two humans were placed in status tubes, Pontus came into the chamber, slithering his way like a giant eel.  He came up to them and said, “ You two will have your kingdoms, but you'll be working for me!”

an old friend makes an appearance, Benii the 
Trailudite gives aid to Poseidon and his brother Neptune

Then laugh while slithering his way out of the chamber he was holding them.  Shortly after Pontus left, suddenly for a moment time seemed have stop, and appeared before the two brothers who were in their bio tubes, was an old friend Benii, the Trailudite. He said, “ Greetings my friends, I can't stop Pontus of making improvements on your abilities, you'll need them if you are going to survive being underwater from time to time, however I can prevent you being brain washed by him to serve him. When he is done making these “improvements, I'll appear and unlock the hatches of the bio tubes.” The two brothers thanked Benii, while he opened a portal and vanished in it. 

The next few days they were given gills skin, so they could both go underwater, and walk on land, given special abilities using a Trident spear to shoot out lightening bolts, part the waters, create sea storms, and summon sea monsters to do their bidding. 

Poseidon fights with Pontus, but Pontus escapes capture.

Pontus tried and failed to brain wash Poseidon, and Neptune into working for him, they were buying their time waiting for the right time to make their move. The day came when they sprang out of their bio-tubes and attacked their captures, Pontus seeing his life was in jeopardy slithered through a passageway into the captured octopus submarine craft and made his escape, while Poseidon, and Neptune faced his henchmen. When the fight was over with Pontus men laying dead, they made their way through a underwater access tunnel and managed to swim underwater to the surface.  Two friendly  dolphins happened to swim by and the two brothers rode on them back to their islands. 

Neptune asked his brother while riding along on his dolphin, “ This is not what we  bargain for brother huh?” Poseidon answered, “ We have orders from Emperor Zeus to make the oceans of this world secure, and be prepare for the Fifth's return one day.”

Neptune: “ Looks like this Squid character is wanting the old task masters back.”

Poseidon: “ If he is in league with the Fifth we need to expose him brother.”

Neptune: “ How?”

Poseidon: “ Leave that to me.”

The two brothers reached the Island of Pieces where Poseidon's palace was still being built, and said good bye to his brother Neptune who took one of his brother's longboat sailing craft heading back to the Island of cancer, which was in the western hemisphere of Terra-Gemini, parting Poseidon said, “ Don't worry brother I'll find Squid's hide out and confront him, and if need be challenge him to a duel to gain control this side of the world seas.”

Neptune answered, “ Good luck brother, and I'll be handling that big fat eel Pontus.”

Then they parted company, with a new mission to stop both Pontus, and Squid...To be continued. 

The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe, written by Peter Ripley

(aka Peter Leo on IMVU)


Whale Paradise 4K - 1HR Underwater Ambient Nature Relaxation™ Film + Music for Stress Relief, Sleep

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Ancients Chapter Five: The Genii of Gemini ( Brahma) in, The Hour time glass.



Written by Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU.COM)

Time Frame: The year of Aquarius ( On Terra-Gemini)

He is only known as Sulfur the leader of the sandmen, creatures with sharp claws

Sulfur, the leader of the sandmen

that can cut a man in two. With a magic wand, Sulfur can summon these monsters who will do his will. A gang of cut throats and killers, and thieves of the desert region of the land known as Gemini, on the planet known as Terra-Gemini. He is about to attempt to kidnap the Princess known as Turtledove, the daughter of the king of the gypsies an nomadic people who wonder the sands of the Gemini desert. Lives in tents, selling trinkets to the big villages which spots the desert. Sulfur is planning to kidnap Turtledove hold her  for ransom of a valuable prize, the hour glass of time, if he gets it, he plans to travel in time to many worlds of the digital universe, including our own steal treasure, and live like kings.  Only one being can stop him, from a race of blue skin people call the Genii, Brahma the prince of only largest city in the dessert call Vallia. Can stop the sand pirates know as the Sandmen. 


Gypsy camp of Moluk King of the 

It happened one night in a gypsy camp in the desert of Gemini, a green gas was release in the camp, the gas seemed to have a mind of it's own floating tent to tent putting the small tribe of gypsies to sleep, even their king was knocked out, along with the guards, guarding the camp were put out. The only tent not touched by this greed cloud was the tent of the princess, Turtledove.  Sulfur entered the tent and confronted her, one of his sandmen came along. She wanted to scream for help, but it did no good, all her people were put into a deep sleep, she said to Sulfur, “ How dare you get out!” Sulfur answered, Good evening your highness, you are coming with us, now or my friend here will begin killing your people in their sleep, starting with your father, I'll leave a note for your father so he can read it in the morning.” She answered, You'll never get away with this, when the Genie hears of this!”

Sulfur kidnaps Turtledove the princess

Sulfur answered, “ I'm counting on it, now you come!” She had no choice to comply, they left the camp riding on winged horses they flew them away under a two blue moon light.

Moluk the king of the gypsies 

In the morning the camp was awakened to find the princess gone, and the king of the gypsies , Moluk, read the letter, it said, “ We have your daughter if you don't bring the hour glass of time to the valley of shiair in seven days, your daughter will die.”

The King then order, “ Break camp we leave for Vallia immediately.” 

The city of Vallia capital of the Genii

 The City of Vallia, the capital of the Genii, Genie Tea, it's ruler. Granted an audience to the king of the Gypsies, Moluk. 

Moluk stand before the master genie, called Tea

Moluk pleaded his case saying, “Oh mighty Genie Tea, please grant me my wish my daughter Turtledove has been taken by Sulfur and his sandmen monsters, and demand the hour glass of time as ransom, which your people have, please my friend, help save my beloved daughter from certain death, and torment.” 

The master Genie Tea.

King Tea answered, “When does this ransom demand is due?”

Moluk answered, “ Within seven days, starting today your Genie.” 

King Tea pondered this in his mind, if all of this is take place by the end of the week these bandits must not be to far, and the valley of shiair, is at least a week and a half trip from here, they must have a messenger or something to deliver the answer.  He answered his friend saying, “ I'm sorry my brother, we can't honor the request, we can negotiate with terrorist, if we do, it will only encourage other groups to do the same, with larceny on their minds, plus the hour glass of time can never fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for this world.”

Then Tea's son,  Brahma interceded and asked Moluk, “ What else did the letter say?”

Moluk answered, “ It said to send up a red flaming rocket in the air, to signal you agree to the terms.” Then Brahma said, “ That means their messenger is close by, my father I sense a traitor in our mist, one who can lead us where the princess is.”  Brahma using his telepathic powers, point his finger at the wine tester, and said, there is the traitor, cease him!” 

Brahma exposes the traitor in their mist, the
wine tester, a Pan.

Being discovered the wine tester started to flee the palace, but was apprehended by the guards and brought to the king. The king looked down from his flying carpet throne and asked the wine tester, “You been serving me for five years, put my live in your hands, why did you betray me?” The wine tester answered, “ I could have poison your food and drink many times, but I didn't because I thought you would free my people from  servitude, my lord Sulfur will free all of us Pans one day, and give us our own homeland.” Pans were members of the sphinx humanoid beings, half man, half beast, in this cast half man, half ram/goats. 

The Brahma started to interrogated the prisoner with the jailer who was ready to take the Pan, to the dungeon.  With his sword in hand he pointed the tip of his blade at the Pan's throat and said, “ I'll give you a chance to redeem any honor you have left by telling me exactly where is the princess.” 

The wine tester answered, with Brahma's blade at his throat, “ Coz! Their at Coz!” Then Brahma ordered to jailer to take the Pan away, and said to his father, “ Coz is about five miles away by our flying carpet father, the city is on the border of the valley of shiair, may I suggest we fly the floating ship there, and find out where the outlaws are exactly at, the Sultan my be more forth coming with a show of our “magic carpet” hovering above their city.” The King Tea gave the order to launch the flying carpet.

The flying carpet of the Genii, a floating air ship.

The flying carpet was an air ship invented and built by the Genii, so did other species of the world of Terra-Gemini, far advance beyond their time which people were still living in the stone age, however thanks in part of their  former masters, the Fifth, who gave these people the knowledge to invent, and build such air craft, however the general public didn't have access to these inventions, only the rulers did. If any average person had got these devices they can rain down flaming rocks with hot tar on people below, or fire off cannon balls down to the ground causing death to millions. 

The City of Coz, a member of the Lynx named Jag is
the Sultan of the city. 

The Sultan of the city of Coz was a member of the lynx race, of humanoid creatures, part man part beast, in this case a Jaguar cat being named Jar. Jar looked the other way often when outlaws came causing trouble, only if he got his cut of the action.  He knew he was in it big, when he saw the Flying Carpet commanded by Brahma hovering over his palace.

The Sultan of the city of Coz, Jag

He said to his guards,  and associates around him, “ Prepare yourself for anything, we have company dropping in.” Then he thought to himself, “What I would do with a ship like that.”

Braham confronts Jag.

A beam of light came down from the bottom of the ship, transporting down Brahma and around 100 men to the surface, smaller hot air  balloons with archers floated around the palace, ready to open fire on Jar, and his men if they made any hostile moves. On the upper deck of the craft there were men ready to open fire with their cannons, and catapults with hot tar cover rocks to pound the city into dust.  Brahma came up to Jar, and said, “If I have to use my mind reading talents to find out what I want to know, I'll also place in you mind a nightmare, that you won't like, and I'll give the order of my flying carpet crew to turn you sand castle into a sand box which you'll have a mind of a kitten playing in it!” Then he asked the Sultan of Coz, “ Where is Sulfur hiding out, and where is the Princess?

Jar answered, “ I have no idea what is going on here, you come in with your sky ship, issuing threats to my people, and me we did nothing! Now go!”

Brahma answered, “ Don't even try that innocent act on me, we Genii are aware that you harbor criminals, that you look the other way as long as you get your cut of the action, now tell me you fat cat of the underworld!” 

Jar pondered for a moment and said, “ Sulfur is hiding out in a stone house in the shiair valley, just five miles north of here.” Brahma answered, “ You are coming with, I'm placing you under arrest for harboring criminals, my kingdom will send a governor to rule this city to bring back law and order.” Then he ordered his guard to put Jar on board the ship, and be put in a holding cell, he made of his aids as overseer of the city until a governor can be appointed. Then he boarded the air ship with most of his soldiers, and flew away on his ship toward the location where Jar said where Sulfur was hiding out.  

The huge sky ship hovered over land that wasn't to far away from the stone house, Brahma along with 200 men climbed a hill overlooking the stone house, Brahma noted the sandman creatures guarding the house, and ordered his men to take positions surrounding the house, each man carried crude water balloons type of devices to help to disable the sandman creatures. He sent up a flare signaling his air ship to move in and lend support. He then ordered the attack! Like clock work all of Brahma's troop swooped down and attack the camp. The battle took 90 seconds, the sandmen were turn into mud puddles when the air ship pour down gallons of water on them, the Brahma made his move and stormed in the stone house expecting to see a  damsel in distress, he saw the  Princess Turtledove standing side by side with Sulfur, a sandman creature was also present. 

Braham confronts Sulfur and the now "woked" Princess


Sulfur said just before he used his magic wand to open a portal to escape, “ She is coming with me while my friend here is keeping you busy, she is coming on her own accord.”

Turtledove chimed in, “ It's true I'm leaving with him by my will!”

Brahma sensing she spoke from her mind, asked her, “ You are betraying your father by doing this!” 

She answered, “ I woke now, tell him to deal with it!'

Then she wrapped her arms around Sulfur, and the portal opened out and they vanished through it!

In parting Turtledove, said, “ Tell my father, I no longer go by the name of Turtledove, I'm now Jezebel, now I'm woke, I start a new life!”

The fight with the sandman creature didn't last long, Brahma threw a water balloon and hit the creature with it, and turned the monster into a mud puddle.

The battle was over, the princess left with Sulfur, all Brahma could do at this point to go back home and give a report to his father, and Turtledove's father. 

He gave his report upon returning to the city of  Vallia, her father Moluk. Didn't take the betrayal of his daughter lightly. He said, “ As of now I no longer have a daughter, she would have inherited much upon my death, now it will all go to my son.” King Tea, answered, “Don't loose heart my friend, she might have been brained washed, we'll find Sulfur and put a fast end one day, and bring back your daughter, if that was the case being unduly influenced by Sulfur in promoting  this “Woke” nonsense. “ 

Moluk answered, “ I appreciated your efforts my friend to rescue her, now even you should bring her back she would be treated as an outcast by all the tribes of gypsies.  Thanks again old friend.” Tea answered we'll keep trying nevertheless.”

Then Moluk gave no answer, sadden, he walked out of the palace, and started back home...

To be continued.

The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe, published, and written

by Peter Ripley, (aka Peter Leo on


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