Chapter 1: The Journal of Graal
The Old scribe began writing about Apollo’s illegitimate son, Jenall, whose mother was the Genii woman name Morning Star who Apollo had an affair with, during his quest to save his daughter Semele, from turning into a Medusa Queen. The scribe began quoting from the Journal of Graal, one of Apollo’s friends who went on the trip, with his other friend, Muah from the Jaguar Pride. Graal kept a journal of the journey it started like this…”

It was during the year of Aries, we started out from the city of Aquarius flying on these winged reptiles called pterodactyls, surprisingly well tamed beast. My people, Children of Poseidon done a fine job taming the beast, so we can fly on them, if I may say so. As we flew in the skies we can see our world from above, plenty of land for everyone, as far as the eyes can see. We touch down back on the ground along in our journey only to camp for the night preferably, away from any village, we hope to go unnoticed on this journey, but you know how that goes, people from the ground saw us fly over their lands, so much for going unnoticed. Naturally people we met along the way were mostly curious about us, some viewed us a threat. There’s those kinds of people in every crowd it seems.
We help people along the way, for example, we landed near a valley where Gnomes were living in the valley we sent up camp on for the night. Apparently, the gnomes were being raided by these hairy trolls, when ever the moons turn blue. They were a peaceful farmers the gnomes, who was being made to pay a tribute to the trolls in order for them not attacking. The Gnomes were poor people, couldn’t afford to pay the trolls off every time the three moons turned blue, they ended up having to pay half of their crops for the winter!
So when we landed in their valley, they gave what they could in food, asking for nothing in return. Apollo feeling compassion for these gnomes, decided to stay on until the three moons turned blue. When that occurred the trolls like clock work started to bully the village of gnomes, then we confronted the hairy beast, Apollo said, “ Why not pick on someone your own size?” The troll turned his attention on the three of us, and only growled, and started to attack us, along with other two companions. We used our swords to fight the beast, and with help from our trained pterodactyls swooping down and ate the trolls with one gulp! Apollo said, They hadn’t had their supper yet. We freed the gnomes from bullies, and they were grateful. When we left from their village they gave us a magic potion to make us turn invisible if the need arises, but only for an hour, then we would become visible again.
We then flew into the territory held by the Tiger Pride, sworn enemy of the Jaguar Pride, they held a territory that reach to the borders of the land of Gemini. When we landed on their land we were meted with hostile intentions by their leader of the Pride, named, Virabhadra. He was taller then his other pride member, the catlike creature was like a tiger, wearing tiger skin clothes, and a pet tiger with him. When is warriors, and him approached us he pointed his claw at Muah and said, “ Why do you travel with a Jaguar. A sworn enemy of my pride?” Apollo answered, His people are allies to my kingdom of Aquarius, I’m king Apollo we travel through your lands on a matter of great importance.
The Apollo explained the circumstances why they were crossing their territory but that didn’t mean much to Virabhadra. He ordered his warriors to put us in a pit with a bamboo cover over it, and place two guards. They tried and failed to take the pterodactyls away from us, but they flew off before the tiger warriors could catch them, or fearing they would become their next meal, the warriors fled when one of them became the flying reptiles snack. The pterodactyls flew away, but close enough for their master to signal them to come by blowing on a whistle. We each took some of the potion that the gnomes gave us, and became invisible! The guard looked down into the pit, and didn’t see us. They opened up the pit, lowered a ladder to check and seen where we went, that’s when we made our escape, all three of us, we ran as far as we could while under the potions spell, and called the Pterodactyls to fly us away when the potion wore off! To this day I imagine how Virahadra reacted to our disappearance.

Then finally we came to the land of Gemini, which mostly desert lands, with a few rivers flowing into lakes, and some desert oasis. We spotted a castle near one of these oasis, the palace of Sirius-Ra, he was the ruler of the twelve clans of the Genii. I looked into the night sky when we landed, and noted that one of the three moons turned green! There wasn’t much time to spare if we were to save Apollo’s daughter. I told Apollo this but something about this oasis paradise made him not overly concerned, and that troubled me.
He was lured by the beauty of this place in the desert, he would even become more enchanted by Genii people, notably the king’s daughter, Morning-star. The king came out to greet us, and held a banquet in our honor, Apollo told the king of or plight, and the king at once told his doctors to make the potion that would save Semele. Then she walked into the room where we were eating, a long dark hair blue skin woman, who had a sweet fragrance of black berries about her. “ Beautiful, isn’t she?” Said the king, my pride and joy, I give you her as a wife if you like, it’s not normal for a man to have only one wife.” Apollo at first declined the offer, but something about her attracted him, and she towards him. Then started their love affair, while we stayed far beyond what was called for. Something about Genii females they can change their appearance to any female that attracted their lovers.
Mauh, and I reminded Apollo countless times we needed to leave. But he kept spending the nights and days, making love with Morning-star. He finally came to his senses when he noticed the second moon turned green, then we flew back home with two potions, one for Semele, and a stronger dose of the invisible potion so we could fly back into the skies over the Tiger Pride territories undetected, all they saw on the ground were three pterodactyls flying in the skies. We managed to make it back to save Apollo’s daughter, we parted company shortly afterword’s Maul, and me headed back home. (End of journal).
Chapter 2: A Medusa among us.
The old scribe after quoting the journal of Graal he continued to write about Jenall. Writing: It been twenty years after the events of Apollo’s daughter, twenty years to forget his transgressions having an affair with Morning-star, who became pregnant with their love child, Apollo would feel the weight of his adultery on the day when once again.
The Medusa drone came back to the palace to once again attack the royal family, after disposing of the guarding the Queen, by turning him into a zombie. He then made the guard walk away from his post, then transformed himself to the guard. During the mid day, the Queen, Aurora was enjoying the midday meal, in the palace garden, the sun was shining, and a nice spring breeze made her feel good. Suddenly, she smelled a odor, like rotten eggs, overwhelm her, she the fell into a deep trance and felt compelled to leave the palace, with the now Medusa drone male posing as her guard. They mounted on two winged horses, and flew away heading south, across the sea of Pieces, and across the sea of Torus, to a island there, called Bull Head Island. Then the drone took Aurora down into a cavern underground, through a massive maze of monsters, and pathways to the middle of the maze where the Queen Medusa was waiting. The Medusa queen said in a slithering voice like a snake, “ Welcome my dear to my lair, you’ll be our guess for a very long time.” The she had one of the Torus bull guards to place Aurora in a cell within the maze. Then she ordered the drone who brought her to deliver a message to King Apollo.

The king read the message, then asked, “ How could this happen?” One of his aids said, “ This must been done by an imposture in our mist, sire.” The king quoting the note: “ You have until the three moons turn green to give up your lands to me, or your queen will be a new queen of the Medusa.” Apollo looked around at the crowd in the throne room, asking, “ How can we find this imposture?”

Then he heard someone from the crowd say, “ I can.” A young Genii male stepped from the crowd saying, “ You can spot the imposture by his eyes, Medusa drones can’t hide them when they transform into another being, their eyes are black, like death.” But if you expose him, he’ll revert to his true form and attack those near him, biting many people turning them into zombies.” Apollo recognized that he was a Genii, because he went to the land of Gemini twenty years ago, he asked the blue skin Genii his name, the Genii answered, “ I’m Jenall son of Morning Star, but that’s it for now sire, I can help you in exposing this creature who is among you, without any repercussions.” He looked around the room, and saw the creature posing as a food tester! “ There he is sire!” The creature changed into his true self, but before the drone could do anything, Jenall put a hex on the creature making the drone stay where he was for just a moment. Using his mind reading abilities, Jenall found out where the Medusa had Aurora held, then Jenall turned the drone into a stone statue, which crumbled into dust! Apollo graciously thanked Jenall for his help, then asked, “ I knew your mother I believe, but you didn’t tell me of your father, who is he?” Jenall replied, “ You are sire.”
Chapter 3: The Maze of Torus.
After the shock wore off Apollo was beside himself knowing it was true, he didn’t know what to say about this revelation he knew it could end the alliance with the king of Aries for having an affair with another woman. Even though he felt that Jenall was speaking the truth, he couldn’t recognized him as his son, because it would end up splinting the empire in two. Apollo cleared his throat, and ordered all in the room to leave to talk privately with Jenall. When everyone left Jenall started, “ I didn’t come here to cause you, or your kingdom any harm, I simply came to claim my birthright. My mother would often speak of you, and the mission you were on twenty years ago. She told me of the love you had for each other, how it broke her heart seeing you go from our kingdom. I came not seeking riches, but just be accepted as your son.” Apollo asked, “ How is Morning Star. Is she well?” Jenall answered, “ Yes she is well, she forbade me from coming here, but I felt you needed to know about me, I heard of the troubles you were having with Medusa, so I also came to help.” Apollo, “ I love my wife, also your mother, I would say even your mother would agree to save the queen from something that would be a living hell.” We’ll leave tomorrow son, with an army if need be to rescue my wife Aurora.”
In the morning not only his army was ready to travel, his old friend Graal of the Children of Poseidon along with a flock of pterodactyls, 25 of them with riders. Graal said, “ Thought we come and lend a hand.” Apollo, and his men including Jenall mounted on Pegasus horses, and flew off on the mission. When they got there they encountered heavy resistance, while the Drone army, was fighting Apollos army, Jenall and Apollo managed to get to their watch tower, which floating over the entrance of the maze. They were confronted by an imp, the bug like creature said, “ Your to late King Apollo your wife will be our new queen. Go home you failed!” Jenall sensing the creature was lying said, “ He is lying sire” Apollo drew his sword pointed it at the imp, and said, “ You’ll tell me where they are holding her now, or die bug!” The emp answered she’s in the center chamber of the maze with has creatures in it to fight you.” Apollo then cut the throat of the emp, not knowing to believe it or not, the emp dropped off the tower to it’s death.

Medusa Queen’s minions an Empt
Then they entered the maze like the creature said they had to go through many hall ways, fighting monsters along the way, until they reached the center chamber where Aurora was tide to a wooden pole, the Queen Medusa in a slithering snake voice, “ Come one step closer and I’ll bite her!” Jenall put a hex on that e queen suspending her movements, only for a moment, while Apollo came in for the kill, by beheading the Queen Medusa, which started a chain reaction by destroying the maze around them, cutting loose Aurora from her bonds all three of then started running out of the maze, and made it in the nick of time out of the collapsing maze. The Drone army all turned into stone statues and crumbled into dust. Aurora was saved, and everyone got on their mounts, and flew back home, they thought that it will be for sometime before the Medusa would cause trouble again.

Aurora Captive
Chapter 4: A time of reckoning
On the Journey back from Bull Head Island, Apollo confessed his adultery to Aurora, and introduce his son Jenall to her. As expected she didn’t take the new very well, she walked up to Apollo and slapped him in the face saying, “ You know what this means don’t you, by all right I can file for a divorce, take the children, and go back to the Island of Pieces, to my father! He can declare our treaty with our kingdom null and void, and rage war with us, do you even thought about that while you were in the arms of another woman!” She went on to say, “ I don’t fault her, or Jenall, it’s you who is at fault here, not them!” Apollo then said as she was leaving into the tent they were staying in saying, “ Please my darling forgive me.” She wouldn’t say anything to Apollo for the rest of the trip home. She was thinking on whether to forgive Apollo, accept Morning Star as his second wife, and accept Jenall into the royal family. She thought about his love for her, so much he risk death even to rescue her from the clutches of the Medusa, and had the courage to confess his adultery to her. When they arrived home back in the palace, she shut herself in their sleeping chambers, making Apollo sleep in the extra bedroom. After three days she came to Apollo gave him a hug, and kissed him passionately saying, “Go bring Morning Star here, they can stay in the cottage next to the palace. We’ll give your son his birthright by taking a position as ambassador to the kingdom of Circus-Ra.
So Apollo sent a caravan with his son Jenall as ambassador, and to bring back Morning-Star has Apollo’s wife. Apollo died a happy man at the age of 200, and his Son Hermes became the new Emperor of the Kingdom of Aquarius.
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