Preface: Though this story takes place during a biblical event, during the great flood and Noah’s Ark. This story though it’s fiction in nature, is not intended to take away any part of the biblical story of Noah’s Ark away.

Chapter one: Atlantis the great city.
He lived during the time of giants, and legends walked the earth, during the time of a great flood would occur, to wipe out mankind from the face of the Earth, because sins they committed against God.
They worship the giants, as Gods! The Giants treated mankind as slaves, to full fill their whims. Some humans willingly did their bidding, and serve in the giants armies , Mars Clavius was such a man.

He serve as guard in the court of the giant who called himself Zeus! In the city called Atlantis, on the island Continent, with the same name. The island was large, and sat in the southern Atantic Ocean, near the Burmuda Triangle, which always seem to have an atmosphere of unearthly powers. Zeus’s brother, Jupiter rules in lands far to the west, in the city of Troy, both brothers were always at odds with each-other. All it would take is an event as an excuse for open warfare.
The Trojans, had far advance technology, above their primitive counterparts. For example: They could make portals that would open to transport armies anywhere in the world. Something that Zeus didn’t have and wanted from his brother.
Chapter 2: THE QUEST

King Zeus was sitting on his throne in the palace, he summoned Mars Clavius to appear before him. Clavius came and bowed before Zeus, and said, “ May the king live forever, how may I serve you my lord?”

King Zeus answered, General Clavius, I want you to take 50 of you best men, and travel to my brother’s kingdom, and find out what is this device is that allows him to open portals, and travel instantly to another part of the world, while you are doing that, travel though RA’s domain to check these stories I am hearing about a crazy man building Large ship in the middle of no where, preaching the destruction of the world through a massive flood, and bring this man they call Noah before me.
Clavius, asked the king, what if this Noah refuses to come?
The king answered, That’s simple, kill him!
Clavius answered, “Yes as you wish my lord.” Then bowed down before the king and left the palace.
It was the next morning Clavius gathered 50 of his men, with camels and elephants loaded with provisions for a long trip, and marched out of the city with fan fare, boarded a long boat and set sail for the Trojan kingdom of Jupiter. Which lay across the great sea to the western lands.
Chapter 3: Jupiter’s Scepter.

The island kingdom of Troy, was large as Atlantis was except it was in the middle of what would be known as the Pacific Ocean. The city of Troy, was a fortified Port City, for merchant ships to come in and trade, same with the city of Atlantis was a port of call for ships coming and going in the Atlantic Ocean.
Before Clavius set sail he visited an apothecary named Festus, he made three potions for Clavius to use, one was in a glass bottle which when thrown on a hard service, and break would unleash a gas which would cause those around to become in a suspend animation state, trapped in time while those who were not affected after taking a potion that Festus made that would protect those who had to steal what they needed to take. Festus gave the potions to Clavius, his men, and himself when the time was right. The third was a tonic when drank, who would make someone, look like some else.
Clavius boat sailed to the island of Pet, twenty miles offshore from the mainland of Troy, there they landed their longboat, and moved inland so they could go unseen, and made camp there. While on the island they visited a small village, and asked the village if they could have a guide that could show them the way to the city of Troy, undetected. The village elders had no great love, for Troy, or its ruler since troops from Troy would come and visit to take people and take them back to Troy as slaves, so the elder were more than willing to help. This gave Clavius an idea, wait until Trojan troops pay the island another visit, instead of going to them. So they stayed on the island of Pet, dressed up as members of the villagers, and laid a trap for the Trojans.
Jupiter had two sons, Romulus, and Remus, though both boys weren’t the stature of their father, nevertheless they just as ruthless, both brothers were competing for the throne. Remus was more self involved, and more ruthless then his brother, Romulus, and he had knack of self preservation, when pushed. He would often visit the island of Pet, to harass the village elder’s daughter, Catrina.
On the day of his visit to Pet, would open the doorway opportunity for Clavius, to gain information on how Jupiter opens portals to travel anywhere in the known world.
When Remus arrived at the Island, on a longboat, with 20 men, he was hoping for a quick raid on the village, and take by force the village elder’s daughter along with twenty slaves. Instead, he was greeted with Clavius, and his men waiting in ambush. The fight didn’t last long, Clavius, and his men quickly overpowered, Remus, and the men he was with, all his men were killed, Remus, was left wounded, and surrounded by his enemies.
While in the grass hut of the village medicine man, tending to Remus leg wound, Clavis entered the hut holding a hot poker, he heated up in g camp fire, still red hot, he held the poker above Remus’s wound and said, “ I know the kind of man you are Remus, a bully, and a coward, you’ll tell what I need to know about your father’s ability to open these portals, or you’ll receive more pain than what I’m about to do to your leg by clotting that wound with this hot iron.” He touched Remus’s leg with the hot iron, clotting the leg wound, causing Remus sheer pain, he scream out in pain!
Clavius, looked down at Remus still revving in pain from the hot poker, and said: “ I am coming back in here tomorrow, and you’ll have to decide how cooperative, you are going to be, or this is going to get real nasty.”
The Clavius left the hut until early the next morning carrying another hot iron. Clavius, poked Remus at the sole of his feet with the still warm iron poker it woke Remus up, screaming out in pain! Clavius knelt down beside Remus and said, “ now we are are going to talk, or I’ll keep burning your feet with this hot iron, you ready be cooperative, or I start burn your feet more?
Remus seeing the Clavius meant what he said, yelled out saying, “Alright! I’ll tell you, it’s my father’s scepter! Alright!? When he sticks the staff in the ground, the bulb on the top of it glows with light, then a portal opens up!”
Clavius answered, “Where did your father got this staff?” Remus answered: “ He gotten it by a genie that granted him three wishes, the staff was one of the three wishes he wished for, he still has the bottle where the genie lives in.”
Chapter 4: The raid on Jupiter’s palace.

one love
While staying on the Island of Pet, Clavius became friends with the village elder’s daughter, Catrina, as time passed they became lovers. The village elder, was happy for his daughter, finding love, and happiness. That is why Clavius found it hard to ask her in helping to gain access to Jupiter’s palace, by offering the king, something he been wanting, a new genie so he can have three more wishes, having her present a small clay container, which they would claim to be another genie inside to the king.
Having Catrina present container would make all the more legitimate, because, Jupiter believed the villagers had another genie he could use, he would send is son Remus there to search for it, as well as getting more slaves. Catrina agreed to do it.
However, once Remus got wind of the plan of presenting his father with an empty clay pot, he laughed at the idea, and said, “ Do you thing my father is that stupid, in having anyone who happens to steal his scepter, will allow anyone to open the portal? No! He made the genie to allow only him to open any portal, and the empty clay pot isn’t going to full him either!
Clavius hit Remus in the mouth with his fist, that cause him to fall on his backside And, told Remus, “ You are going help us regardless, or you’ll die!
Sometime later on the eve of their raid, a lieutenant, came to Clavius in his tent and said, “ Sir, with respect, perhaps Remus was right about his father’s scepter only allowing Jupiter to use it, perhaps it’s the genie lamp we should consider to take possession of?
Clavius answered, “ Perhaps you’re right, the new objective is the genie lamp, the rest of the plan to access to Jupiter’s palace still goes.
It was dawn the morning when Clavius, and his men, along with Catrina, and Remus set sail in their long boat toward the Island of Troy.
Clavius and his troops disguise themselves using the potion that Festus made, as emissaries from far eastern territories baring gifts.

They manage to enter the palace, with no resistance, because Remus was leading them past the palace guard into the throne room, which Jupiter was sitting on his throne.
Jupiter had the genie lamp on a table by the throne. Remus came forward to the throne, bowed, and said, “ May the king live for ever, these men come from a far off land, offering this gift which contains a new genie for you, plus this fair maiden, to be your house servant, they also offer an alliance, so we can destroy Atlantis!
While that was happen in the palace of Troy. Visitors from Ra’s realm came to the Island of Atlantis, to deliver a message to King Zeus, warning him if he sends any troops in Ra’s territories without Ra’s consent, it would be considered an act of war!
Ra, got wind of Zeus’s plan to sent troops in his territory, searching information about Noah, building an Ark teaching the end of the world, by a flood, teaching salvation while working on the Ark in the middle of nowhere. Ra was furious at Zeus, and said as he was sending his own emissaries, saying, “ How dare he assume he can send any troops in my domain, in search for a crazy man!” After Zeus heard the message he jailed the messengers, and chose to ignore the warning…

genie lamp, and force to aid Clavius and his party
back to Atlantis.
Back in Troy, Jupiter was presented a gift from his son Remus, and Catrina a small clay pot. Jupiter sitting on his throne, looking at the group of visitors standing before him, grinned at them, stood up from his throne, and said to his son Remus: “ Remus my son, not only you’re a fool, your now a traitor as well!” Jupiter grabbed a dagger from his belt, and threw it at his son, which went into his chest, killing Remus! Then he yelled at the group before him, saying: “Do you think I didn’t know my brother sent you to steal what is mine?! I sent spies to Atlantis, months ago!”
Then he called in the palace guards to capture Clavius, and those who were with him.
A fight ensued between the palace guards, Clavius, and his men. Clavius manage to grab Jupiter, and put a knife to his throat, and ordered him to call off his guards, and force him to use his scepter, to open a portal back the Atlantis, taking the genie lamp, and Jupiter along through the portal back home.

indeed, it will be the destruction of Atlantis!”
Chapter 5: The search for Noah
King Zeus was delighted to have his brother in custody, he through him in jail. Zeus was also delighted to get a genie lamp, that would grant is deepest desires. Zeus spent that evening celebrating in the local brothel, The Temple of Athena, from there went back to his palace, and went down in the treasury room, where they placed the genie lamp, he was eager to have the genie inside the lamp to grant his wishes, he was reconsidering his decision to send troops to RA’s realm.

punishment due you,
and your kind!”
He opened the genie lamp, in a cloud of smoke the genie appeared, and asked, “ What do you wish for?” Zeus answered, “ I’ve been hearing rumors the this world will end in a great flood, will you grant me and my kind an escape from this disaster, if there is such disaster? The Genie answered, “ You and your kind is at an end, you’ll not escape the coming destruction. If you want salvation from it seek the man called Noah, he knows the answers you seek, I’m done granting anymore wishes to your kind, I’ll not appear again!” The the genie vanished in a cloud of smoke back into the lamp, sealing the lamp’s lid behind him. Zeus spent the rest of the night in bed pondering what the genie said.
While that was happening back in Troy, Romulus came back from hunting game, and was told by advisors of the king what happen while he was away. He vowed vengeance, on his uncle Zeus, and asked his war advisor, “ How long will it take to gather up troops, and a fleet of ships to sail to Atlantis? They told him, “ Three or four months at most.” Then Romulus said, “ Then start at once!” Another one of his advisors also told him, “ Sire, there is word that Zeus is planning to send an expiation force to RA’s realm without permission, to find this mad man name Noah, teaching the end of the world is near.”
Romulus answered, “ Interesting, send emissaries to RA’s domain, see if he wants to join in the fight against Atlantis.” The advisor answered, “ Yes sire.” The left the throne room. Romulus mumbled to himself saying, “End of the world indeed, it will be the end of Atlantis !”
It was the next morning back in the city of Atlantis, that King Zeus ordered Clavius and fifty men to sail to the territory of RA. It took a week of sailing to reach the shores what would later be known as the north of Africa, where Ra’s territory was located, which spanned north to what would later be, the Mediterranean Sea, and north west to what would be northern Iraq, and Turkey. The eastern part of Ra’s territory was lands that would be Algeria, and Libya. The landed on the shores of Algeria, then Marched their way westward, riding on camels.
They rode twenty miles into Ra’s realm when suddenly, they were attacked by the army of Ra!
The battle ended up with most of Clavius men killed, leaving only nine men including Clavius, becoming captured by Ra’s troops.

here to search for a mad man, we ignore.
Your king will receive a response shortly,
from me, and his nephew Romulus!’
They brought Clavius, and his men before the throne of Ra. He looked down from his throne and said, “ So you are the expedition force that Zeus sent to commit trespass, and search for this mad man, Noah, who we ignore!. Your king must thing himself as ruler of the world, to be so arrogant to send troops! For that he committed an act of war!’
Then he said, “ As for you, and your men, you’ll be sent to my silver, and gold mines, there you’ll dig for gold, and silver for my kingdom for the rest of your lives!”
Then ordered his palace guards to take them away, while parting from his presence, Ra yelled, “ Your fool for a king will receive a reply from me, and his nephew, Romulus shortly!”
It was dawn the next morning when the caravan of one hundred of Ra’s troops, along with a wagon load of nine prisoners headed to the northern territories of Ra’s domain left the city of Ra. Toward the mines of Ra. While riding in back of the wagon, Clavius thought about the last time he was with his love, Katrina before he left Atlantis which she was given a house by King Zeus to live in. He wished he was back there now in the city of Atlantis spending more time with her. He began to think how trivial this mission to find a crazy man was. He wished this mission would have fallen on someone’s else shoulders.
Three days into the trip, the caravan witness a strange site, far off into the distance heading north like they were they saw a parade of animals two of each kind walking side by side without hurting each other, both prey, and predator just walking parallel to them in the distance. They all pondered this strange site, and made some comments about on what they saw, then Ra’s guard silenced them saying, “ We don’t have time for such nonsense, get moving!”

parallel with the caravan, heading north.
It wasn’t long after the strange parade of animals, went out of sight, a band of fifty marauders attack the caravan! They manage to take Ra’s troops by surprise, and killing them easily, Ra’s troops then released, the prisoners from their chains, and gave them swords to join in the fight, the battle continued, ending up with the marauders winning, killing most of Ra’s troops, and the rest of Clavius men, he managed to escape the attack by jumping on a horse, riding away, not before one of the marauders shoots an arrow into him, in his shoulder as he rode off toward the direction of seeing that strange parade of animals.
He rode the horse the rest of the day, hoping none of the marauders were giving chance, to his surprise they weren’t because shortly after he rode off, a dinosaur came upon the scene, driving all the marauders away, killing some as they fled.
Clavius rode far as he could on the horse, until the animal collapse in shear exhaustion. Leaving the horse behind to die, he walked about 2 miles until he fell down on the ground, along a trail.

where he saw the parade of animals.
He laid there on the dirt trail for about an hour, when came along an old man driving cart, by a donkey. The old man got down from the cart, and made a small camp fire to heat an iron rod, he had in the cart, he pulled out the arrow and cauterize the wound on his shoulder, with the heated iron rod. Then the old man put out the camp fire, and loaded Clavius in the back of the cart, and drove off to his camp, where his family of seven people were camping.

lending assistance to the wounded Clavius.
The old man had his three sons help him put Clavius in the tent, then had his wife, and three daughter in laws, tend to Clavius’s wounds and the fever he began to have. The fever lasted for a week, when Clavius was well enough to peer through the opening of the tent he was in, there he saw it, just a few feet from where the tent was, a huge wooden barge with some animals wondering near it. Then the old man came into the tent, and asked, “Feeling better son”? Clavius looked up and asked who he was, the old man answered, “ My name is Noah, welcome to my camp son.”

barge, with animals roaming around.

the world over.

Chapter 6: A new mission
Clavius, looked at the old man who helped him from dying alone on a trail, he taught to himself, so this is the mad man my king sent me to find. Then he said to Noah, “ They say you’re a mad man, building a large barge in the middle of no where.” Noah replied, “So I hear, at times I thought that myself, but God’s voice you can’t ignore, or his commands.” Cavius questioned, “ What God you are talking about?” Noah answered, “ The creator of all things.” Clavius gave a sarcastic reply, ‘’ Oh, I see God!”
Noah replied, “ Yes, God. You rest now, we’ll talk later.” Then Noah left the tent, back doing his work on the ark.
In the weeks that followed, Clavius became friends with Noah and his family, he began to change his attitudes, even his believes, from which he held sacred before he met Noah and his family. He felt for the fist time in his life, good about being with good people who cared, and following the one true God, not some cheap knock off like these giants roaming the world playing gods!
The day came he had to say good bye to his new friends, back to the Island of Atlantis, and it’s city. This time not as a commander of an army, but now as a messenger, of salvation of a pending disaster. Noah gave him a Pterodactyl to fly on back to Atlantis, Saying, “ Don’t worry son, she won’t harm you, she knows her kind is at an end, she’ll fly you back to your island. Go with God son.” Clavius mounted on the giant creature and flew away, knowing in his heart he won’t see Noah again.

of a Pterodactyl, Clavius
flies home.
While flying on the back of the creature, he looked down on the ocean seeing two massive fleets of ships sailing toward the island of Atlantis, he thought to himself I won’t have much time to warn my people of the great flood that will happen soon.
The Pterodactyl, landed on the island of Atlantis, near a small village near the capital city of Atlantis, then the flying creature flew off to parts unknown. Clavius began going village to village on the island teaching to end of the world is near, calling on people to repent of their evil ways, but none listened, some villages even drove him out using stones!
Then he came to the city of Atlantis starting teaching in the streets, about salvation, and the true God. He got to see Katrina, while teaching the message tried but failed to convince her to repent and follow God’s plan for salvation, she turned her back on him, and left him, reporting to Zeus palace guard about her former lovers activities. They arrested Clavius and brought him before Zeus. The guard made Clavius kneel before Zeus, saying, “ Kneel before your god and master!”

found a new man, someone who provide her
desires, and needs, like a house!’
Clavius looked up at Zeus and gave him no homage, or words of worship. He just knelled there looking into the eyes of Zeus, which he wouldn’t dare to do before, he noted standing beside the throne of Zeus his love Katrina, giving him a sheepish grin, while rubbing Zeus’s arm. Zeus started mocking Clavius saying, “ As you can see general, while you were gone for so long your woman found a new man, grateful of what he can offer her, like a house to live in!” Zeus went on to say, “ You were ordered to fine this Noah and bring him back, instead you come empty handed, and teaching this end of the world nonsense, what do you have to say for yourself?” Clavius answered, “ I have only one thing to say to the both of you, your time is at an end, repent before it’s to late, for you, and the people of Atlantis, because of not only of the coming disaster, there are two fleet of ships heading here to attack!

Zeus what he was accustomed to, worship!
Zeus in anger yelled, “ You’ll die, in the fighting arena before my cyclops giant, named Zeus for speaking treason!” Then Zeus ordered the guard to throw Clavius in the dungeon where he’ll stay for three days before he faces death!
Chapter 7: The last day.

Noah, Zeus will set you free.”
On the eve, that Clavius was to be facing the giant monster they called Zeus, in the next morning, Katrina paid a visit to Clavius, who was chain inside his cell down in the dungeon. She came to his cell, swaying her hips as she went, peered inside the cell holding Clavius, giving a sheepish grin, and said insincerely, “ Hello darling, I come to offer you a way out of this, if you only tell Zeus where this Noah is, he’ll release you, even restore your rank in his army.”
Clavius answered, “ Katrina, you changed, you’re no longer the island girl I met on Pet. Back then you would never betray the honor of your father, or your people, What happened?”
Katrina answered, “ My father was a fool, thinking of a lofty notion of honor, you know what happened to him? Zeus made him fight in the arena, against his brother Jupiter, he killed my father, then I knew who was all powerful. Zeus provides me my desires, and my own house. Now, tell me where is Noah?”
Clavius only gave one response, “ I’m sorry for you Katrina, enjoy your house, while it last, I have a hunch it won’t last long.”
Then she left him there, alone in a dark dungeon cell, he prayed to God all night, asking for a quick death in the morning. Then fell asleep, dreaming about his time spent with Noah and his family.
The guards, woke him up and had him put on armor that a gladiator would wear, then lead him to the fighting arena, where a giant creature was waiting for him. In the balcony sat Zeus, and Katrina. Standing on the floor of the arena, a shout was heard from one of the guards saying, “ We who are ready to die salute you.” Clavius didn’t raise his hand to salute the king, the only time he did was to raise his sword to fight the monster called, Zeus!
It took a matter of minutes for the beast to over power Clavius, and killed him.
After the creature left the arena both Zeus, and Katrina stood over the body of Clavius, gloating about the death.

Clavius meets his end in the fighting area.
That evening while they sat in a banquet, honoring Zeus, outside of the palace, a strange darkness of something they never saw, dark clouds were forming in the sky, The clouds blocked out the stars in in night sky. Suddenly loud explosions in the distance could be heard, massive lighting bolts blasted the earth, rain started fall. Zeus looked out the window looked into the sky, suddenly a huge asteroid fell from the sky hitting the palace, he said before he die one word, “No!” the hit of the rock shucked the earth to its core causing massive tsunamis, title waves, which sank the island of Atlantis, down in the ocean. The two fleets of ships which was sailing there to attack was easily sank by the massive waves, and hurricanes which was also happening all over the world, the Island of Troy also met the same fate, flood water were building up, people were fleeing to higher ground. The only ship that was safe Noah’s ark. After the rains, and storms ceased, Noah’s Ark, was the only ship drifting into a new sun rise into history.

NOTE: This story is about missed salvation, due to ignoring the message of salvation. We have another opportunity to salvation, that is through Christ Jesus. Many in this time and age are ignoring the message, just like the people who lived in Noah’s time. Something to ponder.
Music Video: Enya - Storms In Africa
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