By Peter Ripley
Part of the digital universe series
Part 1: Super Warriors
Chapter 1: Ancient Earth is paid a visit by the Fifth.
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A alien space ships probes Ancient Earth for Life signs |
One huge Pentagon shaped space craft entered the Earth solar system, before recorded history.
The Fifth a blue skin alien creatures with snakes growing out of their heads, much like the Medusa, could change shape at will, appearing like any gods, or any that was needed. Their aim was to harvest primitive peoples, from other worlds for a slave race. They enjoyed enslaving these peoples to fight in battle arenas against each other, they counted these poor souls as cattle. The Fifth Ship hoovered over the continent of Africa, scanning for intelligent life forms. They picked up two tribes of human lifeforms, Homosapien, and a subhuman race Neanderthals', two primitive human tribes, descents of the giants who walked the earth, totaling 8,000 primitive humans.
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Zeus before he was "improved" by the aliens |
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Zeus after the alien's "improvements" |
The aliens observed from their scans these two species fought one another, prime specimens for their needs. So, the ship took these two tribes aboard their ship using a beam of light that transported them, along with animals. Then they flew into space, away from Earth's solar system, and opened a Data Portal, and went into the data stream into the Digital Universe. The aliens sedated the humans, and put them in pods, to suspend them, while they started their experiments on them. The commander the Fifth ship named Four, entered the laboratory where alien creatures were ready to begin.
Commander Four spoke to one of the scientist, “ You ready to begin?” These scientist were from another race of aliens, which were hired out by the Fifth. The scientist answered, “ Yes commander, we are prepared to add evolutionary enhancements to them through generic engendering making their life spans longer, more intelligent, agile, and stronger than there are now. They'll be the perfect super warrior!
Four: “ Don't give them to much super powers, they may use these powers against us!”
Scientist: “ I don't think we need to worry, their just dumb brutes.”
Four: “ How long will all these generic improvements will take?”
Scientist: “ Oh, they should be done by the time we reach Gaia 1.”
8, 000 people, men, women, and children were experimented on, while on the Fifth space craft. They were only released from their slumber chambers only to be put in a transformation chamber tube which gave them these “improvements”.
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Jupiter before the alien evolutionary improvements |
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Jupiter after the "improvements" |
While they left the humans alone, a little green alien, who was also their captive a creature called a Trailudite. Would often escape his quarters and sneak through the ship's air ducks, and sneak into the lab undetected by the ship's security monitors, because he had the ability to hide in plan view like a chameleon would do change colors, and shapes to hide in plain view. He would sneak in and aid these humans by singing to them, giving them comfort, and giving them hope and faith of their creator God, that He is with them, something the other aliens didn't count on, that these humans believed in a divine being.
He helped them so maybe they will help him escape the clutches of the Fifth, and their allies. He'd come in and using his telepathic powers would be able to communicate to all 8,000 souls at once, while they were in their slumber chambers, saying, “ Don't worry humans, my name is Benii, I want to help you to overwhelm these aliens keeping you captive, against your will, when we reach our destination, they'll release you from their ship, and leave you on this world called Gaia 1, they'll maroon you on this world, to let you continue to evolve into these super warriors, and leave you there, until you are ready to fight for them in their conflicts for them, in their reality.
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The little green Trailudite called Benii. |
At least that's the plan, but with my help I'll give you abilities that will help you defeat your captures, and you'll gain freedom on this new world. All I ask you liberate me from their captivity in return.” He could sense that these primitive peoples understood him, and accepted his offer. From these experiments that the Fifth was doing, they developed a language, and even their appearance changed from what they were back in their reality, on another version of Earth.
On an occasion when Benii came visiting the humans trapped in the slumber chamber, using his telepathy he communicate with the chief of the Sapiens tribe, Zeus, he proposed an alternative plan, he communicated to Benii if he could find a way and release his people from the chambers they can attack the crew of the ship, and take it over. He gave Benii his thoughts, that his people as well as the Neander's were suffering and needed to escape, or they'll parish. Benii agreed, and worked on getting the access codes that would unlock the slumber chambers. He hid within the walls of the laboratory, and waited until the scientist came, in to open a slumber chamber, of a female, to put her in the transformation tube, to improve on the woman's development. When they opened the slumber chamber to get her, Benii saw the code they entered into the panel of the slumber chamber, he then transmitted the code to all of the chambers, and they all opened up releasing their captives!
Four sent guards to subdue the captives, but they were quickly overwhelmed before any measures the aliens could use to stop them. Zeus, and Jupiter the two chiefs of the two human tribes, fought along aside each other against the crew of the ship. They won the fight, and placed the crew into the slumber chambers. Four gave Zeus a glare before he went to sleep as to say, “ This isn't over.”
With help from the automated piloting system, Benii piloted the space ship into the Gaia star system.
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An alien scientist overlooks his subject inside the slumber chamber |
Chapter 2: Gaia 1
The Gaia star system has two stars, with twelve planets orbiting the two stars each. A total of 24 planets in this system, which separated by one light year apart. Star known as Alpha had twelve planets, and the other star, Beta had 12 planets. Each of these solar systems had planets, and moons orbiting gas giants, and ice planets which could sustain life of some kind. The two solar star system had two water worlds, in each of the 12 planet orbiting the two stars, Neptune, and Uranus. Not like our two worlds with the same names, these worlds were huge ocean planets, each with one continent on them.
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The planet Gaia-1 |
These water worlds where the majority of the aqua people lived, each ruled by tyrants which in league with the Fifth, these people were longing for the day for a champion would come and liberate them.
Gaia 1 was the third planet of the star Alpha, it was an earth like planet, which had two moons orbiting it, from space it was twice as large as Earth, with oceans, and 13 continents, enough land for everyone, and more so.
The humans on board the ship as it approached could have mistaken it for Earth, but with the two moons they realized this world which they were about to land on was different. Benii landed the huge ship on the thirteenth continent which was on the equator of the planet, which served as a natural border between the west, and eastern hemispheres of the planet. They didn't know it when they landed, that this world had animal lifeforms like earth, but some were mythical like the winged Pegasus, and flying fire breathing dragons. Their were other humanoid life forms as well half man, half animal life forms called the Lynx, and the Sphinx. There were humanoid life forms called the Aquas, who can dwelt in both water, and land. Then their were the monsters like The Medusa, Dragoons, Sand people, along a variety of monsters. Obliviously these lifeforms were brought to this world by the Fifth to breed warriors to fight their wars for them.
The thirteen continents of this world were: Mt. Olympus, Libra, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Torus, Pieces, Leo, Scorpio, and Cancer. Some of these were islands that were in seas near by main larger continents. Each had humanoid life forms besides any humans happened to migrate in those territories.
The ship landed near ocean shore of the eastern ocean, which was called Triton, the other ocean in the western hemisphere was named Ceres. Making good on his promise, Benii after being freed from his captures granted the twelve leading lords three wishes, which were: Powers to conquer their enemies, the ability to lead their people in peace, and have their own lands to rule.
Benii, smiled and magically created twelve amulets for the 12 lords to ware, each giving them super powers to fight against their enemies. He made two of the lords the ability to live under the water, and dwell on land, like the aquatics, and were given the names, Poseidon, and Neptune, gills formed on their necks so they can swim under the seas.
The other lords were handed small pyramid shaped devices, which gave them the power to transport to anywhere on the planet, at will. He then asked Zeus what he wanted to do with the crew of the Fifth ship. He said, “ Spare their lives, make them forget this world, and us, and make them take their ship away from here and never return.”
This pleased Benii that these humans showed compassion even those who would not show it for them. Benii using his telepathic powers turned on the automated system of the ship, and launched it into cyberspace, a data stream opened up, and the ship vanished, in the stream, like the crews memory of the humans, and their new home Gaia 1.
Each of the lords, activated their devices, opening up portals, which they entered, and where deposited to the 12 continents, leaving Zeus and his clan on the thirteenth continent, which he called Mount Olympus, after the city he built.
Benii said after all was done, “ I thank you for helping me Zeus, may your people succeed on this world, I'll leave you to it, I must go back to my world, and reality. From time to time I may drop in and see how you are doing.” Zeus answered, “ Thank you for helping us escape, and bringing us here, can we ever go back?”
Benii: “No, to do so would damage the time line and cause a disaster, if you were to go back to earth now, it might not be the one you been taken from.” Then he pick up a rock and made it into a device to signal help if needed. He handed it to Zeus and said, “ Push that blue gem on the top of this stone, it will send me a message.” Then he opened a portal, and step through it, and vanished. After he left their memories faded in time forgetting their life on Earth, until Gaia 1 became their home, a parting gift from Benii.
Zeus the chief of his clan called “The Black Bear clan” had his clan begin building a settlement which included a log wooden house for him, and his wife to live in, and grass huts here built for the rest of his clan.
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Commander Four of the Fifth |
Meanwhile in the deep recesses of cyberspace, the aliens woken up from their slumber chambers and took control of their ship, they couldn't remember off hand what happened to them, but the onboard computer had an encrypted data base, which was impervious to hacking, they saw the data file, and the Commander of the ship, Four ordered their ship back to Gaia 1. Swearing he reconquer that world, and make slaves it's inhabitants. He wasn't going to make the mistake on a full invasion of the planet, he flew his ship to a uncharted region of the eastern continents, and landed his ship on the northern lands called Scorpio. From there he'd use willing humanoid beings to do his bidding, like the Medusa for example. Four then made his ship into a fortress on land, making it to appear a mountain with caves, and mazes. He said to himself, “ I'll fight these peasants one at a time if I have to regain control!”
Back at Mt. Olympus, Zeus, whose full name was Xor, Zeus started building a new culture for his clan, laws for his clansmen to follow, and established the tradition of using gladiator style of warfare between of handling disputes from foes of the state, when peace negotiations broke between his clan, and their foes.
They measured time, years, and ages by the Zodiac- tic calendar.
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Aliens transforming one of their own into a cyclops giant |
Chapter 3: The Age of Aquarius ( A new Dawn)
The winter snows blanket the mountains, and valley there their encampment was by the coastal shores of Poseidon, a new world, in a digital universe, they could barely understand. After a 2,000 year old conflict with the Neander's, his clan was at peace in their own lands, while the Neander's were on their lands starting their way of life, on other lands across the ocean. Zeus would wonder at times how is counterpart Bor Jupiter was fairing.
His main focus was his people and their survival on this strange world. He was slowly forgetting Earth, and his life there, and remembered their gods they worshiped, giants who took on the names of false gods, like Zeus, Jupiter, Apollo, Hermes, Thor, among others. But, something within him, knew these gods were false, something was awakening inside of him that there was an all powerful God above those who posed as gods. He knew the difference between good and evil, not like his counterparts, who were now thousands of miles away across an ocean. While these thoughts were just sparks of light within him, he went about his business of going with hunting parties to hunt for game. Now that he had “super” abilities, he wasn't going to let that go to his head, he understood with such powers goes responsibilities.
One day while out hunting for game alone, he killed a deer, then suddenly appeared a woolly troll, the beast was bigger than he was, and was about to steal his prized deer meat, he began to fight the beast for the kill, he raised his spear ready to jab the beast in the chest, when suddenly a bolt of lighting came out from his finger tips, and traveled through the shaft of the spear, and struck the beast in the chest, making the troll run away. He could have easily chased down the troll and finished him off, but he relented, and picked up the dead deer he killed and brought it back to camp for his people. He passed the test of being responsible of his special powers, that day, on another occasion, while fishing along the shore line he heard the cries for help, he investigated.
He saw a female aquatic trapped on a rock being attacked by a giant octopus, Zeus acted fast, he aimed his spear at the sea monster, and again bolts of lightening came out from his finger tips, and made the huge octopus leave the female Aquatic alone.
She thanked him saying, Thank you kind sir, for showing compassion in rescuing me, for a moment I thought I was done for, my name is Tee, of the aquatics I'll tell my people of your kindness. All I can do is offer you this blue pearl, as a token of my thanks, and friendship.”
Zeus accepted the pearl, and said, “ No problem, I just happened to be near by fortunately, but you keep this pearl.” She answered, “ I insist you take it, it will be a symbol between my people, and yours of friendship. Then she dove back into the water and swam away. He didn't realize it, but the blue pearl had magical powers which would bring him unending fortunes for his family, and people.
Chapter 4: Foothold.
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Commander Four sends out the newly created Cyclops Giant named Blog. |
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The Cyclops named Blog |
In the lair of the Fifth, a giant subject inside the alien transformation chamber was being formed inside it, one of the blue alien minions of the fifth was being transformed into a giant cyclops, sacrificing himself to under go this transformation into another life form. The commander Four came to the laboratory where this was being done and asked, “Is he ready yet?”
One of the blue alien scientist answered, “ He's about to emerge from the transformation tube,” There was a green glow of light inside the tube, and the chamber opened, there standing before them this giant one eyed humanoid creature, standing close to 12 feet tall! The blue alien who stood about 4 ft tall before entering the Transformation chamber, now was a giant with just one eye, white color skin, and strength to knock down walls! Four looked at the new lifeform standing before him and said, “ You're sacrifice will not be in vain, your name will be Blog, and you'll go to the land known as Mt. Olympus, there you'll establish a foot hold there after you take the place of the current leader of the cyclops that is currently ruling there, after that you'll defeat Xor Zeus, and return his people to slavery!
Blog answered, “ Yes my lord Four.” Lord Four then handed him the snake like creature necklaces, and said, “ You'll use these collars of obedience on your subjects, then on the humans when their enslaved again, now you put one of those on you.” Without questioning the reason why he should wear one of the necklaces he put the snakelike creature on his neck. The creature seem to bond itself around his throat merge with his muscles, and throat tissues. Then Four gave Blog the hammer of summons, he said, “ This hammer when you hit ground with it, will summons giant creatures at your command to help you fight your foe.”
He also said, “ I'm sending you to that land by portal, you'll appear there as though you're a god, exploit that. Now report to me when you regain control of the humans there.”
Then Blog answered, “ Your wish is my command.” With an hand held device shaped like a orb given to him by Four, a portal opened up, and Blog entered it, and vanished. He reappeared in a jungle, amid a circle of carved shape stones, with a large wooden statue, not to far away stood a large pyramid in a near by field.
He started to approached the pyramid when suddenly he was surrounded by giant cyclops, then their leader emerged from the pyramid, and said, “ Who dares to enter my realm!?”
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Blog's summoned giant, fights giant cyclops |
Blog answered, “ My name is Blog, I come here to take command on the behalf of the Fifth to fight against the humans who live on this land.” The leader of the cyclops answered, “ My name is Borg, I have no love for these humans, or for your master, I am absolute ruler of my domain, I don't share rule with anyone! Now you die!” Blog answered, “ I should have known better trying to reason with a creature like you. So be it, a duel to the death, between my champion, and you!”
Borg answered, “ What champion, I only see you!?”
Then Blog struck the ground with his hammer then appeared four giants ready to fight the other cyclops if necessary, then Blog said, “Now will you obey the will of the Fifth or does this gets ugly which doesn't need to be, we have the same enemy why not unite and fight together, against them?” Borg looked around the giant creatures that Blog summoned and said, “ I see your point, we'll concede to your command.” The Blog ordered all the cyclops to wear the necklace of obedience, and assumed reign over their kingdom. With the first part of his mission completed of gaining control of the cyclops. He pondered how to engage the humans ruled by Xor Zeus.
Meanwhile, across the ocean of Triton, on the Island known as Aries in the sea of Pieces, which the continent of Scorpio was the mainland, Bor Jupiter appeared on Aries with his neander, tribe of 2,000. Before leaving the planet Benii the Trailudite gave super powers, and weapons to fight the Fifth if needed too. The bone which Bor Jupiter carried became something more than just a blunt instrument to beat over the head of his opponent, thanks to Benii it also became a weapon that shot balls of fire, and when he struck the ground with it, it would summon giant creatures which would do his bidding. Benii also gave a ring to wear which would give him the ability to vanish. Each tribe of both human kinds were divided and leaders chosen to they can rule their own lands on the planet. Each tribe and it's leader would have their own stories to tell in their struggle against the forces of the Fifth.
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Jupiter romances with Artemis who's posing as a beautiful woman |
On the island of Aries which was shaped like a ram's head, a strange woman appeared to Bor Jupiter, She called herself Artemis, she appeared as a beautiful Neander female, but in reality she was a Medusa queen. Sent by the Fifth Lord, Four to seduce Bor Jupiter to return to the land known as Mt. Olympus to defeat his long time enemy, Xor Zeus. This plan was set in motion in case Blog failed his mission. Something about the human enhancements given them prevented a serpent chain neck collar to be infused on Bor Jupiter's neck, so the Medusa queen posing as this attractive woman, had to sweet talk him into agreeing to attack Xor Zeus. In the troughs of passion between them, Bor had no clue the woman in his arms was a Medusa queen, who ended up mothering his offspring! This wasn't anticipated, or plan but months after Artemis gave birth, the child was a hybrid human with Medusa features, a Medusa male drone, first of many drones she would produce on her own, by laying eggs in her maze hide out. Not wanting to let Bor Jupiter know he produced a son by her, she gave birth to the offspring in her own lair, and let her servants cared for it, while she continued to charm Bor, Jupiter into launching an attack on Mt. Olympus by sea. Bor Jupiter began building longboat sailing ships to invade Zeus's kingdom.
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Zeus summoned a giant titian to fight Blog's giant |
Chapter 5: Zeus V Blog!
Back at Mt. Olympus, Blog came to the long house of Xor Zeus he came riding on a mammoth, along with five giant cyclops, he pounded on the door of the house, demanding to speak with Zeus, his warriors were taking positions around the house, with their bows and arrows, and spears to attack the giant cyclops known as Blog. Zeus came out of the house, he had his wife and children hide in the cellar while he went out to talk with the giant. He looked around and saw his warriors surrounding the intruders, then asked, “ What brings you to my home?” Blog answered, “ I come here as a representative of the Fifth, if you dwell on this land, then you are subjects to the Fifth, you'll serve us!”
Xor Zeus said, “ The Fifth, I thought you were sent away from this place, with your memory of us erased? “
Chuckling Blog Said, “ You actually think with our technology, we would allow some Trailudite, steel our secrets, and not have the means to have backup information?”
He went on to say, “ You are now under our control, each of you will be required to wear these snake chain necklaces, of obedience, if you resist you'll be all killed, have your warriors to drop their weapons now!”
Xor Zeus: “ We live, and die free!”
Then the fight began, using the blue pearl given to him by the mermaid, the pearl glowed momentarily, and five Titian Giants appeared, and fought against the giant cyclops, while Xor Zeus, and Blog fought each other. Zeus warriors also join in the fight against the giant cyclops.
Xor Zeus using his spear to channel lightening bolts to hit Blog, making the giant become weak enough to make the killer strike. He looked up on the hillside overlooking the battle, and saw Bor Jupiter with his army sitting there watching the fight. Xor struck the the giant, and dropped him dead, the rest of the battle was with the other cyclops giants that remained, that's when Bor Jupiter, and his warriors joined in the fight, against Zeus!
One of Jupiter's warriors named Orion, picked up the hammer of Blog and began using it, when he struck the ground with it, the hammer summoned giants, this time however, the giants turned and fought against the Cyclops. He saw this happening, and told Jupiter during the heat of battle to stop fighting against Zeus, fight the Cyclops instead, Jupiter shouted at him saying,” What are you talking about!? Orion answered, “ Trust me sir just focus on the cyclops”
Jupiter using his bone club shot out some flames of blue fire and struck the cyclops instead of Zeus and his army. Fighting side to side both Zeus, and Jupiter used there combined powers to drive away the giant cyclops, they all celebrated the victory.
Jupiter came to Orion and said, “ You have a lot of explaining to do solider.”
Both Jupiter, and Zeus entered the longhouse to talk, along with Orion.
Chapter 6: Alliance
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Orion |
Jupiter asked Orion, “ Alright warrior explain your self.” Xor was standing listening in, while his family emerged from the cellar, his wife named Athena began cooking a meal for all to share. Orion answered Jupiter, “ It came to me suddenly when I picked up this hammer, I felt the presents somehow that what we were fighting wasn't just a bunch of giant cyclops, they seem to me of being organized, and manipulated by the Fifth some how, maybe by me just handling with weapon brought this to light, or maybe it was from another source that at work during the battle.” Zeus showed the blue pearl he was using, glowed blue when it was handed to Jupiter to see, and the pearl showed an image of the true nature of the woman called Artemis, as a snake like creature she truly was, the one he spent mating with it! He also saw from the pearl images of the Fifth aliens behind it all!
He felt both sick, and betrayed when this was revealed to him. Then he asked Zeus, “ How can we fight these aliens and drive them from our world, once and for all? Zeus answered, by forming an alliance, with not just among we humans, but will all the peoples of this world who are slaves of the Fifth, to defeat them completely, one battle at a time.”
After they ate the meal which was prepared for them, both Sapiens, and Neanders became allies that day, which would be remembered as the day of Aquarius of peace. The following day they marched toward the jungle region of Mt. Olympus of the kingdom of the Cyclops, they got there, found a large Pyramid with large stones in a circle in the middle of the forest, there they saw dead bodies of the cyclops giants, apparently the snake chain necklaces they were wearing choke the live out of the giant army, leaving only older cyclops, and their females, and children who weren't wearing the necklaces alive. They were cremating the remains of those who died.
Zeus offered his help to the village elder, and both tribes of humans assisted them the best they could. The elder of the village thanked Zeus for his help, and offered his help in fighting the Fifth also. That day forward, the cyclops who lived on Mt. Olympus became allies with Zeus and his people. Bor Jupiter started to head back to his island kingdom, a few says after the events took placed, as he was starting to board his ship, Xor Zeus came to him and said, “ I'm coming with you, along with my men, since were allies now, seems fair that we back you up.” Bor Jupiter welcomed Xor, and his men to come along, and help expose Artemis, and destroy her.
On board the ship sailing for Ram Head island, Xor admired the belt that Orion was wearing it was gold, with three jewels, he asked Orion, “ Where you get that belt?” Orion answered, “ It was given to me by our mutual friend, Benii, he said as long as I wear this belt it will give me the ability to leap high cliffs, and jump off them gently back to the ground, also gives me powers to increase my strength when needed, only I can wear it, if anyone puts it on, it will make crush the one wearing it. Benii also said that one day it will lead me to a new homeland.”
Chapter 7: Defeat of Artemis.
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Meeting of the minds planning to defeat Artemis |
Meanwhile back on Ram Head Island the Medusa Queen Artemis had been busy while Bor Jupiter been away, not expecting him to return she enslaved his wife and children, and drove them out of their long house home. She set about taking over the clan as their new ruler, not revealing her true self, she convinced everyone including Bor's wife, this was the will of Bor Jupiter. She secretly made a clone of her self, and had it stay in the underground maze, she had the Neander slaves to tunnel through the mountain caves. She had her offspring the male drones overseers of the slaves digging in the mountains, not only building this maze of tunnels, but also mine for precious gems. Making her a rich Medusa Queen. Cut of the treasure would go to the Fifth Commander, Four.
They were heading east across the ocean of Triton, when they heard this telepathic cry for help in their heads, Jupiter ordered the ships sailing with him to follow. They came to an uncharted island in the middle of no where, they saw a ship wreck on the island, with a lone blue skin humanoid standing near a bonfire signaling for any ship that may pass by. He was glad to see the sailing long ships coming to his rescue. His name was Brahma, he greeted his rescuers saying, “ Thank the gods, I've been here for months, hoping someone would come along and take me from this island. My people is called the Genii, we live in the dessert region of Gemini. We can read minds, as reveal the true nature of beings who can change shapes like the Medusa, this third eye on our foreheads allow us to see in a persons soul.
Xor Zeus asked, “If you are from a dessert, why are you here in the middle of an ocean?
Brahma answered, Well that ship was a merchant ship sailing home from a far off land in the west, carrying spices, and treasures, the captain of the ship hired me from the Port of Trinity, a coastal town on the shores of land of Aquarius, we were heading back home when suddenly a great serpent rose up from the waves, and threw us up in the sky, and we crashed on the rocks of this island, only I survived to tell the tale.” Bor Jupiter, not sure to believe the Genii or not, offered the Genii safe passage to his home land provided he help them fight the Medusa Queen known as Artemis. Brahma agreed, left the island gladly.
They reached Ram Head Island, and beached their long boats on the shore where they could not be seen. Then both armies marched toward Jupiter had his village, they surrounded the village in the woods surrounding it, they saw villagers being transported in wagons toward the mountain, Jupiter saw his wife being abused by medusa male drones, and he saw her being loaded in one of the wagons heading to the near by mountain, his anger boiled inside of him as he watched, he was ready to attack right then and there, but Xor Zeus said, Hold on let's send a scout to see where those wagons are going, then that way we can follow them, to the place their going, then make our move.”
They scent scout, it was Orion who went to find out where they we going to. He used his belt to hover above the trees and in the sky above, fallowing the wagon train. He saw where they went, then like a bolt of lighting, bolted back to the others to give his report. Then the army was divided one of the armies would attack the village, and liberate it, while the other half would attack the mountain cave maze. Jupiter and his warriors would recapture the village, while Zeus, Orion, Brahma along with eight hundred troops attack the mountain fortress of the Medusa Queen. Jupiter lead the charge first to liberate the village, while Zeus marched, and attack the cave. Zeus managed to fight through the maze of tunnels, along with Orion, and Brahma and made it to the Queen's Chamber. She made herself appear as Jupiter's wife, then Brahma using his telepathic powers made her reveal true nature, he said to Zeus, “ Quickly behead her, then her spell will be destroyed!” Zeus took his spear and with one swing beheaded the Medusa queen. Then a chain reaction occurred all the male drones on the island turned to stone, and crumbled to dust, the clone queen make her escape through a portal back to the lair of Four the commander of the Fifth, while her nest of eggs were destroyed.
Then they freed the slaves that were digging in the caves, by mistake they discovered a red ore which would set the course of their future, it was red gunpowder, stronger more explosive then our version of gun powder. They didn't realize it at the time, but on day this powered would lead to better weapons than they have now. They returned to the village, in triumph, the battle at the village was won, when the male medusa drones all crumbled into dust. Jupiter's wife Venus was reunited with her husband, and four children. They had a large feast afterward to celebrate their victory. Three days later Zeus started back home with some ships that Jupiter gave him, as a jester of good will, and thanks for helping him. Brahma also left with Zeus, then they sailed away heading back to Mt. Olympus.
Along the way, Zeus stopped at the Port of Trinity to pick up supplies, and say farewell to Brahma, in parting Brahma said, “ Have a save journey home Xor, do you have any wishes on your mind?”
Zeus answered, “ I wish that my friends, Orion, and Jupiter will have prosperity, and will rule their kingdoms well, be part of a alliance that will last for generations to come, not just between we humans, but all of this world.”
Brahma smiled and said, “Granted, and you'll be the leader of this alliance, and rule it wisely.” Then Brahma unrolled the carpet he'd been carrying on him, and it floated up in the air when he sat down on it, saying, “ My flying carpet will take me home now since I'm back on land, good luck I'll tell my people about you.” Zeus watched as the flying carpet flew away with Brahma on it.
Then he boarded his ship and sailed back home. They made it back home and the people celebrated their return. Zeus knew in his heart this struggle against their would be masters wasn't over, he had to find other allies willing to fight the fifth and drive them off this world. How was going to do that? He thought to himself, that meant traveling to distant lands across oceans, and hidden dangers.
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Kore the Supreme leader of the Fifth |
Chapter 8: Traitor in the Fifth ranks
On the home world of the Fifth, a green planet orbiting a red dwarf star, the supreme leader named Kore of the Fifth, was in the war room of his palace with his generals. Looking over some key losses, on planets they held, their warriors kept being defeated in the fighting arenas, this gave Kore cause to worry, if key star systems began to gain freedom form their control, he knew his kingdom would fall, and hearing that the Gaia star system was experiencing rebellion, and nothing yet has been done about it, by those in command in their sectors, Kore sent a messenger to Four who had been late in sending any progress report, for all he knew the ship that Four was commanding had been destroyed, lost, or an all out occurred. He knew of the last communication they had was over several months ago, putting the ship in the Gaia star system.
A small saucer space ship entered the Gaia star system from a data portal, inside the craft was the messenger sent by Kore, the alien scanned the surface of the planet, and found humans living on the planet, seemingly not being ruled by any Fifth Overlords in some pockets of the planet, the alien scanned the northern region over the land called Scorpio, and found signs of Four's spaceship, now converted to a fortress of mazes inside a mountain.
The alien had his ship hoovering over what was a space ship, and made note of it, he wasn't there to cast judgments, the Supreme leader will making judgments. What appears that Four has setup his own kingdom, which was a treasonous act to say the lease, let alone an act of dereliction of duty. The alien landed his ship near the entrance of the grounded space ship, and put his ship on cloak mode so no one could see it. He showed his royal seal to the guard, and was escorted to the royal chamber of Four who was sitting on his throne who was ready to send another henchman to fight against Zeus.
The alien stood before Four, and said, “ I bring you word from your Supreme leader.” He handed Four a hand held orb device, and a holograph image of the Supreme leader appeared and said, “ We haven't heard from you for sometime, I plan to come there, and want a full account of your activities, and reasons why you sent no word to us. Be expecting my arrival there in due time. My messenger will want a conformation you gotten this message and will require preliminary report from you.”
Then seeing his rule slipping away from him Four ordered the messenger imprisoned in the dungeon! The messenger protested saying, “ What is the meaning of this, you're under orders!” Four responded, “ I give the orders here, take him away! Then he ordered, another guard, fine his ship!” He also ordered that the base be put on full alert he was prepared to fight the Supreme Leader to the death if need be. So, instead of sending an henchman to fight Zeus the mission now was to cohorst Zeus to fight for him! Fortunately the space ship couldn't be found, and blasted off on autopilot, into space, sending a distress signal into cyberspace toward home world.
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Commander Four's lair |
Chapter: 9
Raid of the Cyclops.
Though Xor Zeus might have allied himself just one of the tribes of Cyclops of the western territories on the continent known as Mt. Olympus, the eastern tribes of the giant cyclops weren't so inclined in making alliances with the humans who they viewed as intruders on their lands. This open the door for the Fifth to exploit, to gain yet another foothold, this time to get Zeus to fight on their side, what better way to do that is to raid the village of Mt. Olympus and kidnap Zeus wife and bring her back to Four's lair in the continent known as Scorpio. Commander Four set the plan in motion by sending male medusa male, to Mt. Olympus and confront the chief of the eastern Cyclops tribe to form an alliance with them.
The representative of Four came to the North Eastern shore of Mt. Olympus, by a long boat sailing ship. They could have come by opening up a portal, but they wanted come this way because they brought treasures of gold, silver, and precious gems to bribe the chief Cyclops, name Nore with. The representative of Four approached Nore's cave fortress, which was well guarder by his warriors.
He was seated on his throne, and said, “ What brings you here drone?” The Medusa drone answered, “ I came here as an emissary from my Fifth lord, named Four, he offers you complete rule of these lands if you help us make the human called Zeus fight for my master, who is challenging our supreme leader, to have free rule on this world with out being subject under the Fifth's rule.” Nore answered, “ Why don't you fight this supreme leader your selves?” The Medusa drone answered, “ By all rights you all are subjects to our rule, it's by his tolerance my master had allow you to rule here as overlord, now the other tribe is alley with this human, and your left only ruling the north eastern territories. Why not rule all of this land, make the other tribe, and the humans your slaves?”
Nore pondered for a moment, and asked, “ How do you want us to help you?”
The Medusa drone answered, “ By raiding the human village and taking captive Zeus woman, and bring her back here, so we can escape with her to my master's lair, far across the sea, that will make Zeus think that one, the western tribe of cyclops betrayed him, and he'll attack them, because he doesn't know about your tribe, by the time he finds out the truth, we will be gone with his wife.”
The following day, the North eastern tribe of Cyclops attacked the village called Mt. Olympus, one thing they didn't count on was the leader of the Western Cyclops tribe was visiting there, the chief of the western cyclops joined in defending the village, Zeus figured this was another cyclops tribe, fought along side the western tribe. This totally took the North eastern tribe by surprised. But nevertheless one of warriors of the north eastern tribe managed to find where Athena, Zeus wife was hiding and made off with here riding on away on the back of a mammoth. Zeus took note of that, and mounted on a horse and gave chase.
Suddenly a portal opened up, and the warrior riding the mammoth vanished with Athena kicking and screaming for help.
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Master of the seas, Poseidon |
Chapter 10: Calling on allies.
Zeus knew he wasn't going to get answered on who took Athena so he rode back to the village and fought against the giant cyclops named Nore. He used his spear to shoot out bolts of lightening in the giant's eye, that made the giant fall down blinded by the bolts of lightening. Nore dropped his weapon of choice a magical trident spear, which was picked up by one of Zeus warriors named Poseidon, and held the giant there with his own weapon pointed on him, until he could be questioned by Zeus.
Zeus came to the fallen giant and said, “ Keep him covered Poseidon, if he so much makes a move kill him!”
Then he asked the fallen giant, “ Who sent you, and where's my wife?!”
Knowing that his army had been defeated, and blinded, Nore answered, “ The commander of the Fifth has your woman by now, he wants you to go to the land of Scorpio and fight the Fifth supreme leader, so Four can rule this world unchallenged by the Fifth. That's all I know.”
Zeus answered, “ So Four can't fight his own battles huh?”
Some of the western cyclops captured the Medusa male drone and brought him before Zeus, and he came up to the Medusa male drone putting his spear at the Drone's throat and said, “ You go back to your master, I'll be glad to fight him, and his leader! Now go, and take your friend with you!” Poseidon kept the trident spear, which now became his weapon.
The male medusa drone put the blind cyclops giant on a mammoth and lead it way from the village, when out of sight, he took a hand held orb, and opened a portal and vanished.
Zeus took the spoils of war by taking claim of the northern territories which once ruled by the cyclops northern tribes. Now he had to make plans to rescue his wife from the fifth, and maybe win freedom from the Fifth overlords. He made sail to Ram Head Island the current home of Bor Jupiter, maybe he'll put aside any differences, and aid him in fighting against the Fifth.
Xor Zeus appeared before Bor Jupiter while Jupiter was sitting on his throne in his long house. He started saying, “ Your highness, I come here to humbly ask for your aid in fighting against the Fifth supreme leader, and his commander, to rescue my wife, and possibly win our freedom from these tyrants.” Bor Jupiter answered, “ What's in it for me? Why should I gather up my warriors and fight with you? Zeus answered, “ If you recall I aided you when your wife was being held by a Medusa queen, and help you rescue not only her, but your kingdom.” Jupiter seeing an opportunity in getting all of the land know as Scorpio to increase his wealth, and power answered, “ Okay, I'll do this in order to make us even, and to cease any lands, or treasures in the land of Scorpio without any interference from you understand?”
Zeus answered, “ I have no desire to acquire more land, or wealth, just out to win our freedom from the Fifth, and rescue my wife.”
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Zeus Fights Kore |
Chapter 11: Zeus V Kore
Both armies of the Human Tribes, along with Cyclops, and other peoples who heard of the coming battle against the Fifth came to join in, The Genii, Lynx, Sphinx, and other life forms came to march up the continent of Scorpio, even the Aquatics joined in on the fight.
Meanwhile in the lair of Four, the commander greeted the Supreme leader of the Fifth, who immediately demanded that Four explained himself, and why did he placed his messenger in prison. Four didn't hesitate to challenge Kore to a duel, to win is right to rule the world. Kore ordered his guard to cease Four, which they were about to do when suddenly Zeus forces began their raid! Then both Kore and Four combined their forces to defend their fortress, both Zeus and Jupiter, once again fought side by side, along with Orion, Poseidon, Ares, and Brahma, and a lynx named Leo, all had powers to summon whatever creatures that were needed to fight the battle against the Fifth. Jupiter went one on one with Four, while Zeus found Kore and fought him. Zeus overpowered the Supreme leader and held him with the tip of his spear, while Jupiter killed Four, which made the rest of the armies of the Fifth easy pickings to defeat. Zeus held Kore at the point of his weapon, and said to the defeated leader, “ I should kill you right now, but I'll let you live provided you take your ships, and people and leave this world, and never come back, and if you do I'll track you down and kill. you on the spot, understand?”
Kore agreed, and signed a treaty to that effect, that they will leave the Plant Gaia-1 and never return. A week later the two huge pentagon shaped space craft of the fifth lifted off from the surface, and flew into cyberspace, and vanishing through a data portal.
With his wife Athena rescued, Zeus thanked all who helped liberate the planet from the Fifth, then started his way home with his people. The Fifth maybe gone, but their minions still remain, each maneuvering their plans to fill the void left by the Fifth.
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Night Owl Comics is a publication of The Port Angeles Globe, written by, Peter Ripley |
Music video
The Void - Dark Ambient Music - Immersive Lovecraftian Horror Atmosphere
Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains
The Primitives - Crash