Thursday, July 27, 2023


 Part 12 of the Chronicles of the Digital Universe series

By Peter Ripley

Vortex appears before Zeus.

Chapter 1: Changing history

On an astral plan of existence, the  digital gods gathered around their meeting circle to discuss the goings on Terra-Gemini. Then a dark shadow portal appeared in the middle of the circle, and a dark cloak figure stood before the council of the Digital Lords. It was Vortex ruler of the underworld, the plateau of limbo. He began saying, “ I've been seeing the events on this world we set up for people from other realities, for our mutual amusement, ever since the race known as humans came to this world, they managed to muck things up since their arrival over 6,000 years ago, they should have never been allowed in our domain, to top it off you allowed an invisible God to enter our realm through them, and allowed them to worship this God.”

Digital lord Zeus/Jupiter: “ We have no control over a God who makes His presents known through the humans, whether they worship Him or not. Everyone has the free will to choose whom they worship, or not at all. We didn't make that rule, He did.”

Vortex: “ If you hadn't allowed the humans to enter this domain in the first place we would be absolute rulers of this digital universe, to add to it, you allowed access to their book, by making this Eternal Scroll, If I was ruler this would never happen.”

Digital Lord Zeus/Jupiter: “ We know how that would be, total chaos, and corruption. Enslaving the species on Terra-Gemini by your minions such as the Medusa. The humans with their God brings a balance something you will never understand. You'll not interfere in the business of the humans, now go back to your Plateau of limbo!

Vortex made a portal and vanished, and while he was leaving he said, “ We'll see.”  

The Sorceress  Momb

Vortex journeyed to the black mountains within his realm, to pay a visit to the queen of the night, Momb, a sorceress, who help Vortex to bring creatures of the night, from other realities to serve Vortex, and his lust for power. He entered her tree house castle, and greeter her saying, “ Greetings my queen, I come to you with an issue you maybe able to assist me in.”

Momb: “How can I serve you my lord?


Vortex: “ I plan to change history, in order to rule this universe, the problem is my people are immortal beings, who never felt the pangs of death since the genie of the forth reality granted them immortality, and the power to create this universe, with everything in it. I want their immortality, and their gift of creation to be taken from them, and have only me have such powers, and immortality.”  

Momb: In order to do that, you must go back to the beginning of time for your people, and prevent them from ever finding this genie, beat them to this genie, and make this genie your servant, and grant your wishes. Then kill these Titan Lords, this will allow you to do what you wish, fashion this universe as you see fit. You have the power to travel back in time, but to go back before there was time, you'll need help, I can create a device that will allow you to travel back to your ancient world before it was destroyed, from there you'll be on your own, I can come along if you need any help.” 

Vortex: “ I'll challenge our leader Zeus to a duel, and compel him to give me what I want, he'll naturally will want his champion to do his fighting for him, unless his champion is can't fight for him, he'll fight on his own behalf, I know about his pride, that is what I'll exploit.”

Momb: “ Whose is his champion?”

Vortex: “ The Blue Phantom.”

Momb: “ Then you know what need to be done, kill this Blue Phantom, and you can do as your heart desires. I'll create a hex which will create a false impression on his mind that a peasant girl  been taken hostage my a giant cyclops, and taken to a dark plateau of mystics, there you can trap him in a web of suspended animation, for all time. Effectively an eternal imprisonment.” 

Vortex:  “He's a telepathic because of his third eye, won't he see through the rouse?”

Momb: “ I'll create a potion which will blind his eye temporally, and put it in a dart, one of your minions will have to shoot him with a dart shooter, in the back of the neck, he can not miss, he'll have just one shot.” 

Vortex: “ Very well proceed.” 


The Blue Phantom, (Hari)


On Terra-Gemini, Hari known as the Blue Phantom in the fighting arenas in his homeland of Gemini kept having these recurring visions of the whole planet of Terra-Gemini being destroyed by a super nova of their blue star, along with the other 12 planets in their star system. He saw massive exodus of space craft fleeing the planet, while the world was being burned up, and exploded into dust! He would wake up in a cold sweat at times when he dreamed of the events, as well as seeing these visions during the day. Were these visions and dreams the future?  

At this point he was hoping these thing were just visions, and nightmares. Little did he know at the time, these events were to come true, he started telling other about his visions, but they just wrote them off as his imagination gone wild. He began noticing scuttle difference around him, he heard stories of the Medusa still among them, and that they weren't defeated, and now rule the entire continent of Scorpio! He asked about the humans who defeated them, but no one knew what he was talking about, they would say, “ Humans!? Who or what are they? There's no humans on this world!” 

He knew then somehow history was being changed and no one but him knew about it.  He heard that the Medusa was now expanding their empire, making the conquered into zombies, to be slaves to a overlord calling himself Seth (aka Vortex). 

He tried to contact his friend the Black Manta, but he was told the Black Manta died, while helping to defend the realm of the aquatics now under control of the Squid! This convinced Hari history was being changed before his eyes, and he was the only one who knew of the true history of Terra-Gemini. It got to a point he was summoned before the king, and was warned not to speak of the alternate history to anyone, less he be put in jail!

He gathered up stories which were told by his memory, and wrote them down, then stored these stories on a diamond shaped data file. Placed it in a container for save keeping on his hidden space pod, which was cloaked so no one can see it. 

Chapter 2:  Aquarius the Mighty.

Mount Olympus, on the
ancient world of the digital gods, Aquarius.

In another universe, and reality there was the Planet of Aquarius the Mighty. The ancient home world of the digital gods! Immortal beings with super powers, and advance technology, that the other humanoid life forms envied. They built their capital city Atlantis, which they ruled their world from. It was from this ancient world which began the formation of the digital universe, using their advance technology, they created this alternate universe, for people from other realities to come and live in harmony with each other.  Their leader, Zeus made sure that this universe would not be exploited by the forces of evil, from such characters as Vortex. But before Vortex could travel through time and space, to destroy Zeus, he had to do away with the Blue Phantom. 

One day on Terra-Gemini, Hari while preparing to fight in the kingdom's fighting arena against the Medusa champion, which was sent to fight against the king, and take over the state of Gemini, was shot in the back of the neck by a blow dart gun. Already having these horrific visions of death and destruction, he started hearing this strange haunting sound of a woman's voice calling for help. He began seeing visions of this princess being held captive in this dark underground plateau with a giant cyclops guarding this girl. Strangely he some how new the location of this plateau, and he felt the strong urge to forget fighting in the arena for the king, and let some one else face the Medusa challenger.  

He thought by saving this princess, might lead to resolving these strange visions, and dreams he was having.   So he got into his diamond shaped  space pod, and left Terra-Gemini, and into deep cyber space, he opened a data portal, and flew into the data stream on the course which was revealed to him in his visions.

  He emerged from the data stream into a dead star system, the star was burned out, there was nothing but planetary debris all around him, huge asteroids floating in space which were once planets.  He did a scan to see when this all happened, the result was the solar system died billions of years ago. He fixed his focus on a large asteroid and flew toward he could hear this mourning cry for help. He then thought maybe there were survivors sending a signal for help through telepathy.  

Nevertheless he felt compelled to investigate further. He landed his pod on the surface of the asteroid, down to the bottom of a great canyon, he didn't want to take any chances, on being seen, so he enabled the cloak mode of the pod so it can't be seen. He flew the pod inside a cave which reached a plateau, and landed on it. There was a long stair way leading down to the pit, he walked down the stairs, and he stood on the entrance of  the pit which was covered by a dense fog, he could sense danger down there in the pit, and the overwhelming urge to see what down underneath the foggy vial.

The Blue Phantom stands above the entrance
of a mystical plateau covered in a vail of fog.

He entered the pit, and immediately he was attacked by a huge cyclops giant, and was easily subdued, his weapons taken from him, the creature placed him on a platform which automatically held  him there in suspended animation!   Then entered Vortex onto the platform and said, “ Welcome to my mystical plateau Blue Phantom, my name is Vortex.”

The Blue Phantom is trapped in suspended 

Blue Phantom: “ Glad to meet you, if you don't mind release me from this force field, so I can shake your hand proper? Shouldn't you be tending to your rule back on Terra-Gemini?”

Vortex: “ What you been experiencing were my visions of conquest if I succeed in being rid of  obstacles to that end, and you're one of those obstacles.”

Blue Phantom: “ Hate to be a bother.”

Vortex: “ You're no bother now, you'll stay here with by friend here, while I go conquer this universe!

He left the Blue Phantom in suspended animation and opened a data portal and vanished in the data stream with Momb laughing as they went. 

Vortex found himself on the surface of the ancient world of Aquarius, eons before the immortals were immortals! 

King Zeus before he became an immortal

Chapter 3: The Amulet of Zeus.

Before Vortex, and Momb entered the city gate of Atlantis, he explained these immortal powers given to them by the genie of the forth reality to Momb. He said, “ Before my people found enlightenment enough to visit the genie's realm, we were mortal. We were granted immortality from the Genie when he gave the 12 lords these amulets to wear, to prolong our lives, and give us super abilities, and strength, as a test on how we use these powers, before our immortality became natural, along with our abilities. We all were given these amulets, I still have mine, even though I don't need it any longer.”

Momb: “ Interesting, so you are here to somehow prevent your people from even making this journey to this forth reality? Can anyone wear these  amulets? “

Vortex: “ No, these amulets only responds to our DNA. If I alone make this journey, I'll be the one to get Zeus's amulet, and become supreme ruler, in essence I'll become Zeus! If by chance I fail, I set in motion the complete destruction of Terra-Gemini.”

Vortex saw himself walking by, he figured he'd see his other version of himself. He thought if I kill my alternate now, that might end up killing me as I am now. He approached him, and said, “ Seth, don't be afraid I'm your future self, don't challenge Zeus to a duel over rule of this kingdom, let me do it on your behalf. I'll destroy him and you'll get powers, and long life to rule an entire universe! Come, I'll explain...

Meanwhile, back on the Mystic Plateau, Hari ( The Blue Phantom) was still in suspended animation,  the giant cyclops was sitting down on one of the rocks, sleeping. Hari, using his telepathic powers he filled the creature's head with a suggestion to release him from this force field, to save the cyclops life. Being that the giant's mind was easy to influence to suggestion. The giant woke up in a trace, and release Hari from his suspended animation state, and traded places with him! Hari quickly turned on the force field and put the giant in suspended animation, just has the creature woke up from his trace. He gave out a rower!

Hari didn't waste anytime getting back in his space pod, and flew into cyber space, he found a digital ion trial that might be a recently opening of a data portal. He took a risk and fallowed it until a digital data portal opened up, and flew through it, not knowing where he'd end up. The portal opened up, and there was the planet Aquarius, orbiting a orange star long with five other planets.  

This world is where it all began for the peoples of the digital universe, ruled by the giants, who had already long life spans. Little did they know they would be creatures of a digital yo universe, with many galaxies, and planets, like in another universe were the humans came from.  Hari landed his craft near the palace named Mount Olympus, in the city of Atlantis. 

He went into the palace, just in time to see Vortex confronting Zeus, challenging him to a duel. Zeus was about to accept the duel, when Hari interrupted Saying, “ Don't do it my lord!” Zeus focused his attention on the Blue Phantom, and had his palace guard to bring him to the throne, he started, “ Who are you, and what's the meaning of this?” 

The Blue Phantom: “ Don't listen to this man lord, he is from your future, he is a immortal, he can't be killed, he is planing to get you into a fight to assassinate you, and gain absolute rule, by denying you Immortality, while keeping his, and killing you and the other digital lords!” 

Vortex: “ He's crazy my lord, I'm Seth!” 

The Blue Phantom: “ If you permit me my lord, let me show his thoughts and mine.” 

Zeus wasn't going to take any chances, he ordered his guard to hold Vortex, while the Blue Phantom was sharing his thoughts, and Vortex's to the king. All of it was true, and Vortex's plan revealed! 

The Blue Phantom: “ I can't win this fight or no one can while he is in this state of immortality, I can defeat his alternate, and I know where he is hidden.” 

The Blue Phantom battles Vortex in the arena.

Chapter 4: The Blue Phantom -Vs- Vortex

They brought Seth, the alternate Vortex and stood him before Zeus, looking down from his throne, he gave both Vortex's an angry glare. He said, “ So you conspired with this one to change history to suit your ambitions to gain immortality, and assassinate me!? You'll face this Blue Phantom in the  fighting arena on the wings of Mercury arena in the morning! Take them both to the dungeon, and keep them in separate cells. Just though we don't mistake you from the other one of you will wear the neck lace of obedience, put it on Seth! Now take them away.” 

One of the guards asked, “ What do you want us to do with this sorceress who was with him sire?” 

Zeus: “ She'll be imprisoned as well to hang for witch craft, now go!”

The next day Vortex faced the Blue Phantom in the arena, the fight between them only took minutes, The Blue Phantom gave a deathly blow against Vortex, by slashing his midsection, and his chest, which made Vortex crumble on the arena floor dead. As soon as Vortex's alternate was killed, it also wiped Vortex the immortal from existence, not before he sent a telepathic signal to lunch a rocket on Terra-Gemini into space and into their star, which created a super nova, and destroyed the entire Gemini star system!

Not knowing the outcome of that the Blue Phantom gave the data disk of Terra-Gemini to Zeus before he left. Zeus said before he left, I don't know what you may find in your reality, a star system with planets, or dust, I hope you'll find your way warrior, thank you for saving our fate. Our scribes will keep your history in our library of the ages, your history of your world will not be forgotten.” 

Hari got back on his space pod and opened a data portal to his reality he came from, he found the star system were Terra-Gemini, and found it gone! He then ordered the computer to set a course to his ancient world in another reality, the data portal opened up, and his space pod disappeared in it...The end of the Terra-Gemini series, stay tune for a new series soon to fallow. 

The Night Owl Comics is a publication
of the Port Angeles Globe, written by,
Peter Ripley

Music video:

Accretionist - Quantum Dream [Space Ambient Channel]

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