Chapter 1: The kingdom of the Genii.
( The year of the 👳Gennie)

For the most part, the Genii were passives, not prone to violence like their other humanoid counterparts, they didn’t need to they were telepaths, they can make their enemies fight among themselves. Those who thought that the Genii were just push overs were under a false impression. When the human king Cyrus the first invaded their territory, in the land of Gemini, he couldn’t conquer the territories under the rule of the Genii King, Gem the first, because the genii made his army fight against themselves, and drove back King Cyrus from their territories, which were in the southern part of the land known as Gemini.
Like the Aquatics, the genii, had a cast system, those who had three eyes were considered very powerful telepaths, who can read minds, as well make people do things like fight among themselves.
The ones with no third eye, had less powers, they were servants of the higher order of Genii. As long as you were friendly towards them, they would be a good ally, they also had the ability to heal using their herbs, tonics, medication from kelp a sea plant grown near the shores of oceans. They would harvest this kelp, and make a tonic out of it, to heal most any illness, but on Terra-Gemini this kelp had hallucination qualities, if dried and smoked, it was narcotic, just like the opium they grew and used for medicinal purposes. Of course in this point of Terra-Gemini history usage of these drugs were common, not made illegal until thousands of years later.
Like the aquatics they had their advance technology they weren’t willing to share with the other races of this world, they weren’t war mongers like some on this world, they used their technologically for peaceful uses, like their “genie lamp” devices, which were fusion reactor engines big as a genie lamp, when installed in a ship would make it float above the waters and land, much like the “magic carpet” of the Aquatics devices, but these had save guards, only a genii could hold the device, because if any one other than a genii held would burn the hands of the one holding it.
However if the red ruby on the lid of the device, was replace with a blue ruby, anyone can hold it safely, another safe guard if the lamp was rubbed by a race not a genii, it would let out a poisonous type of nerve gas that would kill a whole village, or big city. These genie lamps were highly sought after by the other races, which made them very valuable in the black market if any were stolen from the maze of the lamp, which was guarded by monsters, which the guardian of the maze would create in the minds of would be thieves.
King Gem listening to the pros, and cons of sharing what they have with the other races in this world…
Advisor one: “ Your majesty, I propose that we consider making our Genie Lamps to the humans.”
Advisor two: “ What you are proposing is dangerous, and goes against everything we the Genii stand for, peace.”
Advisor one: “ Who are we to play gods, judging who is ready to use the technology, we take for granted, why not make a deal with the humans, allow them access to our lamps, under our supervision, and guidance?”
Advisor two: “ You really think Gug, that these humans will accept our guidance, and having us look over their shoulders?”
Gug: “ Yes, I think they would we can influence their behavior using our telepathic powers, to make sure our lamps will be used for peaceful uses.”
Advisor two: You know very well they won’t like us setting conditions on how they use our lamps, they’ll want to use our engines to power their machines of war. Do you recall what happened on our ancient home world when we shared our technology to a race of beings on another world, to help them along, how they turned on us, because we wouldn’t share anymore of our knowledge, because they wanted to use what we gave them for warfare, they destroyed our home world, making us flee, and go anywhere the scorpions won’t find us! Now you propose we make the same mistake here with these humans?”
Gug: “ We haven’t heard from the warlocks for generations now, doubtful if they will ever find us, I think we can trust the humans enough to share what we have.”
King Gem then spoke and said, “ I decided we’ll stick to the status quo, and not share or technology for the time being. Until we can truly trust the other races with it.”

Chapter 2: The Bounty hunter.
After the king made his decision, the two advisors left his presents. Gug was convince in his mind that the humans could be trusted in using the “genie lamp” with supervision, so he had to prove that to the king, and make perhaps that would change his mind.
A black space pod shaped like a diamond entered the Terra-Gemini atmosphere, and landed on the surface next to a cave inside the craft was a creature, green skin, three red eyes, and wearing a black hooded cloak, it was a warlock! A bounty hunter and assassin, his race put out a bounty on all genii, to exterminate all of them. His name, Baal.
Baal entered the cave, looked like a good hide out to set up shop, he was telepathic and a shape shifter. Perfect for an assassin to transform himself to any form for disguises. His space craft landed with no damage to the onboard computer, which he started to run a scan of the lifeforms of the planet.
He noted there were humans on this world, primitive, since he never encountered any, he thought they maybe exploited because of their weaknesses, of wanting power, that much he knew of them. Then his scanners picked up what he was looking for, Genii!
Baal: “ So, this is where you ran off to, thinking you found a safe place, to live. Well my blue friends, your day of reckoning is close at hand.” He thought to himself.
He had with him a full case of Genie Lamps in his craft, enough to wipe out millions if the yellow jewel on the side of the device was pushed, a timer would start, and in ten minutes the lamp would release nerve gas, not only killing the genii but other humanoid life forms. It was a indiscriminate killing device.
Then he thought if he could create a distraction in order to place the devices in the most populated area of the genii. What he needed was a patsy, someone who is in a position of power, and not happy with the status quo of their leaders. So he got in his craft, put in stealth mode, and flew to the capital city of the genii kingdom.

of the digital overlords
Chapter 3: The Knights of the Ninth order.
On a celestial plain of existence hovering between the Digital Universe, and Reality lived the nine digital overlords, which many on Terra-Gemini worship as gods. They are guardians between the two universes, who sent out knights of light to fight and destroy any intrusions of evil on to worlds in the digital universe, and ours to protect the innocents from evil that too powerful to defeat, so these knights, were called “Knights of the ninth order”.
Knights selected by the overlords from different realities were planted on planets of the Digital Universe, and called upon when they were needed. Which was needed more now than ever on Terra-Gemini.
Especially so for the species known the Genii, who were a hunted people by a species known as the scorpions, that hired mercenaries like the warlocks. These knights worked in secret watching and waiting.

secret order of the Knights of the nine.
Hari was a kelp farmer near the shore of the ocean of Poseidon, he could see Ram Head island in the distance, he heard of human settler’s making their home there, calling themselves the followers of Ares. He heard that they were claiming they true kingdom of Ares, not those who called themselves Trojans and lived on the island of Pisces, until they began conquering all the continent of Scorpio. It was all to complicated for Hari to keep track of with the politics of humans, he just had his kelp farm, and dealing with his own troubles, and keeping track of matters in his kingdom he was a subject to the kingdom of Gem.
He was harvesting the kelp along the seashore, and heard a beeping sound from the tool shed, it was a beep he hope he’d never heard. He dropped what he was doing, and went into the shed, and saw the genie lantern glowing blue. He tapped the lid of the lantern and a holograph image appeared, the face of digital overlord named, Zeus/Jupiter.
Zeus/Jupiter: “ We tracked a diamond shaped space craft landing near the capital of the Genii, a bounty hunter a warlock who has no business on Terra-Gemini, by the order of the nine, you’re to track this killer down, and destroy him, before he kills millions. End of message.”
Hari put on the amulet of the knight of the nine, and was transformed into a super being with powers far more than his natural ability. He wore a blue hooded cloak that gave him the ability to disappear at will, and disguise himself, to go unnoticed.

Chapter 4: To track a killer.
This was personal to Hari, if there was a Warlock here, that meant the Scorpions probably know his people is on this world, and its the Scorpions desire to exterminate all of his people. He wondered, if he was successful, would that mean his people would have to leave this world?
He mounted his Pegasus horse, and flew toward the capital city. Luckily he could lift the veil of the disguise of a warlock, thanks to his enhanced powers wearing the amulet. It would takes days to reach the Genii capital of Cen. So he brought along good reading material, the Scroll of Eternity.
Baal was already at the city of Cen. He disguised himself as one of the palace servants so he could observe the happenings of the king’s court. He stood near the king posing as one of his messengers who would deliver messages when the need arises. Once again Gug appeared stood before the king to reconsider his decision on sharing their technologically to the humans.
Gug: “ Your highness, please reconsider letting the humans have our genie lamp fusion reactor engines, I’m sure under my personal supervision, they will be proven to use them for peaceful purposes.”
Just before the king was to make his final ruling, a messenger came running into court with startling news.
Messenger: “ Your Highness, they found us!”
King Gem: “ Who!”
Messenger: “ We gotten reports of a black diamond shaped space craft landed not just ten miles from here, yesterday, farmers reported the craft flying over head. It was a ship that the Warlocks would use!”
King Gem: “ I hear they can change shape, appear as anyone, and we can’t detect them, I am putting the palace on full alert, and we need to consider the possibility we may have to leave this world, no other matters can be considered at this time, were in a state of emergency!”
Gug: “ Your highness, please will you consider my proposal first?”
King Gem: “ I’m sorry my decision remains as it is on that issue, we now must make a decision on whether or not we leave this world.”
Gug then left the throne room and started back to his quarters, disappointed that the king was stead fast on his ruling.

explores new world of the Genii.
Chapter 5: Hard choices of the Genii, and a new world.
Baal had to act fast, the palace was on lock down, no one could enter, or leave the palace, the palace guard were on full alert, until the threat was discovered. He put a hex on everyone in the palace, causing them to start accusing each other of being a warlock, fogging their minds, with hallucinations while he started planting genie lamp bombs, around the palace, while everyone was being distracted of accusing each other. He carefully planted the bombs out of sight, so only he could know where they were, he had a device that would trigger the yellow jewel on the side of the lamps to release the nerve gas simultaneously by remote control. He then made himself appear to be Gus! Making sure palace guards saw him with a large sack, of genie lamps walking around the palace. Making Gus be the patsy, if he was discovered.
While Gus was in his quarters while Baal was walking around disguised as Gus, carrying a sack of lamps. He then placed the sack he used inside a container near the door of Gus’s quarters so it could be found by the palace guards.
He further implicated Gus, by leaving a note on the desk of the palace guard commander. The note read, “ I take this action because humans aren’t the only ones who can’t be trusted with our lamps, we also are vulnerable to the temptation of committing violence, we are not as superior as we might think.” — Signed Gus Meek, advisor to the king. It was written by Baal with Meek’s forged signature.
Baal made is way out of the palace, and was ready to push the button, when suddenly a sharp blade was at his throat! The voice behind him said, “ Drop it, or I’ll cut your throat!” Baal dropped the device, and turned his head, it was Hari holding his blade at his throat.
Hari: “ Game over warlock!”
Hari made Baal lay on the ground and called a nearby palace guard, saying, “ Take this warlock to the king, if he tries to change shape kill him!” The Hari took the trigger device and destroyed it. He joined the guards who led the warlock to the king.
Hari holding his weapon on Baal standing before the king, made him confess his crimes, by using his telepathic powers, block any attempt by Baal to lie, he told the king about the bombs, and setting up Gus to take the blame. After hearing Baals confession, and being forced to reveal his true self by Hari, the king ordered his immediate execution. The guard dragged out Baal crying out as he left saying, “ I’m not the only one, there will be others!” He was executed outside the palace by hanging in the court yard of the dungeon.
Now with their minds cleared of fog, and thinking clearly, the king had a dilemma, either stay on Terra-Gemini, and take a risk other warlords would show up, and destroy their race, or look elsewhere for a new home. He knew of his peoples weariness of consistently having to run, never finding a home for them to rebuild their culture, and remain as peaceful people in this digital universe.
Hari spoke up while the King and his aids were debating this, and said. “ I may have an answer, my lord. While farming my kelp I also an astronomer, I discovered a planet using my magical telescope that can see stars and planets far away, with your permission I’ll use Baal’s space craft to check it out, and see if it’s suitable for our kind.”
King Gem: “ Sure go for it, use our portal device, that may help you get there faster.”
Hari found Baals space craft, and flew into deep space, using the onboard computer found a ringed blue and green planet orbiting a two star solar system the planet the size of our Uranus, with eight moons orbiting it was the sole habitual world, with three gas giants sharing the orbit of this two star system, the planet was inside a red nebula which acted as a natural masking it’s existence. Hari scanned the surface of the planet, and found only animal life forms, it was like this planet was set up for the Genii.
He landed the craft on one of the eight continents of the planet, and scouted ten miles from where he landed, he saw snow capped mountains, forest, and land rich for farming. He got back in the ship and flew in space orbiting the surface of this world he discovered, he noted two large oceans, along with islands dotting the waters below. He thought to himself, “ This world could be our new home.” Then he headed back to Terra-Gemini.
He gave his findings to the king, and after the king debating the issue to stay, or leave for the new home world. It was decided they leave this world, sparing the other life forms of their troubles. They started preparing to leave Terra-Gemini, to the new Genii home world, they left only the scroll of knowledge which contained stories of their existence on their world, and how to make medicines from the herbs and tonics. Also instructions on how to build a fusion reactor engine, they hid the scroll deep down in a cavern in the desert, sealed inside a large container, with password protection.
To open the large genie lantern to get the scroll someone would have to figure out the pass word: PIN67GEN. Which would one day be discovered thousand of years from now. They then gathered to the Pyramids, which were many, enough to carry all of the Genii that wanted to go, then during the night they lift off into space and headed to their new home world. But, some chosen to stay knowing the risk, and became subjects to whomever ruled their lands.
Music Video
Alan Parsons Project - Sirius (Eye In The Sky) (12'' DJ Mike G. Extended Mix) (Remastered)
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