By, Peter Ripley
Chapter 1: The Gomez brothers--THE BAD
Santa Fe, New Mexico 1878 |
It was your typical summer day in the town of Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1878.
The town was live and bustling early that morning when the raid occurred by Rafael Gomez,
and his brother Hector, leaders of the comancheros.
Grey Pentleton was having his usual breakfast, in his favorite diner in town, Alfredo's, looking over some telegrams from the head office of the Pinkerton Agency in Chicago about a swindler called Jake Slate, (aka, the Gentleman Bandit)
There was a $5000 reward for his capture. They had a picture poster on him, but it said this Jake Slate was an expert in disguises, an elderly man who like to dress like a gentleman you would see in New York, with suit, and a top hat.
The poster also said, he had a way with the ladies, gaining
their trust to give him information about banks their bank accounts, and get their signatures on documents so he could forge their names, and use it to make withdraws from bank.
Other scams he would do was to cell shares to silver, or gold fake mining claims,
to swindle money from greedy gold diggers. Grey read the report and thought,
“ This guy is a piece of work. Swindling widows, and gold diggers out of their money.”
Emma Watson confronted by Rafael Gomez, while visiting a friends ranch |
Grey Pentleton. Pinkerton agent |
While Pentleton was reading the reports over breakfast, his partner was visiting a ranch just outside of town, of a client that they helped sometime ago.
The ranch was called the Bar Q, the owner of the ranch had some horses stolen
by some rustlers, they help the Nelsons bring to justice,
The Nelsons were good people, which became friends with Emma Watson. Henry, and Gillian Nelson had four children two sons, and daughters.
Everything was going well until they came riding in the ranch,
shooting everyone who was trying to defend the ranch. It was the comancheros led by the part indian, and Mexican Rafael Gomez.
Most of the ranch hands were killed by the outlaws, Emma Watson was confronted by Rafael Gomez , saying “ You are coming with us, along with your friends, any trouble from you, and I'll take it out on your friends Miss Watson, I know who you are, and work for, that's why I'm sparing you from getting abused by my men. That might change if you cause any trouble heading down to Mexico, with our captives.”
Emma Watson: “ Where's your brother, Hector?”
Rafael Gomez: “ My brother is raiding the town by now, I wonder how your partner is fairing right now.” He gave a evil grin as he said it.
Hector Gomez shoots Grey Pentleton in the back during their raid into Santa Fe. |
Back in town Hector Gomez, and half of the gang, about a hundred men
came in shooting their pistols, and terrifying the town folk, they raided the
bank first, both the town sheriff, and Grey Pentleton, engaged them in a
shoot out. Hector shot both the sheriff, and Grey Pentleton in the back,
while trying to stop the bandits. Hector came to the wounded Pentleton,
and kicked him, and spat on him saying, “There gringo, that was for my
cousin you killed 3 years ago!”
Then he walked away, leaving the two men lying in the dirty street of Santa Fe.
The town doctor came running to treat the wounded men, and had them moved
to his office for further treatment. But, in the meantime, the comancheros
occupied the town of Santa Fe. Hector Gomez ordered the town people to give up
their wagons, and load them with more women, men, and children, along with any
supplies they could rob from the shops in town.
Then, as soon as the wagons were loaded before leaving town, warned the Mayor,
“ Don't try to send a posse or you'll see these people dead in the desert!”
Then he rode out of with over $300,000 from the bank, and people nearing two
hundred, and supplies, heading to the meeting place where him, and his brother
agreed to.
Doctor David Micheles the town doctor |
Chapter 2: Aftermath
The outlaws did a lot of damage to the town a lot of people besides the town sheriff, and Grey Pentleton were injured, or killed, the deputy of the town was killed. The town doctor, Doctor David Micheles, was busy trying to save the life of the only two remaining law men in town. He found himself overwhelmed with the numbered injured by the outlaws, but ladies in town who knew how to treat small wounds gave aid to the doctor.
The mayor, Paul Talkin, came to the over crowded church, which the doctor set up as a hospital, came to the doctor when he finished examining Grey Pentleton, and Sheriff Neals, before he started in trying to take the bullets out of their back, and asked, “ Well how does it look for those two men.” Doctor Micheles answered, “ Not to good, they lost a lot of blood, I can take out the bullets, but it will be touch and go for at least 48 hours, if I'm successful. I need help, send for help from the fort, they can bring other doctors, and medicines, along with soldiers to help restore order here.”
The Town Mayor, Paul Talkin. |
Mayor Talkin: “ Right away doctor I'll send for help.”
Then the mayor sent a messenger to fort Comanche, which was just 5 miles away. By midday a column of horse soldiers came riding into town, to late to stop the raid, because they were tracking down renegade Indians, apparently a diversion to draw them out of the fort by the outlaws, and Comanches who was working with the outlaws to make the town defenseless. Col. Daniels came with 200 men to meet with the mayor he brought him the fort surgeon, and fort foot soldiers, as well as the horse soldiers.
Col. Daniels out from Fort Comanche. |
Col. Daniels: “ We came as soon as we could Mr. Mayor, those renegade Comanches held us in a cavern in an ambush, for five hours, surrounded. They suddenly pulled out when we heard shooting in the distance, just south of here. We were tired, and out numbered, we managed to reach the fort to get reinforcements just as your messenger came and reported the raid, we were sent by General Blevins, as soon were were able.”
Mayor Talkin: “ I'm so glad you're here coronal, three of our law men, are gravely injured, or dead. We fear chaos will occur by night fall.”
Col. Daniels: “ I've been authorized to declare a state of emergency, and set a 10PM curfew, and declare marshal law, until your lawman can take over, or find a replacement sheriff. Our surgeon will assist your doctor.” This gang as allies from the comanches, that's why they took everyone off guard, they must have been planning all this for months, it took some doing I assure you.”
Col. Daniels: “ We can't do anything right now on that, besides they have a day head start, they are heading to Mexico, to sell the captives as slaves, once they reach the border we can't pursue them unless we get permission from the Mexican government to pursue them. Unless a Pinkerton agent goes, across the border, but both agents you have here are severely injured, or captured by these thugs.”
Mayor Talkin: “ Yes Emma Watson has been captured by them we heard from messengers from one of the ranches she was visiting.”
Col. Daniels: “ A woman Pinkerton agent? Never heard of a woman doing a man's job?”
Mayor Talkin: “ Yes, that's what the town's people thought, it odd to have a woman be an Pinkerton agent at first, but she proven herself to handle the position, the town has fallen in love with her, she has a way with people.”
Col. Daniels: “ Well, I hope her charm will help her to get help from the Mexican army, if they cross the Rio Grand into Mexico.”
Mayor Talkin: “ Me too.”
Rafael Gomez leader of the gang, younger Brother to Hector Gomez |
Chapter 3: The Trail of tears
Emma Watson witnessed the brutality given to the captives of the out laws, and the torment by them especially by the Gomez brothers, Hector Gomez seemed delighted in pour salt on the wound so to speak when he gloated to her about shooting Grey Pentleton, he said, “ Killed your man la seƱorita, I shot him in the back, he dropped like a sack of potatoes, in the dirt street of Santa Fe, then I spat on him for good measure!”
Rafael stepped in and said, “ Leave her be, brother she'll fetch a handsome price in Mexico.”
The he turned his attention on Emma Watson saying, “ Remember, you try and escape you'll be shot, along with your friends.”
Hector Gomez taunts Emma Watson on the trail bragging he shot Grey Pentleton in the back |
Emma didn't say anything that might provoke them, she saw how they abused the other captives, while on the trail, and it has been only five days since they were captured. She didn't know whether to believed that Grey Pentleton been killed or not, all she knew it was up to her to escape without anyone getting killed, which included her. Las Cruces is near the Mexican border, and she knew of a Mexican army post just across the border, if she could only escape and ask for help. She knew she had to get help, no matter the risk, but her heart couldn't in all good conscience she was debating this decision to make a break as soon the opportunity allowed it in her mind.
She also remember that it was one of her brothers who was killed during the battle of Shiloh, during the Civil war to free the slaves, but slavery of another form was still going on despite Lincoln's Emancipation freeing the slaves, so the irony wasn't lost on her. She remember when at church growing up, the preacher would often preach that we all are slaves in some ways, like being slave to sin. The Gomez brothers were slaves of their own doing, she thought. She pondered these things while riding behind in one of the stolen wagons, and at night sitting around the campfire, while the Gomez brothers were getting drunk on whiskey, and bulling the captives, including her. Seeing Emma looking trouble, her friend Gillian Nelson, came to her and asked, “How far to the border you think we are Emma?” Emma answered, “ Oh about five days from know I estimate.”
Gillian Nelson: What will happen to us if they cross the border to Mexico?”
Emma Watson: Sell us for sure, we'll probably end up further south to Central America if we can't find a way out of this.”
Gillian Nelson: “ Five more days with these slime bags, I don't think I could handle it Emma, they beat Henry to a pulp for objecting to one of their men trying to make advances on one of our daughters.”
Emma Watson: “ There's a Mexican army post just across the border, if I could escape, I could come back with help, but I wouldn't try it for your sake Gillian. If only I had a gun.”
Gillian Nelson: “ Don't you worry about us, if you get an opportunity take it. I'll cause a distraction when the times right, so you can make a get away.”
Emma Watson: “ You'll do no such thing, I know a way. You just look after your family.”
Then one of the gang members saw them talking and broke them up saying, “ No more talking go to sleep, long day tomorrow.” Then Gillian Nelson went back to the wagon she was riding on to be with her family.
Meanwhile, back in Santa Fe...
Sheriff Max Gravey |
Both Grey Pentleton, and the Sheriff Max Gravey survived the operation of removing the bullets from their backs, and were recovering in the make shift hospital in one of the town's two churches. Still weaken from the ordeal, the only law men left in town was out of commission for at least three weeks according to the army surgeon. In the mean time the town appointed a temporary sheriff name Ben Peoples. Once that happen Col. Daniels proceeded to lift the marshal law restrictions and turn over law enforcement authority to the new sheriff. He spoke to the major before leaving with his troops.
Acting Sheriff Ben Peoples |
Col. Daniels: “ I will go back to the fort, and get fresh troops, and horses, then try and track down the Gomez brothers, if it isn't to late before they reach the Mexican border. I'll leave our surgeon here for further assistance.”
Mayor Talkin: “Thank you coronal for your assistance, good luck in your search, I only hope Emma Watson can find away to stop them before they go too far pass the border.”
Col. Daniels: “Let's see, it will be a test of her metal.”
Then he mounted his horse and rode away with his men back to the fort.
It took a day when Grey Pentleton's fever broke, he asked about Emma Watson...
Grey Pentleton: “ Doc, had you heard anything about Emma?”
Doctor David Micheles: “ She's been taken captive, along with 200 others, their on way to Mexico it looks like, the army was here for a short time to restore order when you and Sheriff Gravey was shot, me and the army surgeon been assisting me, there was a lot of injured people.”
Grey Pentleton: “ How's the sheriff? “
Doctor Micheles: “ He's holding his own, the town appointed Ben Peoples, to be the temporary sheriff while you two guys recover, so relax.”
Grey Pentleton: “ Can't lay here doc, I need to find Emma, and get the Gomez brothers.”
Doc Micheles: “ You are in no condition to do any tracking down anyone, your staying in bed for at least 3 weeks, the army will track them down.”
Grey Pentleton tried to get up, but couldn't then said, “ Perhaps your right doc.”
Chapter 4: Test of metal
Mexican Garrison commander, Ortega Remierzes. |
Emma Watson decided to tempt Hector Gomez into promising him a one night stand if he get her a horse, to escape their clutches. She cornered him by one of the wagons and started
flirting with him saying, “ Hector, I know you want me, I can tell you seem to keep leering at me. Tell you what, if you would take two horses, one for you and me, I know of a place not to far from here so we can be alone, and spend some time with each other and getting to know each other better, what do you say?”
Hector Gomez: “ You're just trying to seduce me, my brother told me to stay away from you, so whatever you got planned it won't work.”
Emma Watson: “ Oh, come on aren't you, your own man, or do you fallow your kid brother?”
Hector Gomez became frustrated that his kid brother was the leader of the gang instead of him and said, “ I should be leader of this outfit, not my half brother!”
Emma Watson: “ You can show him whose boss right now, go get two horses, and we'll ride out of camp right now.”
Hector relented, out of his pride, he took two horses from the tie downs, and met Emma just a few yards away from the camp, just out of sight from the guards posted, she managed to elude them. They mounted their horses and rode out of camp, they came to an old cabin which was abandon, which Emma Watson knew about. When they entered to cabin Emma started to take off her clothes, smiling at him with a wink, and giggling. Hector started to strip as well, when he dropped his gun belt, and laid it on the table, that's when Emma Watson made her moved, she grabbed the gun before Hector could act because he was pulling down his pants. Emma aimed the loaded gun at Hector and said, “ The party is over, you are coming with me, to the Mexican army garrison not far from here, if you even try and escape I'll shoot you dead where you stand. Now strip down to your long johns, and take off your boots now.” As she cocked the six gun, and aimed it at his head.
Hector Gomez: “ You whore, wait until my brother finds out he'll be coming for me!”
Emma Watson: “ I am counting on it! Now move get mounted on your horse!”
She fired a round at him hitting him in the leg after saying, “ That's a warning, and no funny business, now move!”
Limping and bleeding, Hector complied, he mounted his horse, then Emma mounted hers, then they rode all the rest of the night until they reach the Mexican Garrison, just across the border. They let the riders in and was greeted by the garrison commander, Ortega Remierzes.
She quickly dismounted from her horse, and greeted Remierzes and said, “ Commander I escaped from being captive from that man, and his brother the Gomez gang of comancheros, about two hundred of them, they raided Santa Fe New Mexico and took two hundred men, women, and children heading here to sell them, please help me rescue them, I'm a Pinkerton agent.”
Remierzes charmed at her daring immediately took Hector into custody, and said in broken English said, “ Take him to the infirmary, then lock him up, I want 400 men to help the la seƱorita, and me to rescue her people, now!”
The men at the garrison wasted no time in gathering men and horses to ride, with no time to waste, Emma Watson now on a fresh horse, rode with the commander, and his men to capture Rafael Gomez, and the rest of the they didn't need to go far, they saw the gang lead by Rafael heading their way! The Mexican army charged at them firing their guns as they went. Gomez seeing he was out number started to retreat to seek shelter in the rocks, but the horse soldiers over toked them, and while the gun fight was happening, Emma Watson confronted Rafael and fired her weapon, and shot him in the chest with one shot, saying has he smiled at her before he dropped dead from his horse, “ That's for Grey.” When the gang saw their leader die, they fled the scene, with some Mexican cavalry giving chase. The recall trumpet was given, and all the men, and Emma Watson proceeded to rescue the captives, and bring them to the border.
Emma Watson was glad to see the wagon train of captives heading her way with the Nelsons leading the way. Impressed by Emma Watson's courage in all of this the Mexican Commander provided an escort back to the border, where they met Col. Daniels across the Rio Grand, to escort them back to Santa Fe. Emma Watson showed her metal for sure.
Chapter 5 A heroine born.
Emma Watson |
Emma Watson came with the wagon train of captives of the Gomez brothers, escorting the wagon train was Col. Daniels, who was impressed by Emma's abilities under fire he never questioned them again. Emma went to the make shift hospital, there she found Grey Pentleton being looked after by two nurses! “ Well I see you are in good hands here, I'll come back later.” She jokingly told Pentleton while he was being shaved in bed. Grey Pentleton asked, “ Is that jealousy I see Emma?” She responded, “ You wish, while your were living in the lap of luxury, I was catching bandits.”
Grey Pentleton: “ Yes, you must tell me of your exploits, I'm sure you'll go down in history as the gun toting mama of the west. Good job by the way, catching the Gomez brothers, it will be a long time we'll see comancheros gangs as big as theirs was for a long time.”
Emma Watson: “ I'm glad you are okay, and obey the doc, stay in bed until you can get out of bed and stop loafing around and get to work. I'm sure your nurse maids will keep you comfy, and well fed.”
Grey Pentleton: “ You know there's a $10,000 reward for those too, what are you going to do with all that money?”
Emma Watson: “ Well for one thing I won't squander it like you do. I already made plans for it, for more worthy things than new clothes, and blowing it on gambling. I'll be seeing your later Pentleton.”
Then she walked out of the hospital smiling as she went thankful to see her friend alive.
She spent most of the money on funding a hospital for the town, and a school house. The mayor was pleased she gave $5,000 toward those goals, she also help her friend's the Nelsons to rebuild their farm house which the bandits burned down, what was left she spent on herself. She would spend time during Pendleton's convalescence at his side, taking over the nurses jobs.
Hector Gomez was tried and convicted for murder, and dealing in the slave trade, he was hanged two months later.
Jake Slate comes to Santa Fe |
Chapter 1: A distinguished gentle man comes to town
Three months later...
It was the early part of September since the raid happened in Santa Fe, people were still talking about Emma Watson's high adventures in Mexico, little kids were following her around asking for her autograph, store keepers greeted her when she walked by their stores, and when she went into one of the local saloons to find Grey Pentleton, the men would by her drinks. Sure enough she became a celebrity in Santa Fe, but she took it all in stride kept saying she only did her duty. This amused Grey Pentleton to no end, he often teased her about all the attention she was getting from the towns people.
Hard times was the order of the day in town, money was hard to come by, people needed a distraction from their financial hardships, and patting the back of Emma Watson, for her exploits made them feel good, however hard times meant opportunities for con men to exploit. Santa Fe was ripe for the harvest for a swindler like Jake Slate. He came into town on the noon time train, a well dressed man, carrying a suitcase, and a large amount of money in his pocket, he was armed with just a derringer. He checked in at the Acme Hotel, and looked out into the streets of Santa Fe second story hotel room window. He smiled and thought to himself, “ Ripe for the picking, now find a pigeon.” He knew there were wanted posters on him, but with his disguises inside his suitcase, he could fool everyone in town, including law enforcement officials of any short.
John Harth
John Harth was a rancher, he raised cows, and horses. He had a wife named Maggie, and three children. Times were tough, and his ranch was about to be foreclosed by the bank, on account of unpaid mortgage payments totaling over $2,000. That was pretty high in those days in the mid 1800's. He was in trouble, and the General Store wouldn't extend credit for needed supplies. He had to hunt for game, or kill some of his own cows to feed his family. He was desperate, something that Jake Slate was willing to exploit. He stuck around the General Store, watching people come and out of the store, he entered the store pretending to shop. Then he heard John Harth come in, once again asking for credit. The store owner Gerald Brooks was listening to John Harth begging practically for credit...
Gerald Brooks store keep |
Gerald Brooks: “ Now John, I told you once, and I tell you again I can't extend any more credit on your account, you already owe close to $300. on it as it is, I'm sorry.”
Seeing his chance, Jake Slate offered to pay the debt that May owed the store, not out of the goodness of his heart, but get Harth hooked. Not knowing the motives of Slate's offer, he accepted the offer made, he even paid for the needed supplies that May, and his family needed.
John Harth: “ Thank you stranger for your generosity, how can I ever repay you?”
Jake Slate: “ You can by helping me in a business opportunity, that will solve not only your financial issues, but the whole town. Can we talk in the nearest diner and discuss it.
John Harth: “ Sure see you at noon for lunch, oh by the way, I didn't catch you name friend.”
Jake Slate: “ I'm Bernard James, see you at Alfredo's.”
Meanwhile, Grey Pentleton was in his office, looking over recent telegrams, while Emma Watson was at her desk looking over the books.
Grey Pentleton looked at the weekly newspaper, the Santa Fe Gazette and read an article about the Lincoln County war, he read about Billy the Kid, and commented out loud, “ This William Bonny character has a kink name now, goes by Billy the Kid, I hope they nab this punk, back shooting killer probably end up being some kind of hero, the newspapers glamorize to sell these rags.”
Emma Watson: “Don't we have the Santa Fe kid?”
Grey Pentleton: “ Yeah, no one knows his real name, just goes by his kink name, another punk kid with a reputation with a gun, he also robs stagecoaches, there's a $800 bounty on him, looks like he hadn't make it to the big leagues yet.”
Emma Watson: “ Did you hear anything more about this gentleman bandit, Jake Slate?
Grey Pentleton: “ Only this telegram to be on the watch out for him, no clear description of him, because he uses disguises, and uses alias. Pity the fool who meets up with his crook.”
Jake Slate selling shares to a fake silver mine. |
Chapter 2: There's silver in those mountains!
Then Grey Pentleton, saw a telegram from the head office in Chicago, and said, “ Well looks our old pal Keith French escape from prison, he was on a work crew pound on rocks to make smaller rocks, in a stone quarry, the crew overpowered the guards on horses, and killed them, and rode off with the horses. The office wants me to go back to Nebraska and help track down the fugitives.”
Emma Watson: “ Can't the US Marshall handle that?”
Grey Pentleton: “ Yeah, but they need someone who arrested him in the first place, and knows how he operates. So I'm on the afternoon train heading north. So, you stay here and hold down the fort.”
Emma Watson: “ Okay have a safe trip.”
Later that day, Grey Pentleton boarded the train, and loaded his horse in the cattle car. The train pulled out of the station blowing its horn as it went.
Keith French |
As the train was out of sight of the town, people in town gathered around a wagon with two men standing in it, John Harth, and Jake Slate who was using alias “ Bernard James”
Bernard James: “ Gather around folks, I have an offer for you! What me and my partner is selling are shares in a silver mine I own, just north of stone creek. Why am I making this offer you may ask, it's simple, I already made my fortunes, so I want to help those who are less fortunate. All I ask is just $100 per share, make yourself some money in these hard times. My partner here will handle any transactions when I leave this town.”
Some in the crowd asked, “ When are we going to see any money from this venture?”
Bernard James, “ As soon I get enough shares in this deal, you'll get your share of 20% of the profits.”
Another one said, “ Sound like a snow job to me.”
Bernard James: “ Your entitled to your opinion sir.”
Then a lady in the crowd defending James said, “ Okay Ned, he doesn't need any hassle from you, he's doing this out of charity, everyone knows you are well off, and don't need the money, but others do so shut up!”
Then most of the people with a few people thinking it was some kind of con job, started giving Bernard James (aka Jake Slate) their money.
Sheriff Neals on the trail for Jake Slate |
Chapter 3: Fools rush in.
It didn't take much time for Jake Slate to collect close to $4,000 from the town people, instead of staying for a week as he promised, he boarded the evening stage couch that evening not saying good bye, to anyone left town with $4,000. Leaving John Harth holding the bag.
On the train back to Nebraska |
While that was happening at home, Grey Pentleton was riding on the train heading north, he sat on his seat smoking a cigar, after he ate some breakfast, remembering his last encounter with Keith French during his sentencing at his attempted bribery trial, which he gotten five years for, he said before being led away to serve his time, “ You'll pay for this Pentleton, you and your partner will die!”
Sitting on his seat on the train, Pentleton remembers his encounters with the French family. |
It only been a year since that time, now he escape from jail, and loose. Pentleton thought to himself, “ Well, French you made it to the big leagues killing those guards, and horse stealing.” He also thought perhaps it was best to have Emma stay behind, funny she didn't seem to object him going alone on this trip back to Frenchville Neb. Nevertheless, rather it made any scene of him going on this trip or not, the head office wanted him to go and aid in the recapture of Keith French, dead or alive.
Keith French gloats at Grey Pendleton's capture |
Back in Santa Fe, John Harth had to face a angry mob of people ,who bought into this scheme of profit sharing on this silver mine that Jake Slate claimed to own, the people not taken for the con job were few, and Emma Watson was one of them, she along with others tried to warn those who bought into this deal that this was probably a scam, were proven right when a week went by, since Jake Slate left, and hadn't been getting money they were promised, then another week went by, and still no word from Jake Slate.
Then they complained to Sheriff Neals about what happened, he said to the angry mob that came to his office, “ You all been warned that this might happen, and you all ignored it. But, I'll go and see if this mine really exist. In the meantime, don't be taking the law in your own hands, hear me?” He told his new deputy Ben Peoples to take charge while he headed to Stone River where Slate (aka Bernard James) said the mine was located. The trip would take him about eight days to get there and back. In the meantime, the people of Santa Fe just had to sit and wait, hoping that their rush to make easy money would pay off? Or they'll be like fools rushing in where angels fear to tread. They began to grow impatient and demanded some satisfaction they ordered the deputy to place John Harth in jail!
Emma Watson seeing that the deputy was being pressured suggest that since the mood of the mob was a lynching nature, she advised Deputy Peoples, to lock up John Harth for protection, and he did so.
Emma Watson was not surprised by the attitude of the people toward John Harth, he was a patsy that the real criminal in all of this, Jake Slate used to gain trust and exploitation of a desperate man such as John Harth, who now is being blamed for the whole thing by the towns people.
Meanwhile, the sheriff, rode north to stone river, and stone river was nothing more than an old dried up river bed, with rocks and stone, he rode up a hill which was overlooking it, and found a abandon mine, which was caved in. He knew right off the town was robbed blind, and because of their desperation, were taken for fools, within the dry river bed he did fine fake deposit of silver known as Aluminum Leaf, no doubt Jake slate showed this around to people in town to convince people his “silver” claim was genuine. He put some of the dust in his pouch, to use as evidence, then then started back home. He stayed two days at Los Alamos NM. He contacted the sheriff there and told him to be on the lookout of Jake Slate, and told him what happened in Santa Fe.
Chapter 4: Kill two birds by one stone
Grey Pentleton arrived at Frenchville NB, and went to the sheriff office to see what help they needed to recapture Keith French. Sheriff Blackbern welcomed Pentleton...
Blackbern: “ Glad you can make it Grey, we heard so much about you, did your partner come too?”
Pentleton: “ No not on this trip, Miss Watson is back in Santa Fe. What can I help you with sheriff?”
Suddenly a gun cocked at his back, and a familiar voice said, “ To bad I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone!”
Pentleton turned and saw Keith French behind him, along with the other prisoners behind him...
Pentleton: “ Well looks like prison hadn't changed you boy, still coming up from behind I see.”
Sheriff Blackbern: “ So sorry Grey, they came in two days ago, and managed to take over the jail, and bank, holding hostages in the bank threaten to kill them if I didn't contact the Pinkerton agency, and have them send for you.”
Then Keith French knocked out Grey Pentleton, took hid gun and threw him in jail!
The next morning Grey Pentleton was wakened up by a bucket of water splashed into his face, he saw both him and the sheriff, in jail. Keith French was gloating how he fooled Pentleton to come all this way, he said, “ Were going to have a trail here Pentleton, then I'll see you hanged for killing my brother Calvin.”
Pentleton: “ What did you do to the deputy?”
Blackbern answered instead of French saying, “ They killed him in trying to defend the jail house.”
Pentleton: “ In the back no doubt.”
Then French left the jail cell and went into the office, closing the door behind him.
Blackbern: “ What are we going to do Grey?”
Pentleton: “ If I know Keith French well enough, he has an ego as big as the mountains, he'll play this drama out long as he can, to make him look big. I have no intention to stay here, feeding his amusement. Follow my lead.”
When Keith French left the jail house, to get something to eat, he left one of his henchman behind to guard the prisoners. The Sheriff pretended to be sick, and Pentleton yelled out, saying, “ Hey out there the sheriff is sick you better come here and check him out, your boss would hate to loose the pleasure of seeing us hang together if he dies, and he'll take it out on you!”
The henchman came into the area to see whats happening, and open the cell door, to check on the sheriff, then Pentleton made his move, he overpowered the thug, with aid from the Sheriff, and took his gun, and knocked him out, and locking the henchman in the cell. Then got his own gun on, asked the sheriff, “ How many of these clowns are there?”
Blackbern: “ Five including French.”
Pentleton: “ That means there's only four to deal with, we'll go through the back alleys, to the bank, and try and rescue the hostages. See if anyone can join us as we go there.”
They left the jailhouse, the henchman was gagged so he can't cry for help, two other men joined them on the way, they looked in the back window of the bank, three of the thugs were guarding the hostages toward the front. They entered the back door of the bank, and over powered the guard there, by knocking him out, then they looked inside the two remaining guards were on the other side of the room, at the bank cashier counter.
Then suddenly Pentleton made his move, with guns blazing, they entered the front room gunning down the thugs. French came running out of the diner to investigate, and there stood Grey Pentleton standing at the door of the bank, smoking a cigar, and said, “ Well sonny looks like there wont be no trail except yours, drop your gun French its over.”
French went for his gun, but Pentleton drew faster, and shot Keith French down dead.
Pentleton stayed in Frenchville for two days afterwards, to make sure all his business there was done, and collected on the bounty what was placed on Keith French's head, before he boarded the train back to Santa Fe.
Back in Alamos NM, Sheriff Neals, didn't need to go far to catch up with Jake Slate, there was a knock on his hotel door, it was the deputy sent by the sheriff to come to the jail house, the deputy said, “ We've got him Sheriff Neals, Jake Slate.” Neals left his hotel room, and came to the jail house, the sheriff asked him, “ Is that your man sheriff? We caught him trying to pull the same con he did in Santa Fe, this morning, you can take him back to Santa Fe.” When he brought Jake Slate to face trial for swindling, the town people who bought into the scam, regretted in taking their vengeance on on John Harth, who was just as much a victim as they were. John Harth didn't face any charges, but Jake Slate was sentenced for 15 years in the New Mexico territorial prison.
When Grey Pentleton came back home, he saw Jake Slate being loaded in a prison wagon heading for prison. He came into the office, and there was Emma Watson working at her desk writing a report on what transpired with Jake Slate. She looked up at Grey and greeted him while he was sitting at his desk ready to write what happened in Frenchville. He said, “ it looks like we won't need to worry about Keith French no more, he resisted arrest, and was shot dead. Emma Watson answered, “ You know they had a sister, maybe she'll come gunning too.” Grey answered, “ If that is the case you can handle her.”
Emma answered, “ Perhaps.”
Then they smiled at each other and went back to writing their reports.
Night Owl Comics is a publication of the Port Angeles Globe writtenand published by, Peter Ripley
Music Videos
Johnny Cash - Ghost Riders in the sky (Lyrics)
Ghost Riders in the Sky - Southern Raised (bass singer cover)
Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down (Official Music Video)
A Thousand Miles from Nowhere