Captain Sledgehammer ( aka Red Beard)

precious gem, a emerald sapphire shaped
like a pineapple as bait to trap pirates.
Chapter 1: Admiral’s orders.
It was 1812, the war with Britain was raging, not only on land, but in the Atlantic ocean, which became a battle ground. The British had a blockade of their ships blocking any ships heading into the American ports, pirates were attacking merchant ships carrying any cargo coming and going from American shores, and plundering them of any riches.
It was Curby Pickles first command as Captain, on the USS Liberty Standard, a three mast sailing ship, with eight cannons, and a crew of 120 men, along with the standard five marines. He rode in a carriage, to the Admiralty head quarters in Boston. He entered the office of Admiral Samuel Wells, to receive his orders.
Pickles saluted the Admiral, and said, “ Reporting as ordered Admiral.” The Admiral saluted back without getting out of chair, and said, “ Good morning Pickles, congratulations on your promotion to captain, you are commanding a fine ship, The Liberty Standard, the newest ship commission in our fleet.” Pickles answered, “ Yes sir, I’ll endeavor to serve our navy well sir.” Wells responded smiling at the young captain and said, “ I’m sure you will.” Wells handed the captain sealed orders, and said, “ Here’s your orders, Our merchant ships are being raided by pirates, burned, and sunk in some cases, their crews being taken away as captives. Cargo also taken by these pirates. We are going to set a trap for these thugs, you’ll be carrying a precious cargo, which your on board marines will keep under guard.”

Liberty Standard.
Wells took out a box, opened it and took out a green sapphire gem, which was large, shaped like a pineapple. Wells said, “It’s the rarest gem, which is priceless, and would fetch a big price on the black market, this will your cheese for our rat trap.” Pickles answered, “ Yes sir that would be a fine bait.” Wells said, in three days you set sail, and fine out who these pirates are, capture them, bring them to justice, so they can hang!” The cargo will come on board your ship, just before set sail.” Pickles gave his salute, and walked out of the building, a carriage was waiting for him, he told the driver, “take me to the Pegasus Tavern..”

The Pegasus Tavern was owned by an old man name Andrew May, along with a long dark haired beauty named Martha May, his daughter. Curby was sweet on her, and she was with him too. He walked in the tavern, just in time seeing a red bearded man hassling her, pushing himself on her, while her farther was struggling to free her from the bearded man’s arms. Curby pulled his side arm, a flintlock pistol, loaded and ready to shoot, he came up behind the big brute, aimed his weapon in the back of his head, and said, “ Let her go, now!” The bearded big man, stopped what he was doing, glanced behind him and said, “ Ahoy mate take a look, you see I have three of my shipmates with me, you’re out numbered lad.” Curby answered, “ I pull this trigger and your troubles are over sir, now release her now.” The mans friend said to their red bearded friend, “ You better do has says Sledgehammer, he’s a naval officer, we can’t afford to tangle with the bloody navy!”

ordering him to let Martha May go.
The big man let go of Martha May, she ran embarrassing her father, looking to see if he was hurt. Curby keeping his aim at the big gorilla ordered him and his men out of the tavern, parting the tavern, the red bearded man said to Curby, “ Maybe I should introduce my self, Banard Sledgehammer is my name, I didn’t know the fair lass was yours, we’ll meet again lass, gave Martha a wink as the door shut behind him.”
Curby, put away his weapon back in the hostler after the group of men left, and said, “ Everyone alright?” Andrew May answered, “ Were okay son, those alongshore men are looking for work, then they end up coming here, as well as other taverns getting drunk on whiskey, causing havoc where ever they go.” Curby looked at Martha May and asked, “You okay?”

her father and Curby Pickels saying,
“ You going to pay for these drinks or should we put them on the house?”
She turned with a fling of her dark long hair holding the drinks that Sledgehammer and his friends didn’t pay for and said, “ Yeah, I’m okay, we were handling just fine before you showed up, plus you kicked them out of here without paying for these drinks, which comes up to two silver dollars!” Curby reached in his pocket and gave Andrew May the money owed. Then turned his eyes on Martha May, and said “ Yeah it looks like you were handling it.” Then she gave a grunt, and walked into the kitchen. Andrew still standing behind the bar said, “ Don’t mind her lad, she just worried about this place, and how were not getting much business.”
Then Martha May, walked back in the front room, seeing her father, and Curby sitting at the table, she poured two glasses of beer, and brought them to the table were they were sitting, saying, “ You going to pay for these drinks or should we put them on the house?” Andrew May looked at his daughter and cleared his throat as to say “That’s enough!” Curby took out of his pocket a $50 gold piece, and said, “ There sweet heart that should cover the tab.” Andrew May, “ Son that’s more than enough.” Curby answered, “ Always willing help with economy.” Martha took the gold piece and said while walking away from the table saying, “ Thank you.”
Andrew said to Curby, “ If these longshoreman if they could find work then they wouldn’t be coming in here harassing my daughter, or the other bar patrons, then again the longshoreman bring in most of the money that keeps this place open, it’s just these rift rafts that come in here at times that worry me.”
Curby answered, “ Well my friend I’ll be sailing away in three days, perhaps we can find work on board for these thugs, as deck hands, perhaps serving on a navy ship will teach them military discipline.” Then Curby got up from the table, as was leaving the tavern he said good bye to Martha May, who was listening to the conversation from in the back of the bar, then watching from a window, seeing him leave, playing with her hair, giving him a longing look as he got back on the carriage waiting for him, and drove away.

the Liberty Standard.
Chapter 2: Reporting for duty Captain.
It was the day before that the Liberty Standard set sail to hunt down and destroy pirate ships that were raiding merchant ship, in the shipping lanes, it was bad enough having the British navy blocking shipping, to have these pirates sailing the seas, raiding merchant ships was intolerable. If he could attack a British war ship in the process all the better.
Captain Curby Pickels, was sitting on the dock beside of his ship, on a chair behind a desk, making a list of his crew as they checked in for duty. Then he heard a familiar voice say,” Reporting for duty captain” Curby looked up from writing, and saw Bernard Sledgehammer standing in front of the desk, with three of his friends, Sledgehammer, handing his orders to Pickels with a grin on his face. Curby said, “ You longshoremen seeking employment?” Sledgehammer answered, “ No sir Captain, we are not longshoremen, we are known as Sea Dawgs, mercenaries for the Navy, we were hired by Admiral Wells, were on the Navy payroll, as you can see from the papers I handed you.”
Pickels noticed the eye patch that Sledgehammer was wearing, and asked, “ Are you fit to serve on a Navy vessel?” Sledgehammer answered, “ Yes sir Captain, don’t you concern yourself with my eye patch, I lost my eye fighting the British redcoats during the war of Independence, during the winter of Valley Forge, under General Washington sir.”
Pickels not sure to believe Sledgehammer or not, asked, “ Alright, I assume you’re the leader of these men, how many total will be working as Sea Dawgs?” Sledgehammer answered, nine men in total sir, they will reporting in a little later, sir.” Then Pickels answered, “ All right then, how should I address you? Sledgehammer answered, “ Captain will do sir, since I’ll be in charge when the time comes to fight along with your marines against any enemies we should encounter.” Pickels then said, “ Alright, understand this Sledgehammer I expect you, and your men fallow strict military discipline while serving my ship, and report at dawn tomorrow, you’ll serve as cook, while your men will serve as deck hands, understand? “ Sledgehammer saluted Pickels, and took his leave, saying, “ Aye captain!”
That night, Pickels was in board his ship, in the captain quarters, reading the orders from Admiral Well, which read “ Captain Pickels, these Sea Dawgs, will aid you along with your marines in securing the Pineapple sapphire, and fight along side you if you find any pirate ships attacking merchant vessels, which you are ordered to protect.” It was signed, Admiral Samuel Wells. After reading he heard a knock on the door of his cabin, he said, “It’s open come in.” In came Martha May.

the Captain’s Quarters saying good bye
to her lover, Curby Pickles.
He got up from his desk and said, “ What in blue blazes bring you here at night on the docks?” Martha replied, “ Well is that anyway, to greet your gal, who is just wanting bid you farewell, before you ship out.?” Besides some of your crew members made sure I came safely, after seeing some of them in the bar, I asked them to take me here, which I might add was over the objections of my farther.” Curby answered, “ Maybe your farther had the good sense to object!” She turn to start to go, saying “ Well excuse me sir!” He took her in his arms, they drew close, he said, “ I’m glad you’re here, despite the fact it’s against regulations, the he gave her a passionate kiss, they slept with each other for the rest of night filled with passion. It was dawn the next day when he had some of his crew to take her back home.
When the crew men came back after dropping off Martha May home, they returned to the ship which was ready to set sail. The precious cargo was on board, brought on by three marines, and locked in the treasure box in the Captain’s quarters. Captain Pickles ordered the small arms, and swords in the Captain’s quarters as well locked them in the weapons locker. Then Captain Pickels gave the order to set sail.

Chapter 3 Mutiny!
The SS Liberty Standard lifted up it’s anchor, and with a strong breeze, it’s sails
ruffled with life, as it seemed to glided away from it’s dock, headed into Boston harbor, into the Atlantic Ocean, not knowing what laid ahead. While the ship was heading to sea, back in the Pegasus Tavern, was paid a visit by the lease holder of the tavern, Admiral Samuel Wells.
Wells had an eye on Martha May, ever since he happened to see her shopping in the street market in Boston, even though he was married, and had kids, he couldn’t resist his lust for any attractive woman, who happened to came into his sights, so he sat about pursuing an adulteress affair with her, which she flatly rejected, now that Curby Pickels was away, he started in pressuring her to submit to his desires, threatening to tear up the lease of the tavern if she don’t. Andrew May her father told her many times he rather be kicked out of his home, and business before he’d see her agree to any desires that Wells had on her. That’s why she came to Curby that evening to be with the man she loved, before she sacrifice her self to Wells.
Wells entered the tavern, Martha May was in the room back behind the bar, her farther was away picking up supplies for their tavern. He came up behind her and starting to kiss her neck and shoulder, she pushed him away and said, “ I changed my mind, I won’t betray my principles or morals.”
“ Morals?” What morals a girl like you have anyways?!” Retorted Wells. He went on to say, “ Listen girl, I made it possible for you to board that ship last night, you agreed to be with me if I helped you! Now, you’re backing out, no woman does that to me. I get what I want lady, now pay up!” Martha May replied, “ I rather die before I give my self to an adulteress skunk like you!” Wells answered, “ Your boy friend won’t be returning, the Sea Dawgs will see to that my dear.”
Then she armed herself with a meat cleaver, and took a swipe at Wells cutting him close to one of his eyes. Wells, lunged forward at Martha grabbing the cleaver, they struggled with each other, Wells over powered her, then forced himself on her! She struggled and screamed for help, an old drunk passing by out side of the tavern heard the screams and ran for help, from a patrolling Constable, they ran back toward the tavern, and got there to late, Wells fled the scene, leaving Martha May laying in a pool of her own blood, with a cleaver in her side, dying, and weeping.
Her father came back seeing his daughter badly beaten, raped, and dying from the cleaver, he held his daughter to comfort her, she looked up and said, “ Daddy? Where’s momma? Andrew May answered, “ She’s with the Lord in heaven child.” She looked up and said in her dying breathe, “ Daddy, I’m so sorry, will I be with momma?” Andrew answered, “ Yes, my child, you’ll see her again.” Then she said, “ Samuel Wells did this, said Curby is in danger, by those Sea Dawgs.” Then she drew her last breath.
Andrew May hugged his daughter for the last time, and wept, looked at the Constable standing there, and asked, “ You heard?” The Constable answered, “ I’ll have a judge issue an arrest warrant for Samuel Wells.
The Ship SS Liberty Standard, was sailing the shipping lanes heading South from Boston Harbor, toward the Caribbean Islands, then a crewman standing on a platform on top of the center mast, looked through his spy glass, and spotted two ships, one was firing on another. He yelled, Captain, Pickels, two ships on the port side, battling each other!” Pickels looked through his eye glass, and ordered all hands to battle stations. He said to his first mate, “ Looks like their two miles away from us Mike.” Then Pickels ordered all head full! The sails of the ship caught a full wind, and they sailed right into battle. Pickles noted it was a British worship attacking a merchant cargo ship.
The battle was in full force when the SS Liberty Standard came in with cannons firing at the British ship, the merchant ship was taking water at this point. The Liberty Standard, and the British ship came side by side, firing their guns, then the Liberty Standard gained a upper hand, came close enough to use gang planks to board the British ship, fought her crew with swords, and flint lock pistols, the Sea Dawgs on this occasion joining the fight against the British, taking the ship as a prize!
In the mist of battle, Sledgehammer, along with three of his Sea Dawgs, took the opportunity to raid the captain’s cabin, they overpowered the marine guard, killing them, and broke into the treasure chest, containing the pineapple emerald, Sledgehammer pocketed the gem, and go unnoticed while crew members were still fighting on both ships, then he joined the rest of the crew, along with the three men, who raided the captain’s quarter, no one would suspect him of killing the guards, because Captain Pickels would assume the guards fought with some British marines who managed to board the Liberty Standard, and were killed trying to guard the pineapple emerald from being stolen.

Liberty Standard, Sledgehammer rejoined the
fight on board the HMS London Bay.
When the battle was won, and the London Bay was captured, and her remaining crew was taken prisoners, Captain Pickles decided to appoint a lieutenant, along with the sea dawgs, to take the ship the London Bay, and follow them home, while the Liberty Standard took the survivors of the sunken merchant ship back home as well. Little did Pickles knew at the time that it was these sea dawgs, led up Captain Sledgehammer were the very gang of pirates they were looking for! That was something he would soon discover, when the London Bay which was fallowing them a mile away, suddenly turned east! They had a good wind in their sails, and gain speed, ended up five miles away from the Liberty Standard before they could respond in time! The Liberty Standard gave chance of the London Bay, now taken over by Red beard, and his sea dawgs. They had a good steady wind in their sails which gave them the advantage, so Pickels had no choice but stop the chance and go back to Boston, which sad news would be waiting for him.

The two ships battled battled each other, the Liberty
Standard won the day.

Right Hand man.
Chapter 4: The Trail and conviction of Samuel Wells
The Sea Dawgs were a large group of pirates, committing crimes both on the sea, rivers, and land, they had even leaders who ran the “family” in other parts of nation, not just in Boston, but anywhere, that had bodies of waters. So if a leader was on the run, like Sledgehammer, it would be nothing for the organization of pirates to fallow a second in command, until the leader could return. While, Sledgehammer was on the run, in the high seas, his lieutenant was in charge, in this case was Black Jack, a gambler by trade, who liked playing the card game black jack, but he was noted to cheat, when confronted about it, he’d just shoot down the man who accused him of cheating. In short, if any of the Sea Dawgs benefactors were in trouble they could be counted on to find an escape.
Samuel Well was arrested while being treated for his injuries to one of his eyes, he would have to wear a eye patch for the rest of his life. While being treated, three Marines, along with an Admiral, Luke James came storming in the office, James came up to Wells and gave him a back hand across his face that knocked him down. James looked down at his now former colleague and said, “ Get up you traitor! Murder!, your under arrest not only for the murder, and rape of a bar maid, also for treason we found evidence of you smuggling guns to the enemy, and paying these Seadawgs to do it, in your home!
Documents saying as much!” Then he ordered the marines to take Wells away, saying as he left, “ You’ll remain in jail here, until your Court Marshall here in Boston in five days.!” Then the marines took Wells into custody and turned him over to the local Constable’s office and jailed him. Then they placed a guard there.
Three days later the SS Liberty Standard docked in Boston harbor, he made his report to the Admiralty office, he was surprised to see Admiral James which he was reporting to instead of Admiral Wells. James greeted Pickles in the office, and started, “ Son, I have some bad news for you.” Then proceeded to give the account of Wells blackmailing Martha May to have sexual relations with him or he’ll tear up the least of the Pegasus Tavern, and how he forced himself on her, she put up a fight, and was stabbed, killing her.
He also went on to say that Wells committed treason by gun running, hired this gang known as the Sea Dawgs, delivering guns to the British. Finally how Wells paid blood money to have Pickles killed, by making it possible for Sledgehammer to steal the Pineapple sapphire. Then he said, “ I’m glad to see that Sledgehammer was unsuccessful on killing you.” Curby answered, “ Yes sir, but unfortunately that thug got away, at least we captured a skunk among us!”
Curby holding back his anger wanting to kill Wells for what he done to Martha, choking back tears, and his emotions asked, “ When’s the trial sir?” Admiral James answered, “ Just in a few days, I assume you’ll attend.” James went on to say, He’ll be Court Marshall here, if convicted, we will transport him to Fort Griffin, after spending some time there before he’s hanged.”
Pickles asked, May I be assigned to the detachment who will be transporting him?” James answered, “ No, you’re too close to this, let us handle Wells Captain, you be better at preparing you ship and crew for your next assignment. Tracking down this Red Beard, and bring him in.” Pickles answered, “Yes sir.” Then gave a salute and left the room, bumping into a corporal as he was leaving, holding paper work for the Admiral, he excused himself then left the building. Little realizing that the Corporal was listening to the conservation, behind the closed office door.
Then Curby Pickles paid a visit to Andrew May to give his condolences. He found Andrew May at the graveside of both his wife, and now his daughter. Curby Pickles started saying, “ I’m so sorry for your lost my old friend, she met the world to me, I’ll see she’s avenged I swear it” Andrew May turned and looked at Curby, with tears steel in his eyes for his daughter saying, “ You met the world to her too son, but she wouldn’t want you to carry vengeance in your heart, leave that in God’s hand lad. She’d would want you to seek justice, and find happiness in your life, she was like that my cupcake. Wanting happiness in the world.” May asked, “ I assume you intend to come to the trail of that butcher!?” Pickles replied, “ I wouldn’t miss it.” Then he said his good byes, and left, from that time forward, Pickles would visit the grave of Martha May before he left on a mission. He thought to himself I will not rest until I hunt down all the Sea Dawgs, starting with Sledgehammer.
Meanwhile, The pirated ship London Bay, also sailed near Boston Harbor, about five miles off shore, not to be seen by the neck eye to well. Captain Sledgehammer had been following the Liberty Standard at a distance, all the way back, Sledgehammer sailed the stolen ship up north away from Boston Harbor, to a secret inlet known only by the members of the Sea Dawgs, a good place to hide a stolen vessel for a short time.
Back in the City of Boston, in the jail holding Wells before his trail at the local court house, his wife paid him a visit, she walked in where they were holding him, and slapped him in the face, and said, “ You pig!” Then handed him divorce degrees. Then simply walked out of the Constable’s office.

Black Jack’s response about the arrest
of Samuel Wells, “ That fool Wells he couldn’t resist his temptation, over women, we might have to help this fool out of a jam!”
That evening, in a tavern called the Lucky Leprechaun, Sledgehammer’s right hand man, name Black Jack, known card shark, and loan shark was playing his favorite game, Black Jack, that’s why people called him Black Jack. The corporal who was listening in on the conservation back in the Admiral’s office earlier in the day, came up to the card game table, and reported on what he heard. He asked Back Jack after telling him, “ Is that enough Black Jack, worth what I owe you?” Black Jack answered, “ Yeah, it’s worth it kid, now beat it.!” Then he ordered one of his thugs to ride out to Shutter’s inlet, see if the captain is back. Ride all night if you have to.”
Then Black Jack said to the other men who was playing cards with him, “ That fool Wells he couldn’t resist his temptation, over women, we might have to help this fool out of a jam!”
The trail took place days after, a panel of three judges heard testimonies of the events, the charges of rape, murder, and treason was all laid out in open. They found Wells guilty on all charges, and sentenced him to hang in Fort Griffin, 30 days after his incarceration in the fort.

Chapter 5: Hell Fire!
It was the day when Samuel Wells was to be transported to Fort Griffin to wait his execution for thirty days. Along the way the detachment of mounted marines, on horses, and the prison wagon carrying Wells, was suddenly overtaken and attacked by Jack Black along with fifty men, shooting their guns at the small detachment of mounted marines. They were no match against the Sea Dawgs, they were all killed. Black Jack while releasing Wells from custody said, “ You owe us for this mate.” The they all mounted on their horses and rode just twenty miles to Shutter Inlet, were the London Bay was anchored there off shore. They then boarded a Jolly Boat, and rowed to the London Bay. Once on board the ship, Samuel Wells was greeted with a right cross, in his face by Captain Sledgehammer’s fist, and said to Wells laying on the deck, “ You fool, they now know about us and our operations here!” He further said, “ We have to leave these shores and seek elsewhere to operate from because of your itch! Then Sledgehammer kicked Wells between the legs! Then he said, “ Get up your sailing with us!
They quickly hoisted anchor and proceeded to set sail, then suddenly, a crew member yell, “ Ships ahoy!” Two Navy warships were blocking their get away, The Liberty Standard, and the SS Washington, both ships came sailing into the inlet firing their cannons as they went, pounding the London Bay to pieces, a cannon ball hit the weapons depot in the ship, which made the gun power explode, were Samuel Wells was staying in, killing Wells instantly!
The rest of the crew including Red Beard, Black Jack, along with 29 crew members managed to abandon the ship using a Jolly Boat with a sail to flee the battle undetected, and manage to reach shore, they fled on horse back, but very far, they were met with a large group of Marines, including Captain Pickles, which surrounded them and arrested them. Both Sledgehammer and Black Jack was charged with Treason, and piracy, and hanged at Fort Griffin.
Pickles submitted his report to Admiral James. After reading the events that led to the capture of Red Beard, and executions, Admiral James said, “ Good thing you went against my orders to be involved Captain, also thank to a off duty officer who was at the Lucky Leprechaun the night before Wells was to be transferred, he manage to expose the little weasel from this office, selling information to square a gambling debt of five hundred silver dollars.” He went on to say, “ Your task is not done son, there’s still these Sea Dawgs lurking about I’m assigning you, and your ship, along with any resources to bring these dawgs to justice.” Pickles saluted and said “ Very well sir” Then walked out of the building, visiting the grave of his love, one last time before he left to sail on another adventure.
Captain Curby Pickles, in The Sea Dawgs
By, Peter Ripley
Chapter 1: The Seadawgs new leader, Captain Squid
The War of 1812 was still raging, it was the second year of the war, 1813.
One year since Martha May died, one year since the deaths of those responsible for it, so it was first thought at the time. One thing was for certain, both Captain Sledgehammer (aka Red Beard), and his right hand man, Black Jack was dead. Captain Pickles witness their hanging on the gallows. But not to sure about Samuel Wells, his body was never recovered around the wreck ship London Bay. One year later now since those events, a new leader emerge at Captain of the Sea Dawgs, calling himself Capt. Squid!
Squid had to prove himself worthy as the new gang of pirates the Sea Dawgs by pulling off a heist so large that the gang would make him their new captain.

of the Sea Dawgs
First he signed on as crew member of a merchant ship, along with 50 men enough to easily overtake the other crew of the ship, and it’s captain, then sail the ship to a deserted Island, and beach it there, he made sure it was in the shipping lanes, knowing passing ships would come to rescue them. They killed the other crew members, to make themselves survivors of a ship wreck. They set bond fires so passing ships could see them, He heard of a very important person was going to be transported back home to France, a daughter of a French Diplomat named, Delilah, La’fur
He knew the name of the ship carrying her, the SS Mane, he also knew the likely time when the ship would pass in that area, by an informant inside the French Embassy. All he had to do was sit on that Island with his crew to attack the unsuspecting French Ship. The plan worked like clock work.
Sure enough, three days after they staged the ship wreck, a French navy ship was seen just five miles off shore from their island they were on, fortunately, besides the bond fire, they had a cannon which was on the stolen merchant ship, they fire a shot to attract attention, the passing ship heard the shot and sailed toward the island to investigate. Little did the captain of the knew he was heading into a trap. They lowered their jolly boats, and rowed to shore, they were greeted with Captain Squid, and his men pretending to be survivors, they showed the graves of the real crew of the merchant ship, and their ship which was only beached, but was made to appear to be wrecked by the pirates.

The captain of the French ship signaled their anchored ship to send more jolly boats to shore to give aid to Squid, and his men to the SS Mane. When all were boarded on the ship, the pirates made their move, by first killing the captain, and fighting the rest of the crew, of the Mane, they found the daughter of the French Ambassador, and took her from the ship on one of their jolly boats back to the island with the woman. Squid warned them saying, “ If you try to mount a rescue, she will die, go back to Boston, tell them we have the French Ambassador daughter as hostage, if he wants to see his girl again alive, he’ll have to pay five million dollars in gold and silver coins. You tell them they can come back here to these shores to pay up in three months, or she’ll die.” The SS Mane set sail back to Boston that very evening, leaving the daughter of the French diplomat in the hands of the pirates.
Chapter 2: During the time of war.

While the Seadawgs was committing kidnapping of Delilah Laufer. The SS Liberty Standard commanded by Capt. Curby Pickles was engaged in a sea battle with three British ships taking part of their block aid of America port cities such as Boston. The Liberty Standard, along with three other US navy ships was in battle, Captain Pickles, was determined to make the British Navy pay for every stretch of sea they were holding with their blood. He ordered his ship along the side of the enemy and blasted the side of the British ship with every gun they carried, pounding the ship mercurially, if they could target their stacks of gun powder, and blast the ship into a flaming inferno!
The other US ships did like wise with the British ships they were fighting.
The sinking British ships crew would abandon their vessels, and the US Navy ships would rescue them, and make them prisoners of war. He would usually do search and destroy missions with aid of two other Navy ships, when they see a British ship attacking a merchant vessel they would sail into battle with their cannons shooting as they came into rescue the merchant vessel. That was the standard rules of engagement that Pickles employed, come in shooting. That brought his ship the Liberty Standard that British Captains learned to fear, whenever they encountered it, they learned it meant death. He made it a point to blow up every British ship he managed to board with his Marines, and take the crews as prisoners, the crew of the British ships watch as their vessel was turn into a burning floating box on the water.
The SS Liberty Standard managed to make it to Boston harbor with their latest cargo of prisoners, along with the other Navy vessels who joined in on this battle, Curby Pickles came to the office of rear Admiral Johnson, to file his log book. Admiral Johnson said after reading the Captain log, “ Well Captain, looks like another mission accomplished nicely, I would imagine you’ll reach Coronal with this track record, I hear the Brits fear the sight of your ship, when they see it through their spyglass!” Pickles answered, “ Yes sir, this is war, not a tea party they should expect to be blown out of our waters.” Admiral Johnson, “ Stand fast, Captain, I wasn’t complaining on your tactics, just be aware now you gotten a reputation, the Brits will be coming for you.” Pickles answered, “ Understood sir, if I maybe so bold, they started this war with us, I intend to make them regret it.” The Admiral dismissed the captain, and Pickles left the office.
From there he went to visit the grave of Martha May, his old friend Andrew May was also there, Curby placed a dozen roses on the grave, and stood up greeted his old friend Andrew. “ How have you been doing Andrew? Andrew answered, “ I’m fairing well son, you?” Curby answered, “ I’m doing okay, just came back from another mission, thought I drop by and pay my respects, then maybe I’d come by the tavern for a drink.” Andrew answered, “ Sure thing, surprisingly I still own the joint, the new landlord is more reasonable then the last one, I even have a new barmaid working for me her name is Amy McSutherland, a nice Irish lass, you’d like her.
Curby answered, “ I’m sure she’s a nice woman, but being were in a middle of a war, any kind of relationship would make that impossible, under the circumstances I seem to be in know.” Andrew answered, “ What circumstances would prevent you in finding happiness son?”
Curby answered, “ Haven’t you heard, I’m now a marked man by the British Navy, they are gunning for me now because I been pounding the day lights of their ships.”
Andrew answered, “ Oh fiddle sticks, that’s hog wash of an excuse if I ever heard one, come on lets go and have a drink of some Irish ale!” Then the two men got in a buggy to visit the Pegasus Tavern.
Chapter 3: Doing an alley a favor
Curby spent the rest of that day, and into the night, at the tavern, drinking, and playing cards, he got to meet the new new barmaid, Amy Sutherland, a pretty blonde, young woman, oh seemed just as brash as Martha May was. Curby and her became quick friends over the course of hours spent at the tavern.
The next day Curby Pickles went back to admiralty office, to receive new orders from Rear Admiral Johnson. The admiral said when Pickles entered his office, “ Captain, I have a milk and cake run for you.” Pickles replied, “ Milk and cake run sir?” Johnson answered, “ Yes, captain it appears the daughter of a French Diplomat had been kidnapped by pirates, and demand 1 Million dollars, in gold, and silver coins.” Pickles answered, “ Shouldn’t the French be handling this sir? After all its their diplomat’s daughter been kidnap what do we have anything to with it?
Johnson answered, “ I thought you’d feel this mission would be a bit off, but these orders come from our commander in chief, The President, he feels he is obliged in offering our assistance, after the French helped us in our war of independence.” Johnson handed the order from the President, Curby read the order and said, “ As I recall the French didn’t enter the war until near the end, in 1781.” Johnson cleared his throat, and said, “ There are our allies captain, and the President wants our best men to do this task.” Pickles answered, “Yes sir,” Johnson went on to say, “ You, and dozen of your marines will sail on the French ship, delivering the ransom, and need be, rescue this girl from the clutches of these men, if we send one of our navy ship to do this, they may kill this girl out of spite, understood Captain?”
Pickles answered, “ Yes, sir understood.” Then he gave is salute, and was dismissed.

Amy McSutherland
After that Curby left the Admiralty and went back to the Pegasus Tavern and sat at the table, his old friend Andrew May joined him in a drink of Irish ale, Amy McSutherland served the drinks and remarked, “ You know Pickles, if you don’t start laying off the sauce, your liver will turn into a pickle!” Curby answered, “ Ha, Ha, that joke is so old, what’s a young girl like you doing serving drinks to old men?” Andrew May chimed in saying, “ Who you calling old man son?” Curby answered, “ You old man.” Then gave a wink at the 25 year old bar maid. Amy responded to the question first asked, “ You think I want to spend my life tending bar? You’re half cocked, I intend to be an actress, on the stage will hundreds of fan wanting my autograph!” Curby answered, “ Friends get free tickets to these plays you plan to be in?” Amy answered, “ No way you’ll have to pay like every one else.” Then gave a smirk, and walked away from the table.

Irish ale.
Then he turned to his friend Andrew and said, “ Nice gal you got there working for you Andrew.”
Andrew answered, “ Yes she is like I told you at the grave site she’s a nice Irish gal, I understand shes also very single. Understand mine you I’m only speaking for myself, who knows I might marry the gal myself.” Curby answered, “ Marry!? Your old enough to be her grandfather!”
Andrew answered, “ Listen you young buck I can still best you anytime with women. Besides not like some young buck I know is going to start courting her anytime soon.” Curby knew it was him whom Andrew was referring to. Then he took a drink of ale, and said, “ Well looks like I’m off on another mission so should be shoving off and get ready for it.” Andrew asked, What are they wanting you to do son? Curby answered, It’s top secret like all my missions, this time it’s a favor for an alley.” Then he said good bye, and walked out the door, drove away in a carriage.

Samuel Wells)
Chapter 4: Sanctuary
Three days later after paying his usual respects to the grave of Martha May, leaving flowers at her grave, he went to harbor where the Royal Navy ship HMS Lafayette was anchored, him along with 12 marines boarded the ship, on this milk and cake run of a mission Curby Pickles called it.
They managed to sail out of Boston Harbor without incident from the British ship keeping the blockade, Pickles thought that the Brits weren’t about to tangle with a French war ship leaving the harbor, Pickles thought he had some kind of sanctuary while on board, not that the Liberty Standard couldn’t handle the Brits on their own if need be, but he was on a French ship under the command of a French Captain, on this mission he only was in command of the marines he brought with him. They were in open waters heading to the island where they need to be for the ransom money that the French agreed to pay for the safe return of Delilah La’fur. Then when they were just fifty nautical miles from their destination, a British frigate, came in on them
firing their cannons! Captain Pickles, said to the French Captain, “ Sir you better call battle stations.”
The French Captain gave the order. Captain Pickles maned the aft cannons shooting at the British ship chasing at them. He asked for a spy glass to see who was chasing after them, he saw someone he thought was dead, Samuel Wells, on the deck of the ship, he looked at the colors of the craft, and there it was a skull and cross bone black flag blowing in the wind, on the center mast of the ship. “ Those aren’t British navy crew men, their pirates!” He called the French Captain and said, “ Prepare to be boarded, I think that ship is our contact.” The French captain said, “ That’s impossible they said, they would meet us on an island?” Pickles answered, Aye, sir looks like they had other plans. How they managed to pirate a British vessel is beyond me.”
At this point Pickles was still in shock seeing Samuel Wells alive! He thought to himself they most have gotten some help getting that ship. The pirated ship came close enough to use, the megaphone, and the Captain of the ship said, “ Ahoy mateys, this is Captain Squid, stand vast, were coming on board!”

Capt. Squid shocked to find
out it was former Admiral Samuel Wells
The pirated ship came up beside the French ship enough to lower a gang plank between them, as soon as Samuel Wells ( aka Capt. Squid) boarded the ship Pickles pointed his flintlock pistol at him and said, “ I ought to shoot were you stand!” The French captain intervened, and said, “ Stand down captain, their under our protection while their here, all that matters is the girl they have.” Squid said, Yes mate you don’t want to jeopardize this deal over some bar maid.” Pickles answered, “ You scum, where’s the girl, he have your loot, where is she?! Still holding his gun on him. Squid said, “Well right here mate.” Then came Delilah La’fur, came on board, a pretty blonde woman, came up to Captain Pickles putting her hand on his arm hold his weapon on Squid, saying, “ Please Monsieur, lower your weapon, let them take the ransom, so we can go home.’ Pickles lowered his weapon glared at Wells, and said, So you call yourself Capitan Squid now, well that fits, because I always had you pegged as some kind of blood sucking squid !’
Then after Pickles knew the girl was safe on board, Pickles made a daring move, he tapped his foot on the deck of the ship, and his marines moved in capturing the pirates! The French Captain protested the move on Pickles part saying, What are you doing captain!” Pickles answered, ‘ would rather pay these dawgs ransom of 50 million of sliver and gold coins letting them get away with it, or bringing these men to justice?” The French captain thought about and said, “ Very well take them into custody, and destroy their vessel. “ Pickles aimed his weapon again at Wells, and said” Your under arrest Wells. Wells said to the French captain, “ I demand sanctary captain.” Granted said the French Captain. Pickles said, What!?
Chapter 5: Maybe next time captain.
Captain Pickles protested the French captain saying, “ You can’t be serious sir, this man is a murder, and a traitor to his country by all rights he should be under our jurisdiction.” The French captain answered, “ Yes that be true if you were on your ship, but you’re not, he asked for sanctuary, and it has been granted, but his crew along with him will be in chains below, until we go back to Boston, let them figure this out.”
They sailed into Boston Harbor, when they docked. Captain Pickles demanded that Captain Squid be turned over to him. The French Captain said, “I’m sorry Monsieur, he has been granted
further sanctuary in the French embassy by the madame, take it up with them.” Then they escorted Squid, into a carriage, and drove off. Squid looked out the window of the carriage smiled at Pickles as he left and gave a wave. Something inside of Pickles started to boiled. Then Delilah La’fur, came off board the ship, came to Pickles and thanked him for rescuing her. Pickles tried to explain that Squid was a wanted criminal, “ Madame, I don’t understand this man kidnapped you, held you hostage, now you give him sanctuary? That doesn’t make since madame!” She answered, he has valuable information for my government, that’s why he has been granted this.” Which he really didn’t. It was an excuse to throw Pickles off her back. Then she got in a carriage and was droved off, leaving Pickles with a lot of questions.
That evening he spent time in the Pegasus Tavern with his friends, then visited the grave of Martha May. There was a carriage across the street of the grave yard, a blonde hair young woman wearing a vail to hide her face was watching him. She said while she watched, “ Maybe next time Captain.” The she signaled the driver to drive away, the carriage droved off into the night. While that was happening, Captain Squid snuck out of the French embassy, took a horse and rode off into the night for parts unknown.
Captain Pickles, in the Velvet Rose
By Peter Ripley
Chapter 1: Someone missed the note?
1814 The treaty of Ghent was signed ending the war, but hostiles continued until congress ratified it in 1815. The battle of New Orleans would be fought 1814, also the White House was burned by British troops.
Quebec Canada, Summer of 1814.

aka The Velvet Rose
A young blonde woman entered the Embassy of England, being a daughter of a French Diplomat, Delilah La’fur had no troubles seeing the British attache of the ambassador who was in negotiations with the Americans to end the war. She walked into the office of Paul Torish, who greeted her saying, “Mademoiselle La’fur how can I assist you? Please take a seat. We are quite busy, the treaty was signed to end this bloody war, now we have to wait for these yanks to ratify it, hopefully this will end.” Delilah replied, “ Perhaps, I came here to day to help your government to rid of a problem, a captain, whose exploits have become near legendary, one you been hunting for, Captain Curby Pickles, what if I could deliver him into your hands, what would be the price for his capture?”
Torish was shock at this at first saying, “ Mademoiselle, I must as you to leave, the British government is not in the business in paying bounty for capturing, enemy combatants, who were are trying to make peace with.” Delilah started to leave saying, “ Just thought I suggest away to put a feather in your cap.” Then Torish cleared his throat and said, “ Perhaps we can make some kind of arrangement, during supper tonight?”
Torish being an married man, didn’t mind spending the evening with a beautiful woman who wasn’t his wife. They met in the fineness french restaurant in town and worked out a plot to capture Capt. Curby Pickles.
Captain Pickles was courting Amy McSutherland knowing that the war maybe over soon, he started thinking what he was going to do after the war, being a ship Captain offered him many opportunities to choose from. This pleased his old friend Andrew May, seeing his young friend courting his bar maid, and sometime actress on the stage. Which Curby would often go and watch Amy perform on the stage, showing her support.
Like always he’s visit the grave of Martha May, before each mission, but now he was being observed while making these visits, by the man he swore to bring to justice, Capt. Squid, aka Samuel Wells. Wells knew about Pickles new girlfriend Amy McSutherland, and waited for the right opportunity to present itself to use Amy as bait for a trap that Delilah La’fur was arranging, known to her fellow Sea Dawgs as the Velvet Rose.
Chapter 2: The bait is set.
It happen one night when Curby Pickles was away on another mission to fight more British ships still was blocking commerce from the mainland. Andrew May locked up the tavern for the evening, and Amy McSutherland walked out the door with Andrew, making sure she would get home alright. When she entered her apartment building, three men were waiting for her. One of the men was Capt. Squid he said, “ Well hello lass you’re coming with us!” They grabbed her, covering her mouth to muffle the cries for help, they left a note on the door of her apartment when they took her away it said, “ If you want to ever see her again, you come to a cabin near the border of Canada, just you Captain Pickles.” The letter gave the concordance where to fine the cabin. The letter also said, “ You are to surrender your self to British troops who will be waiting for you there in fifteen days, if you don’t show up, she will die.” The letter also said, “ Tell no one of this.” It was signed, The Velvet Rose.

note left by the kidnappers of
Amy McSutherland.
Curby Pickles came back home from his mission and Andrew May showed him the letter he found the morning after it happened. After reading it Pickles said, “ Prepare a carriage I’ll head to the border at once, this is the second time when a love one pays the price for knowing me.” Andrew May answered,” Are you daft? This has nothing to do with you, or any relationships, this is about some thugs luring you into a trap using an innocent girl as bait, they have to hide behind a woman, or family members while doing their cowardly acts my friend nothing more.” Pickles answered, “ I know old friend, that I’m walking right into a trap, but I won’t be going entirely alone.” Andrew answered, “ You read the letter, come alone or she’ll die.” Pickles answered, “ Who to say some frontiers man guiding me to the place, might just get some Indians who he knows who can go sight unseen by others thinking their just Indians on a hunting trip.”
The next day, Curby Pickles got into his carriage and rode out of town, making sure no one was following on this stop to a tavern on the outskirts of town, there met up with his old friend, Patrick Swanson, a mountain man who married a Sauk woman, who weren’t to friendly to the redcoats, and traded fur with their tribe. Swanson greeted his old friend and bought him a draft of beer. Pickles told him about his exploits as captain of The Liberty Standard, about Martha May, and now his new girlfriend Amy McSutherland being held hostage until he turns himself into the British.
Swanson pondered for a moment and said, “ While looks like your in a pickle, you took a chance coming here alone, you could have been fallowed, fortunately my partner, White Owl spotted you coming down the road to here, and this guy tailing you at a distance. Bring the dog in White Owl!” It was one of Samuel Wells ( Captain Squid’s) henchmen!
“ Well, well look who we have here Capt. Squid’s right hand dog, Ace!” Said Pickles. Pickles then said, “ Not doing so good now Jewels you always Squid’s ace in the hole, where are they keeping Amy McSutherland?” He pressured Ace Jewels by having White Owl start cutting on his arm. Pickles, “ Now you’re going to tell me what I want to know, or my friend here will make you bleed to death.” Ace told Pickles wanted to know.

friend of Curby Pickles
Chapter 3: Whose trapping who?
Then Curby Pickles said to his friend Swanson, we’ll trade him for her, if I know Wells he’ll want this worthless dog back.” Then he s aid to Ace, “ Does that sound like a plan Ace, you for Amy?” Ace answered, “ Wells will never buy it Pickles, the Brits is paying us well to turn you in, you’d think Wells is going to settle for anything else? You been drinking to much Irish Ale, at the Pegasus tavern, and flirting with that pretty bar maid.” That triggered Pickles to give Ace a right cross, and said, “ You’re going to be convincing enough you’re worth the bother, if not my friend here will feed you to the ants mate!”
Then suddenly a army Lieutenant came into the tavern, offering his help, he came with 50 men dressed like mountain men, ready to join in the mission. Pickles asked the Lieutenant what this was all about and the lieutenant answered, “ We were ordered to assist you in a way by Admiral Johnson, apparently a old man name Andrew May came to Admiral and asked for help. Then our garrison commander got word, and sent us to find you, and offer our assistance.” Pickles gladly accepted. Now with 50 men, along with 25 warriors of the Sauk tribe they rode off to the place they were holding Amy McSutherland.

Capt. Squid, and the Velvet Rose, meets their end.
They rode north toward New York, near the town of Cornwall, deep in the woods a log cabin, around the cabin they spotted British troops close to a hundred. When they arrived near to the seen, they spotted look outs, the Sauk warriors quickly got rid of them, they left one alive to say, “ Pickles is coming in!” Then they killed him. Both the army soldiers closed in surrounding the cabin, out of sight. The Pickles came driving the carriage with Jewels Ace riding in it, then Pickles said, “ Samuel Wells, I got your dog, I offer a counter offer, him for Amy!” Suddenly the carriage was surrounded by British troops. The cabin door open, out stepped Delilah La’fur, along with Samuel Wells holding Amy from behind holding a knife at her throat.
La Fur said, I thought you were a man of honor Monsieur, this Ace means nothing to me, you’ll let him go and surrender, or by my order, he’ll cut her throat.” Pickles answered, “ And I thought you were a lady. You have to hide behind another woman, using this slim bag to do your bidding. Was it you all along giving these Sea Dawgs backing?” La’fur answered “ We, it was me, I did it solely to spite my father’s position in the French government.” Then Amy McSutherland chimed in say, “ You witch, you did all this because your daddy wasn’t paying you attention!?” La’fur answered snarling at Amy saying shut up you upstart actress!”
Then suddenly Amy kicked Wells in the leg, and grabbed his flint lock pistol and aimed it at La’fur, giving Pickles the chance to call in his men, first he pointed the gun he had hidden in the carriage shot at Wells who was trying to regain control of Amy, shooting Wells in the head, he dropped dead where he stood.
Amy fired her weapon and hit La’fur in the shoulder, they both joined into the battle after that, standing side to side, shooting at the redcoats, along with Pickles men.
Chapter 4: A marriage and new life.
After the battle, and the Velvet Rose arrested, and other men of Wells were arrested, they all started for home, Amy McSutherland rode back in the carriage with Curby and said, “You owe me for rescuing you!” Curby answered, “ Rescue?! What if your little stunt you pulled backed fired, you could have ended up with a cut throat!” Jokingly she answered, “ Is that anyway to thank a friend? At least a thank you would be in order Captain.” Then Curby answered, “ Your right you should be around looking after me, how about marrying me?” She answered, “ Well I don’t know I have so many suitors, to choose from I don’t think you could handle me, but I’ll give you a try, yes I will.”
Then in the Spring time in 1815, they were married, Curby Pickles resigned his commission from the Navy, and moved to New Orleans, and became a captain of a paddle wheel boat on the Mississippi river. Shortly after the marriage Andrew May passed away and was bared next to his daughter, Martha May. Pickles would always remember them where ever he lived..
Music Video: Enya - The Longships
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