Monday, July 3, 2023

The Black Manta: Consequences


(Part 11 of the Chronicles of the Digital Universe.)

By, Peter Ripley

The City of the digital  gods, Atlantica

Chapter 1: The thirteenth continent of Terra-Gemini.

The thirteenth continent of Terra- Gemini was called Antarctica, but not like the icy continent we have on earth, but in this case on Terra-Gemini it was lush green continent full of life, a virtual garden of Eden on this world.  This was the home of the Digital gods, the immortals of this world, no mortal would dare oppose them, or face them in their battle arenas to challenge them.   

They built a city in the middle of the continent, and called it Atlantica, which was seat of power. If anyone challenged their rule and face them in any of their two floating battle arena fortresses, either in the water, or in the skies, and managed to defeat all of these 12 lords, in a duel to the death, victor will rule the world! But no one dared to even tangle with these beings. But the digital gods, would send out these floating fortresses so Waring nations could handle their disputes, by gladiator form of fighting, sparing blood shed of so many, except for the champions which kings would select to fight in these arenas in their behalf.  

The Black Manta was such a solider, a mercenary for higher to fight in the battle arenas. His friend Hari was also a fighting arena mercenary, he called himself the Blue Phantom, dropping the name of the Blue Knight. There were others “heroes” of the fighting arenas.   These fights became a blood sport where the criminals of society would place bets on the outcome of these matches. 

The Black Manta was still in the palace of Neptune, when an emissary from Poseidon came bringing a message of his king. 

Emissary: “ My lord, king Poseidon understands you opened trade with the land dwellers, particularly with the human king, Torus. This is a clear violation of  the nonaggression act you and my king agreed to, to allow no technological advancements to any beings who dwell on the land, until they can handle the responsibility of it, therefore he challenges you to a duel with the champion of your choice.” 

Chapter 2:  Third party is behind this.

The Black Manta intervene, and said, “ Wait! Let's take a step back before there's even a need to fight, can't you see your two kingdoms are being manipulated into the match, there's a third party in the shadows orchestrating this whole thing from the beginning in the first place starting with initial trade with the humans in the first place! I believe this maneuvering into a fight was the work of Squid! 

King Neptune the 5th

Neptune, still wearing the snake chain of obedience, said, “ Perhaps we should send a message to my brother what has transpired here, maybe he'll back down from this challenge.”  Right after he made those comments the snake necklace wrapped around his throat, and squeezed the life out of him. His son immediately was named new Neptune to rule. He first had his father be prepared for his father's funeral, and wouldn't officially be crowned after 3 days of mourning, he would be the 6th with that title. 

 In the meantime he said to the visiting emissary, “ My father wanted you to go and tell his brother what has happened here, do so, we'll wait for his reply.”

The Black Manta stayed as guess of the new Neptune, while  he waited to see what would be the response from Poseidon. While there he became friends with Tea Cup.

She would find any reason to be close to him, she was growing very fond of him, and him her.  Her brother, the new king saw how she acted when she was present with the Black Manta was around and confronted his sister and said, “ It's not proper for someone of our class consorting with his class, who has no fish tail yet, he is not of our class, stop flirting with him.”

Tea Cup: “ I'll see who I want brother, I seen you at times consorting with guppie females, your one to talk.” We were guppies too once before our tail fins formed, and our positions in society changed  when father became king. So don't be telling me who I can see or not see, stay out of my business brother.” 

Neptune 6: “ I just don't want you to be hurt sister, he's a mercenary he fights in the arenas all over the world, he faces death every time he fights. I just don't want you to be too close to him, I love you sister, and want the best for you, like our father would.”  

Tea Cup: “ Thanks for your concern but I'll follow my heart, not logic.” 

Tea Cup, and the Black Manta meeting at their 
romantic  ronde view

Then she swam out of the palace to a secret meeting place, where she would meet with the Black Manta.

She left him a note to meet her there before she left, he came and embarrassed her.

She melted in his arms, and drew closer, looked up in his eyes, and gave him a passionate kiss. She looked into his eyes, which intoxicated her, and said, “ My brother tells me not to see you anymore.” 

The Black Manta: “ Maybe you shouldn't see me no more, and your brother is right.” 

Tea Cup: “ What? Why should we stop? I cherish the time we have together, the risk means nothing to me, all I know whats in my heart, and how I feel, nothing else matters.” 

The Black Manta: “ He's just trying to spare you from a broken heart.”

Tea Cup: “ I would be just as broken heart-ted either way, losing your love and affections, or lose you in a fighting arena. I rather be with in love and happy.” 

Then, Black Manta said no more he simply drew her close, and kissed her passionately and started to caress her. They mated with each other all through the night with the sounds of whales singing their songs.

Two days later word came from Poseidon, he wasn't buying Neptune's excuse, and challenged Neptune to a duel with the champion of his choice. Naturally he picked the Black Manta.  This made Tea Cup worry, but she didn't show her worries to anyone. 

Meanwhile in the city of Poseidon...

King Poseidon the 9th was approached by an associate of  Squid, offering him a champion to fight against the Black Manta...

Croc, Squid's henchman

Croc: “We have someone who is willing to fight on your behalf great king.”

King Poseidon

Poseidon: “ Who would that be, and how much will it cost me to hire him?”

Croc: “ It's not a who, but what, its an Ice Demon of the north pole, his bother was killed by Black Manta, and he wants to revenge his death.”

Poseidon: “ Black Manta killed his brother, what makes you sure that he won't kill this Ice demon's bother too?”

Croc: “ That was pure luck, he killed the Ice Demon with a heating source, and made him melt into a pool of water. But this time there will be no heating source for Black Manta to use, plus he's vulnerable now, he's taken a mate we been told.”

Poseidon: “ Who's the mermaid?” 

Croc: 'King Neptune's own sister!”

Poseidon: “ Interesting, this poses some possibilities. Your Ice Demon is hired, at the standard price of 10,000 black pearls. Go make the arrangements.” 

Croc: “ Very well sire.”

Then Croc left the king's presents. 

Chapter 3:  The floating fortress of Triton.

The floating fortress of Triton

The floating fortresses of Triton was a sailing water fortress fighting arena, commanded by one of the digital lords, Triton the underwater water immortal, he sails his water fortress from the land of Antarctica, to water conflicts, under the water or above. It was on this occasion of a possible duel between the two underwater kingdoms the fortress was sent, in case the two warring parties couldn't come up with a peaceful resolution over the matter of trading of advance technologies to the land dwellers. In an attempt to avoid a duel, king Poseidon sent an emissary with new offer of peace...

Poseidon Emissary: “ My king offers you a way out of  a duel between him, and you, he offer's his hand in marriage to your sister Tea Cup, to avoid any blood shed, and promise from you that you will not grant any further trading to the humans unless he approves.” 

Tea cup heard what was being proposed, and spoke up saying, “ That will be cold day in the underworld before I agree to an absurd proposal like that!”

Neptune then spoke up addressing the Emissary saying, “ Well you know my sister's opinion on that issue, I have to agree with her, I won't have her go marry someone she doesn't love, and it's not any of your kings business who I trade with, go tell him the Black Manta will meet his champion in the ring of the Floating Fortress of Triton.”

Then the emissary left the presents of King Neptune, to deliver the message, a representative of the Kingdom of the Digital Lords were present, and was told by Neptune to make the arrangements for the floating battle arena to come in the boarder of the two oceans for a duel.  

That evening Tea Cup's brother Neptune could hear his sister weeping in her bed chamber over the thought of possibility loosing her true love in a gladiator arena fight. 

It took a week for the two parties to meet the floating fortress of Triton which was in the middle of the boarder of the two oceans of Poseidon, and Neptune. Both fighters, along with the kings, and family members were among the spectators which boarded the huge floating barge some were already placing bets, among them Squid himself made his appearance, surrounded by his thugs.  

Squid the crime boss of the sea.

The Black Manta saw the squid like creature and approached him saying, “ So you're Squid, if anyone should be fighting me it should be me, one, on one, but you have to hide behind a dumb beast! Having it fight your fights, and using this conflict of these two kingdoms to advance your agenda. You're a coward!” 

Squid: “ Why not kill two guppies with one stone I figured, you for one, and make some money in the process, this fight will accomplish both I think, you should see the wagers that are against you swimming out of this arena alive.” 

Smiling as he said it. That boiled the blood inside of the Black Manta who wanted to slug the tentacle beast. But his guards prevented the Black Manta in making any move to take a swing at Squid.  He said to Squid, “One day it will be just you and me.”  

Then the Black Manta took his corner of the fighting arena, by the King of Neptune, and Tea Cup. The Triton stood in the middle of the arena and announce the duel.

Digital overlord Triton
Triton: “There is a duel between the kingdoms of Poseidon and Neptune over trading issues. If Poseidon wins he'll be granted sovereignty over Neptune's trading practices, and stop further trade with the humans, if Neptune wins he'll be free to pursue any trade without further interference from Poseidon, all agree?” 

Both sides agreed to the terms, then Triton said, “ By the powers of the digital lords let it be so, let the fight begin. Ten percent of proceeds from betting, or bounty fees will be charged, for the upkeep of this ship.”

Just before the fight was to begin, Tea Cup panicked and in the state of panic blurred out, “ Stop! I'll agree to marry Poseidon if it will stop this fight!

Her brother took her aside, and the Black Manta now in the center of the arena facing his opponent. Neptune said, “ It's to late for that, I won't have my sister become Poseidon's whore!” Then he waved at Triton to continue the fight. 

The Black Manta fights another ice demon.

The two fighters met in the center of the ring, and the Ice demon said, “ Prepare to die fish, this is for my brother, you killed, as you can see there's now fire for you to use.” 

Black Manta: “ Enough talk you chuck of ice, let's do this!”

Then the fight began, the Black Manta danced around the ice monster to wear it down he started taunting  the ice monster, in doing so causing the creature to melt, due to Black Manta causing the creature to sweat from all that movement. Then Black Manta noticed a torch on one of the walls of the fortress which was still lite, he made a move to grab it from the wall, and struck the ice creature's knees, causing the beast to fall, and with a quick action finished the chuck of ice, by driving his spear through the beast head, killing it, making the creature to melt into a pool of water.

The Triton stood up from his throne, we have a winner, The Black Manta of the kingdom of Neptune. Poseidon is responsible for any reparations to King Neptune.

After the fight Squid came to the Black Manta and said, “ Lucky win I'd say, if you were to meet the Ice monster in his environment, he'd squash you like a bug.”

The Black Manta: “ Perhaps, but I fight my own battles, I don't fight  my opponents through third party interests, such as you.”

Squid gave him a evil grin and said, “ Next time guppie.” Then he walked away, with his thugs trailing behind him, then they dove into the sea from the ship and swam away. 

King Neptune approached Back Manta, and handed him is bounty, a sack of black pearls, and said, “ Thank you, it looks we can freely trade with the land dwellers without any interference from Poseidon. Then he left Black Manta, and his sister Tea Cup standing in the middle of the fighting ring. She examined him and saw he was wounded in his arm, she looked into his eyes, and kissed him and said, “ You're hurt.” Black Manta, said, “ It while be alright, I been injured worse before, just a few days, in the ship's infirmary on our way back to Neptune City, it will be good as new.” She looked in his eyes, and tears appeared in hers, she said, “ I'm so sorry in a moment of desperation I tried to stop the fight, I couldn't bear it if you died.”

Black Manta answered, “ That's the reason why I live alone, and do this job, it's part of the consequences we pay for living on a world where wars are fought in a fighting arena, and the need for people like me.” 

She then said, “ I know, I thought I could handle all that, but now I see when it came right down to it, I couldn't. I hope we can still be friends.”

Black Manta, “ I understand, of course we can still be friends.”

She gave him a final kiss, and they both headed to the ships infirmity, she stayed by his bed side until the ship sailed above the waters to where the city of Neptune was, then the royal family dove off the ship, along with their guard, and Black Manta along to the Palace of Neptune deep down in the bottom of the Ocean of Neptune.

The Blue sees a disturbing vision, Terra-Gemini's
history is about to change! 

Meanwhile, in the land of Gemini the Blue Phantom sitting in his tent saw a vision, the world of Terra-Gemini's history was about to be rewritten, by a unknown dark force!...

To be continued!   

The Night Owl Comics is a publication of the
Written and published by, Peter Ripley

Music Video:

Whale Paradise 4K - 1HR Underwater Ambient Nature Relaxation™ Film + Music for Stress Relief, Sleep

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