Brahma |
Written by Peter Ripley (aka Peter Leo on IMVU.COM)
Time Frame: The year of Aquarius ( On Terra-Gemini)
He is only known as Sulfur the leader of the sandmen, creatures with sharp claws
Sulfur, the leader of the sandmen |
that can cut a man in two. With a magic wand, Sulfur can summon these monsters who will do his will. A gang of cut throats and killers, and thieves of the desert region of the land known as Gemini, on the planet known as Terra-Gemini. He is about to attempt to kidnap the Princess known as Turtledove, the daughter of the king of the gypsies an nomadic people who wonder the sands of the Gemini desert. Lives in tents, selling trinkets to the big villages which spots the desert. Sulfur is planning to kidnap Turtledove hold her for ransom of a valuable prize, the hour glass of time, if he gets it, he plans to travel in time to many worlds of the digital universe, including our own steal treasure, and live like kings. Only one being can stop him, from a race of blue skin people call the Genii, Brahma the prince of only largest city in the dessert call Vallia. Can stop the sand pirates know as the Sandmen.
Gypsy camp of Moluk King of the gypsies |
It happened one night in a gypsy camp in the desert of Gemini, a green gas was release in the camp, the gas seemed to have a mind of it's own floating tent to tent putting the small tribe of gypsies to sleep, even their king was knocked out, along with the guards, guarding the camp were put out. The only tent not touched by this greed cloud was the tent of the princess, Turtledove. Sulfur entered the tent and confronted her, one of his sandmen came along. She wanted to scream for help, but it did no good, all her people were put into a deep sleep, she said to Sulfur, “ How dare you get out!” Sulfur answered, Good evening your highness, you are coming with us, now or my friend here will begin killing your people in their sleep, starting with your father, I'll leave a note for your father so he can read it in the morning.” She answered, You'll never get away with this, when the Genie hears of this!”
Sulfur kidnaps Turtledove the princess |
Sulfur answered, “ I'm counting on it, now you come!” She had no choice to comply, they left the camp riding on winged horses they flew them away under a two blue moon light.
Moluk the king of the gypsies |
In the morning the camp was awakened to find the princess gone, and the king of the gypsies , Moluk, read the letter, it said, “ We have your daughter if you don't bring the hour glass of time to the valley of shiair in seven days, your daughter will die.”
The King then order, “ Break camp we leave for Vallia immediately.”
The city of Vallia capital of the Genii |
The City of Vallia, the capital of the Genii, Genie Tea, it's ruler. Granted an audience to the king of the Gypsies, Moluk.
Moluk stand before the master genie, called Tea |
Moluk pleaded his case saying, “Oh mighty Genie Tea, please grant me my wish my daughter Turtledove has been taken by Sulfur and his sandmen monsters, and demand the hour glass of time as ransom, which your people have, please my friend, help save my beloved daughter from certain death, and torment.”
The master Genie Tea. |
King Tea answered, “When does this ransom demand is due?”
Moluk answered, “ Within seven days, starting today your Genie.”
King Tea pondered this in his mind, if all of this is take place by the end of the week these bandits must not be to far, and the valley of shiair, is at least a week and a half trip from here, they must have a messenger or something to deliver the answer. He answered his friend saying, “ I'm sorry my brother, we can't honor the request, we can negotiate with terrorist, if we do, it will only encourage other groups to do the same, with larceny on their minds, plus the hour glass of time can never fall into the wrong hands, it would spell disaster for this world.”
Then Tea's son, Brahma interceded and asked Moluk, “ What else did the letter say?”
Moluk answered, “ It said to send up a red flaming rocket in the air, to signal you agree to the terms.” Then Brahma said, “ That means their messenger is close by, my father I sense a traitor in our mist, one who can lead us where the princess is.” Brahma using his telepathic powers, point his finger at the wine tester, and said, there is the traitor, cease him!”
Brahma exposes the traitor in their mist, the wine tester, a Pan. |
Being discovered the wine tester started to flee the palace, but was apprehended by the guards and brought to the king. The king looked down from his flying carpet throne and asked the wine tester, “You been serving me for five years, put my live in your hands, why did you betray me?” The wine tester answered, “ I could have poison your food and drink many times, but I didn't because I thought you would free my people from servitude, my lord Sulfur will free all of us Pans one day, and give us our own homeland.” Pans were members of the sphinx humanoid beings, half man, half beast, in this cast half man, half ram/goats.
The Brahma started to interrogated the prisoner with the jailer who was ready to take the Pan, to the dungeon. With his sword in hand he pointed the tip of his blade at the Pan's throat and said, “ I'll give you a chance to redeem any honor you have left by telling me exactly where is the princess.”
The wine tester answered, with Brahma's blade at his throat, “ Coz! Their at Coz!” Then Brahma ordered to jailer to take the Pan away, and said to his father, “ Coz is about five miles away by our flying carpet father, the city is on the border of the valley of shiair, may I suggest we fly the floating ship there, and find out where the outlaws are exactly at, the Sultan my be more forth coming with a show of our “magic carpet” hovering above their city.” The King Tea gave the order to launch the flying carpet.
The flying carpet of the Genii, a floating air ship. |
The flying carpet was an air ship invented and built by the Genii, so did other species of the world of Terra-Gemini, far advance beyond their time which people were still living in the stone age, however thanks in part of their former masters, the Fifth, who gave these people the knowledge to invent, and build such air craft, however the general public didn't have access to these inventions, only the rulers did. If any average person had got these devices they can rain down flaming rocks with hot tar on people below, or fire off cannon balls down to the ground causing death to millions.
The City of Coz, a member of the Lynx named Jag is the Sultan of the city. |
The Sultan of the city of Coz was a member of the lynx race, of humanoid creatures, part man part beast, in this case a Jaguar cat being named Jar. Jar looked the other way often when outlaws came causing trouble, only if he got his cut of the action. He knew he was in it big, when he saw the Flying Carpet commanded by Brahma hovering over his palace.
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The Sultan of the city of Coz, Jag |
He said to his guards, and associates around him, “ Prepare yourself for anything, we have company dropping in.” Then he thought to himself, “What I would do with a ship like that.”
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Braham confronts Jag. |
A beam of light came down from the bottom of the ship, transporting down Brahma and around 100 men to the surface, smaller hot air balloons with archers floated around the palace, ready to open fire on Jar, and his men if they made any hostile moves. On the upper deck of the craft there were men ready to open fire with their cannons, and catapults with hot tar cover rocks to pound the city into dust. Brahma came up to Jar, and said, “If I have to use my mind reading talents to find out what I want to know, I'll also place in you mind a nightmare, that you won't like, and I'll give the order of my flying carpet crew to turn you sand castle into a sand box which you'll have a mind of a kitten playing in it!” Then he asked the Sultan of Coz, “ Where is Sulfur hiding out, and where is the Princess?
Jar answered, “ I have no idea what is going on here, you come in with your sky ship, issuing threats to my people, and me we did nothing! Now go!”
Brahma answered, “ Don't even try that innocent act on me, we Genii are aware that you harbor criminals, that you look the other way as long as you get your cut of the action, now tell me you fat cat of the underworld!”
Jar pondered for a moment and said, “ Sulfur is hiding out in a stone house in the shiair valley, just five miles north of here.” Brahma answered, “ You are coming with, I'm placing you under arrest for harboring criminals, my kingdom will send a governor to rule this city to bring back law and order.” Then he ordered his guard to put Jar on board the ship, and be put in a holding cell, he made of his aids as overseer of the city until a governor can be appointed. Then he boarded the air ship with most of his soldiers, and flew away on his ship toward the location where Jar said where Sulfur was hiding out.
The huge sky ship hovered over land that wasn't to far away from the stone house, Brahma along with 200 men climbed a hill overlooking the stone house, Brahma noted the sandman creatures guarding the house, and ordered his men to take positions surrounding the house, each man carried crude water balloons type of devices to help to disable the sandman creatures. He sent up a flare signaling his air ship to move in and lend support. He then ordered the attack! Like clock work all of Brahma's troop swooped down and attack the camp. The battle took 90 seconds, the sandmen were turn into mud puddles when the air ship pour down gallons of water on them, the Brahma made his move and stormed in the stone house expecting to see a damsel in distress, he saw the Princess Turtledove standing side by side with Sulfur, a sandman creature was also present.
Braham confronts Sulfur and the now "woked" Princess |
Sulfur said just before he used his magic wand to open a portal to escape, “ She is coming with me while my friend here is keeping you busy, she is coming on her own accord.”
Turtledove chimed in, “ It's true I'm leaving with him by my will!”
Brahma sensing she spoke from her mind, asked her, “ You are betraying your father by doing this!”
She answered, “ I woke now, tell him to deal with it!'
Then she wrapped her arms around Sulfur, and the portal opened out and they vanished through it!
In parting Turtledove, said, “ Tell my father, I no longer go by the name of Turtledove, I'm now Jezebel, now I'm woke, I start a new life!”
The fight with the sandman creature didn't last long, Brahma threw a water balloon and hit the creature with it, and turned the monster into a mud puddle.
The battle was over, the princess left with Sulfur, all Brahma could do at this point to go back home and give a report to his father, and Turtledove's father.
He gave his report upon returning to the city of Vallia, her father Moluk. Didn't take the betrayal of his daughter lightly. He said, “ As of now I no longer have a daughter, she would have inherited much upon my death, now it will all go to my son.” King Tea, answered, “Don't loose heart my friend, she might have been brained washed, we'll find Sulfur and put a fast end one day, and bring back your daughter, if that was the case being unduly influenced by Sulfur in promoting this “Woke” nonsense. “
Moluk answered, “ I appreciated your efforts my friend to rescue her, now even you should bring her back she would be treated as an outcast by all the tribes of gypsies. Thanks again old friend.” Tea answered we'll keep trying nevertheless.”
Then Moluk gave no answer, sadden, he walked out of the palace, and started back home...
To be continued.
The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe, published, and written
by Peter Ripley, (aka Peter Leo on IMVU.com
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