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Terra-Gemini (means Earth's Twin) |
Preface: A Strange new world.
In the digital universe there's many galaxies, and stars as much as ours in our reality.
The digital universe made by the digital gods, with one push of a button, or pulling of an electrical cord can wipe out the entire universe. Within one of the countless galaxies in the digital universe, there's a planet known as Terra-Gemini, which orbits, a blue star system, along with 13 other worlds, Terra-Gemini was the only life supporting planet, the rest of the solar system had gas giants, and large rocks of ice.
Terra-Gemini is the size of our Jupiter, and has three moons orbiting the planet. The surface of this world has two main oceans, Neptune, and Poseidon. It has thirteen huge continents, along with a few medium islands dotting the oceans.
There are life forms in this world, made up of people of lost, and mythical civilizations from other realities, which would turn into creatures befitting their characteristics when they came into this world, from another dimension. Like in example if you had an attitude of a furious bear, you would to into a humanoid life form resembling a bear. Of Course there were a few exceptions to the rule set by the digital gods.
Chapter one: The age of Aquarius new beginnings.
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An old scribe starts writing down the history of the world known as Terra-Gemini |
An old scribe commissioned by his king to write down the history of the world, and it's people. He went down into the dusty old catacombs of the palace, set at his writing desk began writing on a scroll with using a quill pen, and a container of ink wrote, “ How does one write the history of a world of many peoples, and lifeforms from lost civilizations, in another reality brought to this one by forces we can barely understand, under extraordinary circumstances. These people would turn into humanoid life forms based on their spirit when the come. There were a few exceptions of course, but no one is perfect. So, where does one begin, on Earth in another reality, billion of years ago on an island Continent known as Atlantis...”
Some say these humans were on another world originally, a place called Mars, when their world turned into a big ball of red dust, they fled using a large pyramid shaped space ship, and landed on Earth. People who were far advanced in technology, beyond their primitive counterparts who drew on cave walls, and invented the wheel. Atlantions kept track of the stars using telescopes that could see into deep space. They were star worshipers, and went by the Zodiac calendar which in our world Terra-Gemini which we go by marking the years, and ages.

people would be made king
on a new world.
He was named after the Titan god Zeus, with a different spelling “Xeus” he served as high priest of the Titan lords, it was only high priest were allowed into the Pyramid, which became the temple to their gods. Xeus would often saw through the telescope of the gods, and saw into deep space. This day he looked and saw a startling site, a large asteroid was heading to Earth! The same asteroid that same say that wiped out the dinosaurs, which was the time when their people lived on Earth. He immediately reported his discovery to the other high priest, and they told him, the gods won't let anything to destroy us, they'll protect us. Xeus looked into the telescope again a few days later, and there it was still coming towards them.

He again told the other priest, and even the King, and was told not to speak anymore of this, or face going to the dungeon for treason!
His wife Aphrodite, was the only one who believed him. He thought if only there was a way to save his people. One night he could not sleep so he walked in the garden of his home, looked into the night sky knowing somewhere out there was a large chuck of rock heading towards them when it strikes their island nation it will be destroyed. “FOOLS” He thought to himself, then suddenly the Titian god Hermes appeared to him holding a amulet necklace with a green emerald stone saying, “ The gods don't want your people to die, here take this amulet it will grant you powers to make the pyramid to fly into another denomination, to another world, just hold the gem and say, “Terra-Gemini.” it will only work for you.” Then he went and told the king of his vision, but the king wouldn't hear any of it, he tried to take the necklace from Xeus, but it became hot for him to touch, then the king ordered Xeus into the dungeon for treason going against the will of the gods!
His wife Aphrodite, protested Xeus arrest to the king but he ignored her, then she starting telling the people of Atlantis of the pending doom, and many believed it, so much so, the king ordered her arrest, she ended up joining her husband in the dungeon. Then the people of Atlantis starting protesting their arrest, and demanded their release chanting , “Let them go, let us choose our fate!” Day and night this went on for weeks, the king knowing if he sent guards to quiet the mob, it would turn into a riot, making them look like they were hiding the truth from them. At least the king had enough good judgment to allow their release, and have a vote cast to stay, and take their chances, or leave. Half of the, population of 8,800 chose to leave, the rest chose to stay believing that the gods will protect them. So, 4,400 Atlantions went into the pyramid with Aphrodite, and Xeus. Xeus held the amulet gem and said, “ Terra-Gemini” The pyramid began to shake, and it lifted off from the surface and flew into space, they all saw now how close the asteroid was through the windows of the craft, as it entered into a digital vortex, and entered the data steam, and vanishing in it. The asteroid passing them as they went, slamming the island kingdom of Atlantis sinking it in the ocean. They all witnessed it and wept for those who died.
The trip didn't take long just moments, their craft was streaking through the skies of Terra-Gemini which landed on the far eastern land of Scorpio near the coast land of the Sea of Pieces. A New world, and new land to call their own.

Chapter two: A New homeland, new race, and new neighbors.

Children of Poseidon
A humanoid race known as Poseidon's children, who can live on both land and water with green scales, and fish-like ears, saw the craft land on the other side of the Sea of Pieces, their leader along with some of his warriors flew on the backs of pterodactyls, which was just one of the array of animal life forms on this world, the Children of Poseidon tamed these beast to help fight off the Medusa which often raid their villages. The leader of the Children of Poseidon was named Trout-Noll.
Xeus and his people were just emerging from the pyramid, when he saw the flying animals with strange looking humanoid creatures flying on them. He didn't know if these people were friend or foe. In any case they were in no position to put up a fight. Plus it wasn't in Xeus nature to pick a fight, but he would defend his people if need be. He had 2,200 men who were able to fight, so they armed themselves with bows and arrows, spears to fight with if need be. Fortunately there was no need because Trout-Noel came in peacefully. He inquired if Xeus and is people need any medical assistance, or anything that could be helpful. He gotten to know Xeus, while him, and his warriors helped build temporary shelters for their people to live in.
He told Xeus of another life form living in the north of the continent of Scorpio, known as the Medusa. When bitten by them would turn their victims into zombies, and the only way to break their curse was to behead the Medusa the Queen in her lair. Trout told Xeus of the glowing trees, burned out looking trees which would provide warmth in winter, and useful to make flaming arrows. After telling Xeus all of this, Trout bid farewell after his medics helped the sick and injured, and help in building the shelters, parted as friends, they mounted their animals and flew off back to the other shore of the Sea of Pieces.
After the Children of Poseidon left, the Atlantion people that survived thanks to Xeus, made him their new king. After all it was him who saw the pending doom, and the one who made their escape from certain death possible. They also elected to call their race, Terran a new world, now a new people.
They built Xeus and Aphrodite a palace of marble, which was rich in abundance in the area, that took several decades to complete, the king, and queen used the pyramid as their palace while the marble palace was being built, but they had help from neighboring lynx pride, the Jaguars who they met, along with their friends from across the Sea of Pieces., The Children of Poseidon.
Then when they moved into their new palace, they used the pyramid once again as a temple to their gods. They built a city around the temple, and palace, called it Aquarius, which they built a wall of stone around it.
Chapter 3: The Great Migration, and a new king.

Xeus son.
In the course of seventy years the population of the Kingdom of Aquarius grew to close to 6000. The Terran people had a natural life expectancy of 200 years barring sickness, or other incidences of death. Xeus contributed to the population too, Aphrodite, and him had five children three boys, and two girls. The territory they were living in was getting so populated, there was hardly enough to farm in, so gradually many of the people packed up their belongings, taking there livestock with them to lands to other continents in the eastern hemisphere of the planet. King Xeus now a man of 150 years made no attempt to stop this departure from his kingdom, thinking his people had the right to come and go as they pleased. All of the clans of people left for parts unknown, each of them would have tales to tell. This was back when cities where considered kingdoms, with surrounding territories which anyone could lay claim to. Mostly is was to farm on, or raise sheep, or cattle on. Then there were terrorizes with minerals, and mining of gold, silver, and precious gems, that they would build a community on by Terrans. Some of the people moved to the island of Pieces, which was on the sea of Pieces. They followed the Titan god, Ares, built a pyramid, which would serve as a temple to Ares, and a city there and called it Aries.
Meanwhile back in the Kingdom of Aquarius, king Xeus saw his population dwindle down to the population of 8800 souls still living in his lands. The same amount that Atlantis had before they left Earth. But in time the population would increase to 100,000 a time that King Xeus wouldn't see in his life time. During the rest of his reign Xeus had a fleet of longboats with sails on them, and had an new invention install on them a catapult which would fire rocks soaked with hot tar, and set on fire, the catapult would shoot the flaming rock at an enemy ship. He also had these catapults placed at key positions inside the walls surrounding the city, to shoot these tar soaked rocks at any attack against the city. It was like he was preparing for war. He hope there never be a need to use these weapons but nevertheless he was thinking about the security of his kingdom. He had armor for his troops to wear, and made an ample supply of fire arrows, and spears made from the burning wood. Before his death, he made his eldest son Apollo their new king. Upon his death there was a great morning over his passing, his allies The Children of Poseidon, and the Jaguars of the Lynx pride attended the funeral to pay tribute to the man who rescued his people from certain doom, long ago, he was 202 years old, he left behind his wife, and five children.
Apollo was still a young man by Terran standards when he became king, at the age of 60. He married a young princess from the Clan of Ares, in order to keep the peace, with that clan. Her name was Aurora, age 45. Apollo's mother Aphrodite arranged the marriage. Aurora was a beautiful woman, even though the marriage was arranged, she grew to love her husband of 60.
Then started the clan wars.
Chapter 4: The clan wars, and expansion.

It was the year of Aires, in the age of Aquarius the Medusa hordes began their campaign to once again take over lands they didn't own, they controlled the northern, lands to the east, and west of the continent of Scorpio. But this time their attempt to take over the lands in the south, east and west failed. They didn't count on the Kingdom of Aquarius to have a strong king, with allies to back him up for a fight. They started in attacking the city of Aquarius, they were driven away by Apollo and his armies, along with his allies. They were driven back into the territories once held by other races of beings, they chased the Medusa, with each victory, they took over those territories once held by the Medusa, and claim those land as part of the kingdom of Aquarius, making Apollo the first Emperor of the continent of Scorpio, his allies agreed to become part of this new empire to protect their lands from further intrusions from the hordes of Medusa. Apollo appointed two of his brothers as over lords in lands of the north, west, and east. While allowing the leader of the Jaguar pride control of his territories under protection of the empire. Aphrodite, died shortly after the first war with the Medusa. Apollo had six children by Aurora, and all seem to be going well, discoveries were being made in the minds of the northern frontier like minerals, gold and silver, and deposits of led, which could be forged into balls to make better hot tar balls to shoot at enemy armies from the catapults, instead of rocks. But something more significant was discovered red rocks, their version of gun powder.
The two components to make guns, which they had yet to invent. During this time all they had was bows and arrows made of the burning wood, spears, and swords. But, necessity is the mother of invention as they say, after every war, new weapons would be invented. Then came the cross bow device inventors came up with, instead using stone arrow heads, that made led arrow heads, which had a shaft to put the red dust from red rocks inside the shaft of the hallow led arrowhead, using the standard burning wood stick inserted in the arrow head when shot from the cross bow device it would ignite the red powder, and cause the arrow to shoot with great speed to hit its target. This wouldn't happen until the arrow was fired from the cross bow. Apollo himself tried out the new device, it worked creating a small explosion when the arrow was launched from the cross bow, when the target was hit, it burned the target with fire. Apollo ordered a mass production of these crossbows for his armies, and his navy.
Chapter 5: The curse of the Medusa

It happen one night when one of Apollo's daughters named, Semele couldn't sleep. She heard a mournful cry of woman, she decided to investigate, the cry lured her away from the palace, to a grove of trees, and a pond, the three moons in the night sky were green. Suddenly a man appeared to her from the woods, he looked handsome, but is eyes were black as death. The man approached her smiling at her, making her fall into a trance, then she heard the sound of snakes hissing, and the snakes appeared on his head, and bit her!” The next thing she knew she was back in her bed. Thinking it was nothing but a nightmare she thought no more of it, and went back to sleep. She woke up in the morning and discovered what look like a bite mark on her shoulder. She reported it to her mother, and then to Apollo, who had one of the physicians come from the Children of Poseidon to examine her, they new more about these things then the doctors of his kingdom. “Shes been bitten by a drone Medusa, you have to search for the Medusa queen that sent him, and kill her before the next three full green moons, or she'll will become a queen.” The doctor told Apollo and his wife. Aurora in a hysterical tone asked the doctor, “ There's got to be another way to prevent this? There is no way to find this queen's lair in three months!” the doctor answered, “ There's a way, but no guarantee of success, you must travel to the dessert regions of the land of Gemini, the dessert people known as the Genii. They made have a potion to rid of this curse, but Gemini is a very long way.
It was up to Apollo to make this journey to safe his daughter. Hearing of his plight two of his friends from the Sons of Poseidon, Graal, and his friend from the Jaguar pride, Muah went with him on this journey flying on the back of pterodactyls taking months off on their journey which was this worlds version of the middle east, the desserts of Gemini. After what seemed like very long and difficult journey they found a clan of Genii wondering in the dessert, because they were nomads never settling down for long in one place. Apollo met a Genii woman, which he became involved with, and fell in love. He almost forgot the purpose of his mission, but came to his senses, with urging from his friends, he gotten the potion he needed to safe his daughter and made it on time to save her. He remembered the woman he met in the dessert and at times wondered what became of her...(End of part 1)
Music video
2h scifi background ambience "Alien Dust"
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