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Terra-Gemini 1st explorer Anthony Daedalus |
Chapter 1: Old Grudges
The virus released upon the world of Terra-Gemini, which killed millions before being stopped, marked the end of an area called the age of Aquarius when mankind first arrived on the planet, now some 3000 years ago.
It also marked a beginning of a new age for mankind called the age of Aries. The virus which killed many of the humanoid races, and many others left this world, some had gotten the cure in time, and decided to stay it turns out, the Genii people were among of the other races that stayed, along with the Aquas, and some Lynx spices, Mainly because Terra-Gemini was their home now.

Back to where it all began in the kingdom of Aquarius on the continent of Scorpio, the house of Hermes Apollo still was fuming over the lost of their lands to the Trojan Empire. A new king arose in the kingdom of Aquarius, named Ares, son of Hermes. He like his ancestor, Hermes, felt that giving up lands that he felt was, stolen by the Trojans, the land he thought was rightfully part of the kingdom. Like a vulture would act picking away a dead corpse bones, he saw the virus that killed millions as an opportunity to settle an old family grudge with the Trojan Empire.
King Ares, Hermes sitting on his throne summon his aid named Daedalus…
Daedalus was a plain man, he followed the teachings from the Eternal Scrolls left by Troy ages ago, he was a God fearing man didn’t hold to worshiping of the “digital gods” like most who lived in the kingdom. He thought it strange that his king would take an opportunity like this during a time of sorrow, to take revenge, and settle an old score, long since forgotten in the time he lived in when all these kingdoms of the world with a few exceptions were ceasing lands, at will at the cost of the misfortunes of others, so his king didn’t behave any different from the rest of the known world, but holding a grudge for so long was troublesome. But, he was the King’s aid, so he didn’t question or made his feelings known about the matter.
He entered the great hall where the king was sitting on his throne, and greeted him..
Daedalus: “ May the king live forever, what is your wish your highness?”
King Ares: “ My fathers, father vowed to even the score with the Trojans for taking land that by all rights belong to us, I intend to rectify that by attacking their fortress city of Troy which is on the border of this demilitarize zone, they still have those horse tower floating fortresses, given by the Aquas giving them a unfair advantage over us. Since then they built more of these fortresses with magical powers that make them float over the ground, and the sea. I want to know what is this magic, that makes these fortresses float, and how can we get the same magic.”
Little did anyone knew these “flying carpet” devices were powered by Mercury Fusion, an renewable energy source, which comes from “Red Oil” when carefully processed, turns into fusion which would one day power hover cars, hover ships, and space ships. However this was way beyond their time, far into the future, but the Aquas gave them a small taste of what was to come.
The “Red Oil” was easily found in pools of it in the deserts of Gemini, and the islands which were the homes of the Aquas when they needed to be on dry land, only the Aquas, and the Genii knew how to use the oil, but the Genii only used it to light their lanterns at night, make camp fires, never for weapons, they had what was called the genie lamp, much like the flying carpet device, but that was a closely guarded secret, the Genii were pacifist by nature, would never allow their “genie lamp” for warfare.
King Ares wanted Daedalus to search far and wide for such power.

Chapter 2: Tipping the scales of power
Daedalus Chronicled his adventure in his journal he kept, now part of written history of this world, he would also be this world’s first explorer. His journal went like this: “ We heard that remnants of Aquas were still living on the Lobster island, in the southern waters of the great sea of Poseidon, were probably the first humans to venture that far from the seas were familiar with like the sea of Pisces, sailing on unknown waters made the fifty member crew of my ship named “ The Sea Horse” nervous to say the least.
We first had to travel through territories which was not in the territories near the Trojan empire, so we began tracking down to the Port city of Athena, which was the gateway to the Ocean of Poseidon. It was a city of trade, for centuries with peoples who lived on islands, which included Lobster Island. The city was ruled by a man named Jewls Miles, who also sold ships, The Sea Horse was his finest vessel on the high seas, so I bought the craft from him for $4,000 Silver coins. We heard of a Aqua man who lived in town, maybe he’d be kind enough to assists us.

I found the aqua man I only heard about by towns people, a aqua named Zenith. He spent his days when not fishing, spending time in the tavern down in the harbor area. I found him in the tavern named Blue Aqua saloon. He was sitting alone at his table sipping the only alcoholic drink his kind drinks “ Sea weed ale” nasty stuff made of seaweeds, only a Aqua would enjoy.
Just as I was about to introduce my self, two village thugs entered the tavern, came up to the table where Zenith was sitting and started to hassle him. The leader of the group a Lynx of the Jaguar pride, started in on Zenith saying, “ You owe our boss over $10,000 gold and silver coins he lent you, your late with the loan, and interest on top of that fish man! We are here to collect!”

loan shark Slime Bait
I knew, I probably shouldn’t step in but I did, not seeing anyone be victimized by a loan shark know matter whom he was. I confronted the thugs, that were pressuring Zenith to pay up, and from the looks of him, he could never afford to anyways. I said to the leader of five thugs saying, “ Hey, can’t you see he is in no position in paying your boss any money?” The Jaguar cat then pulled a knife on me, and said, “ Stay out of this human! My boss, Slime Bait won’t like you interference in his business human so back off!”
Then the bar keep stepped in and said, “ Hey! No brawling in here Clive! Take it out side, I won’t have you, or your lowlifes wreck my tavern like you did last week, now get out!”
The leopard cat like Humanoid creature left the tavern glaring at me as he left, with a growl in his voice said, “ I’ll see you soon human.”
The barkeep thanked me for saving his tavern gave me a drink of beer free, and warned me saying, “ You know that lizard of a loan shark Slime Bait won’t like that you tipped the scale of his power play here, if I were you I’d leave town fast.”
I thanked the barkeep for the drink and sat with Zenith to talk with him.
Zenith: “ Thank you for doing that human, but I don’t understand why you would help someone like me, don’t you humans consider yourselves superior to us?”
Daedalus: “ Where did you hear such a thing?”
Zenith: “ Not so much in words, but by attitudes your people regard us as, only useful when convenient, like now, I can sense you came looking for my help, that’s why you intervened on my behalf with Slime Bait’s thugs, am I right?”
Daedalus: “ First of all your part right I came looking for your to assistance, you’re wrong on two counts. One, not all we humans regard the other races on this world as subhuman beings, many became our greatest allies, only a few of us regard your kind as mere servants to shoot our ends, Two I have a mission to complete, not because it’s my will, because of the will of my king, Ares, of Aquarius, whom your four fathers was allies with, until your people gave another human clan an unfair advantage. I’ll do this mission, with or without your help if need be.”
Zenith: So, you holding a grudge on my people of the Aquatics, for giving our “magic carpet’ devices, something we offered your kingdom along with the other clan of humans who lived on the Island of Pisces, but was ignored by your king way back when?”
Daedalus: “ You offered our kingdom these devices, and we rejected the offer?”
Zenith: “ Yes, we sent a messenger with our devices, but your king Hermes looked down his nose at us, and tossed our messenger out of the palace, so we offered these 13 devices to your neighbor, and they gladly accepted them.”
Daedalus: “ No wonder our kingdom lost territories we once had to the Trojans, if it weren’t for our arrogant, and condescending attitudes from King Hermes, we wouldn’t be in the fix were in now.”
Zenith: “ Look I’ll do you a favor, it’s the least I can do, I’ll sail along with you to our homeland Lobster Island, and if my king is willing to sell you some of these devices, this will help even the playing field for your people, then again he might just feed you to our sea serpent!”

Slime BaitWith
The loan shark,
Slime BaitWith that we shook hands, agreeing on setting sail for Lobster Island in two days while my crew lay in provisions for our journey. As I went out from the tavern, there was the five thugs waiting for me, they brought along their leader Slime Bait to confront me, Slime Bait a T-Rex serpent man creature came to me and said, “ look human, I run this town, me and the town overlord has an agreement, he tends to the matters of your kind, while I tend to our kind, and you sticking your nose in my business tips the apple cart get it human?”
Daedalus: “Whether your human, or humanoid that make no difference to me, all deserve a measure of justice, no one deserves to be bullied by thugs for a few measly gold, and silver coin.” I told the lizard like loan shark.

His men started to move in to beat me, then my men came and joined me carrying weapons. I told Slime Bait, “ We will be leaving this town in two days, in the meantime you lay off Zenith understand me?” Then I threw a bag of silver coin at the loan shark, and said, “ I pay his debt in full with interest, now on your way, or my men will drag you to the nearest town that will administrator justice.”
Slime Bait: “ Thank you human for such charity, oh by the way welcome to the land of Sagittarius, homeland of the Sphinx peoples.”
I thought to myself there has to be law and order in this world, thugs like them shouldn’t be able to get away with crime.
Chapter 3: The under water kingdom of Poseidon the IV

Two days passed, and we had no further encounters with Slime Bait, or his thugs, I guess they figured why cause trouble for us since were sailing away from town along with Zenith I have a hunch once we leave things will go back to the status quo of the town overlord looking the other way while Slime Bait and his gang victimizes the Sphinx people who live in town. Clearly something has to be done. But I had a mission to complete for my king. So, we set sail for the mysterious Lobster Island.
Lobster Island, an island shaped like a lobster, located in the southern waters of the Poseidon Ocean on land there was a temple which the aquatics would meet with those who couldn’t swim to the city under the waters. That’s if whoever is ruling at the time was gracious enough to meet with land dwellers, otherwise they had the “Necklace of Gills” A visitor could put on which will allow him to breathe under water.
As we approached the island over head we saw flying sea serpents with aqua-people flying on them, they didn’t look like the Aquas we known. Zenith said, “ Don’t worry human, those are sea serpent guards flying those serpents, they have green skin not like we who have golden, our blue scale skin. Like you we have different races of Aquatics, like you humans do.

They seen me with you so they know you, and your men are save to visit our island.” We landed on shore, and made our way up a hill where the temple was, with flying sea serpents circling over head, there was one greeter, and a sea serpent guard standing next to a door when opened you enter a small closet chamber which had buttons on a panel, when pushed the chamber would go down under water, to a tunnel which led to the under water world of the Aquatics. The temple tenant approached me and asked, “ What brings you here human?” He gave Zenith a scornful glare while speaking to me, like it was forbidden for me to even come.
Zenith first spoke, “ These humans wish an audience with our king door keeper, of a matter of great importance my lord.”
The ‘door keeper glared at Zenith, then turn his attention on me, and my men, asked, “ Is this true human?”
“ Yes, my king wishes for those “Flying Carpet” devices for his kingdom, of Aquarius to even the scales of power in our homeland.” I said.
The door keeper looked at me then said, “ I’ll go and see of our king will see you or not after I deliver your message.” Then he went into the chamber it sank down under the water.

The door keeper returned and said, “ The King will see you, here wear this necklace, it will allow you to breathe under water, and protect you from the pressures of the water down at the floor of the ocean.”
He gave me the necklace and I put it on, then I entered the chamber, along with Zenith, and the door keeper. The chamber lowered down the shaft through layers of rock, then we entered down into the ocean, while heading down to the ocean floor I saw things that was hard to imagine, tall towers with blinking lights, dome like buildings on the ocean floor. The chamber entered the largest of the dome structures, which was the palace of King Poseidon the IV, the chamber entered the dome through the top of the building, and landed which looked like a lobby of the palace.

The under water world of Poseidon
I looked outside of the dome building, and saw Aquas swim along with the sea life, plus many thinks like pods carrying people in them. Somethings none on the surface would believe or imagine, was possible.

of Poseidon wearing the necklace of gills
I followed the door keeper through this wall of water, I stepped through it, and found myself under water! I could breathe under tons of pressure, like a fish, thanks to the necklace of gills. I was thinking while admiring the underwater world that maybe the king will be gracious enough to grant my king’s request. If not I feared that my men, and me would be in deep distress given the state of our two races. I stood before the king and plead my case to him.
After I told him of the request of my king, he said, “ Those devices were given by my predecessor who was more liberal in his dealings with your kind, they shouldn’t
been given in the first place, your kind is not ready to get such power, so we’ll take back what we gave to the Trojans, and in the same time teach your king a lesson about holding a 500 year old grudge, by burning his city!”
I said, “ No your highness don’t blame our people for the acts of our king, innocent people would be killed needlessly, our two kings should settle their differences one, on one in a duel.”
King Poseidon: “Sounds fair enough to me, why didn’t you proposed that to your king in the first place?”
I answered, “ I couldn’t because I had no incentive to do so, to my king dueling without a incentive to do so, means nothing to him, you saying if he doesn’t agree to a duel, will result in having the city burned down, give the incentive of agreeing to it.”
King Poseidon: “ Sounds good to me, but I’ll still send my flying sea serpents to take those towers away and drop them into the sea, in the meantime you and your men will stay on the island until we do what we need to do.”
Then I was taken by serpent guards back to the surface, and placed under guard in a jail along with my men.
Poseidon down on his throne said to one of his serpent guards, “ See that our guess is treated well, and send thirteen of your sea serpents to get those horse towers and dump them into the sea, and give a gift to King Ares, have him drink this potion it will give him what he deserves.”
Serpent Guard: “ Yes my lord right away.”
I didn’t know that Poseidon was planning to make my king sick because I was in jail at the time, only knew of it after it happened, which gave him the wasp plague.
I saw from my window of my jail cell 13 flying sea serpents flying away north.
The sea serpents came swooping down on the demilitarize zone I was told later with some resistance from the Trojan army, and picked up all thirteen horse tower fortresses and flew over the ocean of Poseidon and dropped them in the water which they all sank. I was told that the Trojan king figured that King Ares gotten help from the Aquas and declared war on Aquarius, and the Aquas little did King Jupiter I, of the Trojans realized the scope of the Aquatics technology. So in essence, the Trojans attacked the city of Aquarius, and burned the city, killing hundreds in the process, doing what King Poseidon’s task of burning the city, for him. The Trojans ending up taking over the northern territories as well, and imprisoning our king. The serpent guard seeing this relented in giving the potion because he figured our king now in Trojan hands will pay for holding grudges for so long.

mission to grab the Trojan Horse tower fortress’s
and dump them in the ocean
Chapter 4: Diverting further blood shed.
The Aquatics released us by transporting us home in our ship having a sea serpent holding on to it while it flew over the sea and lands to our sea of Pisces, gently lowered our boat on the waters and flew away. When we made shore we were greeted by Trojan soldiers and brought to King Jupiter the first, and I told him about what happened to us, after hearing what I said he relented on trying to fight the Aquatics, focused instead of dealing with my former king who now regrets I heard of holding grudges, and what it cost him, and the family of Xeus. My king would spend years regretting this while under house arrest in his palace.
As for me I was released from the Trojan prison and moved far away, and made it back to the land of Sagittarius, and with aid of a king in that land who seek justice, became his ranger to see law and order are served, starting with the city of Athena, which I gladly took Slime Bait, and his gang to the King of Sagittarius for judgment and punishment.” — End of Daedalus’s journal.
The Trojans decided that they allow the City of Aquarius be ruled by another family member of Xeus other than Ares. The Trojans were contented in ruling only the land known as Scorpio, at that time, however in later years, they would expand their empire nearly half of the known world under other kings with the lust of power in their blood.
Music video:
Whale songs to relax or fall asleep; ASMR
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