By Peter Ripley
Time line: 1754–63, The French and Indian War.
The story takes place during the war.
“We cant conceive, that being Americans should deprive us of the benefits of British Subjects … and we are very certain, that no Body of regular Troops ever before Serve 3 Bloody Campaigns without attracting Royal Notice.”
⦁ George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 1757
Preface: “ The siege of Louisbourg was a pivotal operation of the Seven Years’ War (known in the United States as the French and Indian War) in 1758 that ended the French colonial era in Atlantic Canada and led to the subsequent British campaign to capture Quebec in 1759 and the remainder of French North America the following year.
“The British government realized that with the Fortress of Louisbourg under French control, the Royal Navy could not sail up the St. Lawrence River unmolested for an attack on Quebec. After an expedition against Louisbourg in 1757 led by Lord Loudon was turned back due to a strong French naval deployment, the British under the leadership of William Pitt resolved to try again with new commanders.”
Jeremiah Patterson |
Chapter 1: Loyal subjects to the crown
Summer of 1758, near Fort Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain Vt. On the mountain range of the Appalachian Mountains. The French and Indian war began three years ago, in a valley near the Hudson River, was the Patterson Homestead. The patriarch of the family was named, Jeremiah, Patterson this is his story…
He came to this country four years before the French and Indian war started, he arrived from England sailing on whaler, which he worked on the ship for his ticket to the new world. He was a young age of 26, leaving his parents home in England, because he was being falsely accused of stealing food from a merchant. One of many brushes from the law, his father thought he should start fresh in the new world. Fortunately he wasn’t currently wanted for any serious crimes, the accusation of stealing food was resolved and he was free to pursue a new start.
He arrived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a small town way back in the 18th century. He got a job there for the Hudson Bay fur company, which lead him to the territory of Vermont, travel across the territory, alone riding a horse, and a pack mule he bought at Portsmouth, with his earnings trapping beaver, he heard of better trapping along the Hudson river. So he came into the valley that the Hudson River which drain into Lake Champlain, where he built his log cabin, and barn. He knew of a local Mahican tribe. Hoping there be no troubles from them while he settled along the river, and started setting traps for beaver.
Chief Yellow Bear, Mahican tribe |
That answer was given, when the tribe mainly out of curiosity, came barring gifts of food and supplies, to the white man who was building his cabin, and trapping for beaver. The chief of the tribe, named Yellow Bear questioned the white man, and his intentions settling on their land. ..
Yellow Bear who barley spoke English asked, “ What do they call you?”
Jeremiah: “ Name is Patterson, Jeremiah, what is yours?”
Yellow Bear: “ I am Yellow Bear, the chief of my tribe, you stay long in our valley, trap beaver?”
Jeremiah: “ I mean no harm to your people, I plan to settle here, and trap beaver for the company I work for, I am willing to trade you fur pelts for this land, and the first harvest of my crops, I plan to grow corn here.”
Yellow Bear: “ Okay, we trade, you have woman?”
Jeremiah: “ No.”
Yellow Bear: “ Then you marry my daughter, Fire Lilly to keep the peace between us.”
Fire Lilly, daughter of Yellow Bear, Wife of Jeremiah Patterson |
Jeremiah: “ I’m not looking for a wife right now, besides it’s my peoples customs that love between a man, and woman are the reasons for marriage, and being a good provider. Not to make treaties.”
Yellow Bear: “ Don’t worry, you’ll become fond of her in time, and she for you. You marry Lilly then we have peace between us.”
Jeremiah looked at the chief’s daughter who traveled with her father, and warriors to where was Jeremiah was located at, he noted her beauty, not knowing of course if she even agreed with the chief’s offer or not, she looked at Jeremiah as though she wasn’t quite sure how he would treat her. But she felt some level of attraction towards the white man.
Jeremiah agreed reluctantly at first, but in order to being able to keep his scalp, he agreed, providing if he could court her properly. Yellow Bear agreed and ordered his people to help build the log cabin, and barn. They stayed camped near the house and barn while it was finished being built for a month, and during that time Jeremiah and Lilly became fast friends, and Jeremiah made a new friendship with Yellow Bear. Jeremiah, and Lilly, were married in the winter of 1753, the French and Indian war began, began during the year of 1754.
Jeremiah’s farm, became Jeremiah’s trading post in time, he built a wood wall around the log cabin, and barn, with two watch towers to defend his property if necessary, he heard of rumors of war between Britain and France was to become enviable, the rumors became more factual when the company of Hudson Bay, cease doing trade with the American colonist, so Jeremiah would have to find someone who will by his beaver pelts, which were valuable back then. Fortunately, The British fort, Ticonderoga wasn’t to far away, if need be they could seek shelter there if need be, little did he realized he end up needing to help defend it during the war.
At this time he considered himself a loyal subject to the crown, despite his run ins with it back in England. It was March of that year, when Jeremiah, had a visit from a lieutenant, John Meyers, of the British army, from the fort Ticonderoga, seeking volunteers to fight the war, which was about to start. The powers at be were still finding a way of war. But talks were failing on both sides. The British were gearing up for war, nevertheless. ..
Jeremiah: “ Well look what we have here, my old pal John Meyers, welcome to my home buddy.”

John Meyers: “ Hi Jeremiah, it’s been a long time, haven’t seen you since we were teenagers, running the streets of London, causing havoc.”
They shucked hands and Jeremiah offered him a drink at the bar.
Jeremiah: Lilly, this is my friend John Meyers, give him some ale, on the house.”
Turning on his attention to his friend, Jeremiah started.
Jeremiah: “ Look at you mate, a lieutenant in the king’s army, how did you managed that?”
John Meyers: “ Well my father told me to join the army, or he’d cut me out of his will, and send me out to live out in the streets, fortunately, since he is a member of parliament he had some pull with the higher ups in the military, sent me to the Royal Military Academy, guess he figured that would teach me something about being discipline, and responsibility. I graduated with the rank of Lieutenant, then I was shipped here and posted at the fort a couple of months ago.”
Then he went on to say, “ How about you Jeremiah? How you come to be here?”
Jeremiah: “ I came to the colonies on board a whaler, a few years ago, guess I came looking for a chance to redeem myself, better ending up being placed in jail, for petty crimes. Especially being accused of things I didn’t do, so I left England, and started new here.”
John Meyers: “ I came here for two reasons be sure to file your homestead here at the fort, and pay taxes on the land, also, you know a war is on the horizon between the French, and the Crown, so I am hoping buddy, that you’ll be willing to volunteer?”
Jeremiah: “ You really think it will come to a war?”
John Meyers: “ Sure looks that way, the French aren’t budging on territorial rights, and the beaver trade, that’s something effects your interest since you deal with beaver pelts.”
Jeremiah: “Yeah, ever since the French cut off trade in Canada with us making a living on trapping beaver been difficult. I’ll pitch in and join the volunteer militia, if it comes to all out war, provided my family, can seek shelter at the fort if the occasions arises.”
John Meyer: “ Absolutely, your wife can stay in the fort if the French attacks, any home steads, farms, in the area. I’m sure my fort commander will approve.”
Jeremiah: “ I just pray there won’t be a fight at all, that they can work out their differences through peaceful means.”
John Meyer: “ So do I mate, not to big on war myself, well I’m off, don’t forget to file your land with the crown, you can do that at the fort, or in the near by village. Maybe your wife could be there, if the need arises, if the fort doesn’t workout.”
Jeremiah: “ Perhaps, I’ll be seeing later John.”
They parted company afterword’s.

Chapter 2: Friend or Foe
It was May of 1754, and negations between Great Britain, and France broke down, and war was declared.
The war just started, and it was hard to tell who was loyal to the crown or not, especially the colonist of this country, and natives. So the course of action the British had was suspicion toward all civilians under them. Acts of sedition of any kind would be dealt with severally, they wouldn’t tolerate any objections to their rules, or tyrannical rule. Those attitudes would come back to bite them, during the war of Independence, a mere twelve years later.
Jeremiah, and his wife Fire Lilly, along with Yellow Bear, and his small tribe of Mahicans entered Fort Ticonderoga, and reported to fort commander Col. Fredricks. Col. Fredricks a spit and polished British officer who gladly enforce any edicts handed down by his superiors to maintain loyalty to the crown, regarded natives as inferiors, and the conquered, he few the colonist with contempt.
Jeremiah to Col. Fredricks: “ Col. Fredricks, this is my wife, Fire Lilly, and her tribe we came to volunteer to help defend this fort, may I ask if our lands are threaten by the French, we have your leave to go and protect our farms?” He went on to say, “ Also, may my wife stay in the fort, for shelter if worse comes to worse?”
Col. Fredricks: “ You are subjects to the crown, meaning there is no negations on terms of service, your property is now impounded, and will be used for the duration of the war, your land will be returned to you after our victory. As for your wife, she make take shelter her, but she, and her people will be closely watched, alley or not. You report to Lt. Meyers he commands the militia, dismiss.”
Jeremiah protested saying, “ I settled that land and traded with Yellow Bear for it, it’s not right that the crown and take over what I sweated over for two years.”
Col. Fredricks: “ What you traded for with the Indians don’t count, you should have filed you land with the crown, if you get back your land after the war, you’ll have to pay back taxes, as well current taxes, that is all!”
Jeremiah, and Lilly left the Coronal’s office and searched out John Meyers.
Jeremiah to John Meyers: “ If I known that my land was going to be confiscated, and used by the military I would of thought twice before volunteering old buddy.”

John Meyers: “ Sorry about that mate, I’ll go speak to the coronal on your behave and see what can be worked out.”
Jeremiah: “ I don’t like the idea that what I worked for, and traded for be taken from me.”
John Meyers: “ I don’t blame you, even I find myself questioning the edicts handed down from the crown, if you ask me I think the king is mad. That’s just between you and me.”
Jeremiah: “ Careful old pal some might charge you with sedition for saying that.”
John Meyers: “ No worries mate half of the officers here think that too. I’ll speak to the coronal right away.”
Then Meyers showed the barracks that Jeremiah was to stay in, and the citizen quarters that Lilly was to stay in along with the other civilians. The tribe ended up building tepees for them to stay in with reluctant approval from the coronal.
John Meyers while going to the coronal’s quarters, stopped some soldiers harassing a native girl, he came up to the group of three men and asked, “ It takes three of you bothering one of our allies? I’m going to put you three on report, if I see any of you forcing yourselves on women, I’ll have you flogged, and toss you in the stockaded for being stupid, is that under stood?” Then he escorted the young girl back to the indian camp, before continuing to the coronal’s office.
He entered the coronal’s office and gave him a salute and said, “ Sir, I came here to for two reasons, one regarding the matter of confiscating land from the homesteads of settlers by our army, and using their land for our purposes, what does it serve the crown in doing that, and at what cost to our honor sir?” Will they get their land back? Should we treat the colonist as allies, as well as the tribes, after all aren’t they going to be fighting along our side in this conflict?”
Coronal Fredricks looked up from his desk, and said, “ This has something to do about your friend, Jeremiah Patterson doesn’t it?
John Meyers: “ Yes sir, I think it be far better to have a cooperative militia army, if the taxes they owed be waved during the war, and spare the dignity of our men, knowing they will be able to use their land, when they can return, without troops taking over without so much as a by your leave.”
Coronal Fredricks: Careful lieutenant, your treading near insubordination, I care about one thing to defeat France, and that should be your main concerns, not the petty needs of your friend, nor any member’s of the militia, orders are orders their property as well as them, are subjects to the crown, do I make myself clear? You have another matter to discuss?”
John Meyers: “ Yes sir it’s about the treatment the members of the alliance, from British regulars, I had to stop three of our men harassing a young native girl, threatened to flog them, and through them in the stockade for misconduct unbecoming soldiers of his royal army sir, should I flog them for breach of military conduct?”
Coronal Fredricks: “ We need every man to defend this fort and aid Major General Jeffery Amherst, to take Fort Louisbourg, in a few days, I can’t put any in the stockade for harassing some indian girl, however before we leave if this occurs again with The same men, have them flogged. I won’t tolerate military misconduct. By anyone, including any member of the militia. Is that all Lieutenant?”
John Meyers: “ Yes, sir!”
He saluted the coronal and left the office to tell Jeremiah what the coronal said about being able to go back to his land after the war without British troops occupying it, and helping themselves, to their belongings, and food, and also having to pay back taxes to the crown, along with current taxes. Jeremiah didn’t take the news well, he said, “ After this war is over and if I see any troops on my land still, I’ll shoot them you can count on that friend.”
John Meyers started a collection of money from other officers, and soldiers in the fort to help pay for his friend back taxes he owed, and bring him up to date, Jeremiah was gracious to accept the donation that his friend did, said, “ Thank you buddy, this wasn’t what I was expecting, I owe you one.”
John Meyers replied, “ Think nothing of it buddy, glad to do it, despite the attitudes of some officers they were supportive the militia, and our indian allies.”
Just a day before Coronal Fredricks was to leave the Fort Ticonderoga, with 2,000 troops along with some militia, heading north which they were to board a ship heading to the fortress Louisbourg. An incident occurred which made John Meyers questioned who was the real enemy in this war, who were the real friends?

to capture a French ship
Chapter 3: The siege against tyranny.
John Meyers witnessed an atrocity that shucked his consensus, and loyalty to the crown. It happened a day before Coronal Fredricks was to leave, when the same three soldiers were harassing the same indian girl again. Only this time her father was with her, and he fought to protect his daughter, he stuck one of the soldiers with a knife, and killed him. The father told Meyers who came to the rescue to late, that his daughter wasn’t going to be treated like a whore! John Meyers agreed. He reported the matter to Col. Fredricks who instead punishing the soldiers for what they done, Fredricks flogged the father of the girl, 40 lashes! Which nearly killed the old man. John Meyers protested this miscarriage of justice, but Fredricks ignored it, saying, “ If women can’t stay out of trouble they should all move to the nearest village, and stay there!”
John Meyers was floored by those comments by Fredricks and said, “ Sir, we shouldn’t blame women for the actions of some men in this fort, the women should be able to stay near their love ones, and in safety sir? This is outrageous sir!”
Fredricks glared at Meyers, and held back his words, only saying, “ Lieutenant! One more word and I’ll clap you in irons, and thrown in the stockade! I am leaving you in charge here, with troops, and militia who aren’t going, to defend this fort while I’m away, take this as an opportunity for you to make amends with you insubordination.”
The next day Coronal Fredricks left the fort leaving Lt. John Meyers in command.
Not more than three days after Coronal Fredricks left with 2000 men, a French ship was spotted on the Lake of Champlain heading the direction toward their fort. Lt. Meyers was aiming to capture the ship, to it could be use for protecting the fort. He devised a plan of action, he placed his cannons along the shore of the lake, to fire on the ship aiming at the sails, knocking them down into the water, then he fire his cannons at the rudder of the craft to make it a sitting duck.
Then he place sharp shooters, shooting any Frenchmen trying to leave the ship, in essence starving the crew of food and any supplies. It took several days, then the French raised up the flag of surrender. They allowed just two jolly boats from the ship to the shore. Then made all the French crew prisoners, and placed them under heavy guard, while they repaired their now captured ship.
While Lt. Meyers was in command, the prisoners were treated well as expected under the circumstances, military discipline was restored under his command. He know had a ship at his disposal to guard against any attack from French ships sailing up the Lake of Champlain.

Chapter 4: Under a new commander.
After a 49 day siege of Louisbourg, which Coronal Fredricks and his men were part of resulted into a victory for the British. Hearing of John Meyers exploits back in Fort Ticonderoga, Lt. Meyers was made major, and became the official new commander of the fort, while Coronal Fredricks was posted elsewhere.
The first act as commander of the fort, Meyers ordered his men off Jeremiah Copper’s land, and come back to the fort. Jeremiah was grateful for his friend’s gesture. He also made Jeremiah in charge of the militia, which he would take the militia on missions to scout for any French troop movements nearby the fort.
The occasion arose one day to return a favor toward his friend John Meyers. Meyers took 200 troops from the fort, on a expedition mission seeing if he could prevent any supply lines that the French was shipping up north to the front the front lines. He got word of a shipment of guns, were heading north by fisherman, claiming to see a wagon train of guns and ammunition. Jeremiah didn’t believe the fisherman when he questioned him after Meyers left him in charge of the fort with the militia, Jeremiah again questioned the fisherman, after some convincing, the fisherman confessed that the shipment was a away to draw out Meyers and his troops to an ambush!
Immediately, Jeremiah left the fort with 600 men, both regular, and militia to save his friend from being ambushed. He made the fisherman tell where the ambush was to take place, so he rode hard toward the place where the ambush was, and engaged the French, and the Indians were waiting for Meyers to pass through, which was a dried up river bed, with forest on on both sides, perfect for an ambush.
The gun fight could me heard a mile away, that’s when Meyers and his men were about to enter the river bed, they joined in the fight, and help defeat the enemy, he found his friend Jeremiah and asked, “ Nice welcoming party old friend.”
Jeremiah, “ I am to please friend, I found out by our mutual fishing buddy, he was a spy, and there was no shipment, just a wild goose chance for you to go after, and catch on, to late, which would end up in an ambush.” Meyers replied, “ Good show old bean, thanks for the assist.” Then they all rode back to the fort.

Ticonderoga replacing Maj. Meyers
One day, a small fleet of British ships sailing on the lake came to Fort Ticonderoga, bringing in fresh troops, and General Kimbel, who took command of the fort, replacing John Meyers. Kimbel was a strict officer, but not like his predecessor, Col. Fredricks. He treated both regulars, and militia equally. In his mind his new posting was a fall back position for the army if the front lines failed, he had two ships at his disposal to block any attempts of the French to sail north to the front lines. He was ready to engage the enemy coming from the south.

the army and heads to Virginia
Chapter 5: Victory, and dawning of liberty.
After seven years of conflict, the war which began in 1753 was drawing to a close, the French knew they lost this one, and during the final days of the war, they grew desperate, even when the treaty ending hostiles was still being negotiated with the French. They lunched a final assault on Fort Ticonderoga, which was captured by the British in 1759, under General Sir Jeffery Amherst, after which he left command of the fort with Col. Fredricks. Now under a new commander Gen. Kimbel, they once again face four French ships sailing in striking distance of the fort from Lake Champlain.
They started firing their guns on the fort, but Gen. Kimbel was ready to take them on he had four ships to his disposal which included the captured French Ship, they were inside a hidden cove, they came in where the battle was starting, and began engaging the attacking ships. Along with strategic gun placements on near by hills over looking the bay, they made the French regret their attempt to take back the fort from the British. Sharp shooters led by Jeremiah, were good shots, from jolly boats, and the Indians which fire arrows firing at the sails of the French ships making it impossible for them to retreat.
Then the guns of the of the fort defenders let them have it, along with the British ships. Only one French limped away, escaping from being sunk. The rest of the French ships were either sinking, or burning, the crews of those ships were taken as prisoners of war. Then the word came that the war ended, and the militia disbanded, and allowed to go home. Jeremiah said his good byes to his friend John Meyers, who resigned his commission, and left the army, he didn’t like how his friends, and the indian alley’s were treated, he especially didn’t like the edict of King George demanding taxes were raised on the colonials to pay the war debt. Which became the banner cry of the American Revolution 12 years later.
Jeremiah Patterson resume his trapping beaver, and farming his land, during the next 12 years him and Fire Lilly would have five kids, three boys, and two girls.
The Seven Years’ War nearly doubled Great Britain’s national debt. The Crown sought sources of revenue to pay it off and attempted to impose new taxes on its colonies. These attempts were met with increasingly stiff resistance, until troops were called in to enforce the Crown’s authority, and they ultimately led to the start of the American Revolutionary War.
Jeremiah Patterson member of Ethan Allen Green Mountain Boys
By Peter Ripley
Preface: After fighting in the French and Indian War (1754–63), Allen settled in what is now Vermont. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, he raised his force of Green Mountain Boys (organized in 1770) and Connecticut troops and helped capture the British fort at Ticonderoga, New York (May 10, 1775).
Capture of Fort Ticonderoga.
Allen received a message from members of an irregular Connecticut militia in late April, following the battles of Lexington and Concord, that they were planning to capture Fort Ticonderoga and requesting his assistance in the effort. Allen agreed to help and began rounding up the Green Mountain Boys, and 60 men from Massachusetts and Connecticut met with Allen in Bennington on May 2, where they discussed the logistics of the expedition. By May 7, these men joined Allen and 130 Green Mountain Boys at Castleton. They elected Allen to lead the expedition, and they planned a dawn raid for May 10. Two small companies were detached to procure boats, and Allen took the main contingent north to Hand’s Cove in Shoreham to prepare for the crossing.
The following is after those events which is fictional.
Chapter 1: An old friend returns in a new uniform.
(1775, four months after the capture of Fort Ticonderoga)
Now a full fledged member on the Continental Army, and member of Ethan Allen’s Green Mountain Boys, Jeremiah Patterson never imagine he’d be wearing a uniform of the colonial militia. He was use to wearing his buckskin clothes, and coonskin cap. He was still a trapper, and farmer by trade, but the British took that away, when they took his land, and plundered his property, his wife, Fire Lilly, and his children had to seek shelter in New York across the lake of Champlain, he figured they be safe there, in a village under control of the colonials. It was good to be back home in Vermont, maybe he can bring his family back, after the fort he helped captured from the British is secure enough to join him there.
He heard of a new commander was being dispatched to the fort under the command of George Washington to take the place of Ethan Allen. The new commander was to arrive to the fort in a caravan of supplies, and guns for the defense of the fort. So, Jeremiah Patterson took it upon himself to make sure the new commander was going to arrive at the fort safely, he took 50 men out of the fort and rode near the place he heard that the caravan was to be.
He saw the caravan of wagons, and soldiers, flying the 13 stars and stripe American flag, near that old river bed was, where a ambush was waiting 12 years ago during the last war. He sent sent scouts out to see signs of any ambush was going to happen, he thought to himself, “ You can say this much for the redcoats, they didn’t learn the art of gorilla warfare, they were accustom to forming lines, marching in battlefields, which was suicidal to fight in that matter he thought.” He also noted the continental army also practiced such warfare. If this war was to be won the colonials would have to resort in ambushing, the enemy, using gorilla tactics, something the British had no respect for.
The scouts came back with no sign of an ambush, he then placed sharp shooters in the trees, behind fallen logs, and stones in the forest over looking the river bed providing cover for the on coming caravan. Patterson took five men and rode on horse back to meet the approaching army of colonial troops 500 with supplies, being led by his old friend John Meyers, now a colonial officer.

John Meyers: Howdy buddy, looks like were here again, same old fort, but this time fighting for freedom, this is my slave Pere, I bought him at a save auction in Virginia, I own a cotton plantation, couldn’t higher field hands, so I bought some slaves instead, cheep labor.”
Jeremiah shocked that his friend would even consider buying slaves, greeted his friend, hoping that he could convince owning slaves was morally wrong. He extended his hand to his friend, and welcomed him saying, “ I don’t agree in owning any one buddy, I rather hire workers for my business, but I welcome you here anyways.” He then greeted Pere saying, “ I hope you’ll fight for our cause of freedom.” Pere answered in broken English, “ My master say if I fight, he may free me.” John Meyers chimed in saying, “ That’s right old friend, I offered freedom to him if he fights for our cause.” Jeremiah answered, “ That should be everyone’s cause, freedom for everyone.”
Then they rode into the fort and started to settle down for their stay. Their stay wasn’t going to be long, because Meyers was expecting another visitor to the fort, General Schuyler, who was coming to gather up forces to fight in New York, in the town named Saratoga.
Chapter 2: Freedom for all? Or just for some?

While waiting for Gen. Schuyler’s arrival the topic of slavery became hot issue among the officers of the fort, with John Meyer bringing his slave along from Virginia. Controversy was allowing a slave to fight along with them, and being allowed to carry a gun. Back in colonial America, blacks were considered none humans, but cattle!
The native Americans even though they fought along side the colonial militia in the last war, were treated no better, by some white people, but not all, like Jeremiah Patterson, he married a Indian woman, and loved her, made friends with her tribe’s chief, he couldn’t understand why his friend John Meyers would treat another man, as inferior being since his friendship with the natives, during the French and Indian war, just 12 years ago.

One day, some soldiers were harassing Pere’, he was heading to the barracks, which John Meyers, and him were to bunk. Jeremiah came and intervene, asking the men, “ What is going on here?” One of the soldiers answered, “ We are not going to let no slave share our barracks! He can sleep in the stable with the horses!” Jeremiah answered, “ Oh I see, does that include his ability to attend the chapel services on Sunday?”

harassing Pere’
One of the men who seem to be the spokesman for the group answered, “ That’s right only we whites can attend church, or sleep in army barracks! His kind stays where he belongs!” Jeremiah holding back his anger, answered, “ Last I checked, God created all men equal, were fighting for freedom from tyranny, that means all, not just for some, he is a human like us, he’ll bleed red like the rest of us when the fighting starts, he’ll carry a gun, and fight along with us, just like the Indians done in the last war.”
Then Pere’ answered, “ Don’t trouble yourself with this master, I’ll go and sleep in the barn, and I’ll say my prayers there, the good Lord hears prayers where ever you be.” Jeremiah answered, “ I’m not your master, and you are no one’s slave, the only slaves I see here are these guys, slave to their own bigotry, and ignorance.” You sleep in the barracks with everyone else, and you’ll attend worship services with the rest of us, is that clear, and call me Jeremiah, not master.” Pere’ answered, “ Yes sir.” Then went on his way to the barracks. Then Jeremiah turned his attention to the men he scolded and said, “ If I even much hear you been bullying him, I’ll have you flogged, there will be no breach of military conduct, is that clear?” The men responded, “ Yes sir.” Then left.
Chapter 3: Second Saratoga: Battle of Bemis Heights (October 7) 1777.
Gen. Schuyler, came to Fort Ticonderoga, after he shored up the forts defenses, he left the fort with 4000 men, to join the campaign of Saratoga, after his request of 10,000 troops to defend the fort was denied, he left the fort to hook up with Gen. Gates. That left 2000 troops to defend the fort under the command of General Arthur St. Clair. Among the men leaving with Gen. Schuyler, was some militia, and regular soldiers, which included, John Meyers, Jeremiah Patterson, and Pere’.
While on their way there, they camped near the Hudson river one night, and sitting around a campfire was John Meyers, and Jeremiah along with three other men trying to keep themselves warm, in the October cold night. Pere’ approached the group, and John Meyer asked him, “ Is my tent ready Pere’?”
Pere’: “Yes sir master, your bed roll is lead out and ready, sir.”
Jeremiah: “Why don’t you join us for a spell Pere’ and warm yourself?”
Pere’: “Thank ya sir, I be fine around the fire of the Indians, they be nice to me, I just wanted to take the chance to thank you for what you all done for me at the fort Jeremiah.”
Jeremiah: “ No problem, perhaps one day when we put this new nation together, all peoples will be free.”
Camping on the trail to Saratoga |
John Meyer clearing his throat signaling his disapproval of Jeremiah’s remark. Then signaling to Pere’ to leave. Pere’ left thanking his new friend Jeremiah and left the campfire to join the Indians just a few feet away.
John Meyer: “ I wish you wouldn’t tell him about being free as equals to us.”
Jeremiah: “ You sound like those fools whom I confronted in the fort for harassing him, this war is about making all men equal, God didn’t create mankind to be slaves to others John.”
John Meyers in a frustrated voice said, “ Look it’s clear you and I will never agree on this so just stop telling him what might never happen okay? Just drop it.”
Jeremiah: “ Okay, considered it tabled, I hear you got married.”
John Meyers: “ Yes, her name is Laura, we had three children, she’s a daughter of a well to do business man, name Oliver, Powell, he also owns a plantation, and slaves.
Jeremiah: “ Runs in the family then huh? Owning slaves.”
John Meyers gave his old friend a glare and then got up and went back to his tent.
The next morning they march on towards Saratoga, they could hear the battle of Battle of Bemis Heights already in progress. They formed their standard battle line to engage the British in on a flat field, as they were marching after several rounds of cannon fire to break up the British lines, and the order was given for a full charge with fixed bayonets, with the cavalry taking the first wave of attack, which John Meyers,
Jeremiah Patterson, and Pere’ were part of, they rode their horses head on against the approaching British cavalry, with their flint lock pistols drawn they fired their weapons as they rode in, hitting their targets, they passed the enemy lines and stopped to reload their weapons for another charge, just then Pere’ saw some British soldiers on foot ready to over take John Meyers, and the three men who were harassing him back at the fort.
He shouted to the Indians which he was riding with to give aid, so they rode to the rescue of the men who were about to be surrounded by the British, they fought the British side by side until the enemy was defeated. Then they pressed on in the battle until an American Victory. Afterword’s they headed back to home. John Meyer had a new respect, and gratitude toward Pere’ from that point on.
Chapter 4: Recapture of Fort Ticonderoga
The British wasn’t going to just take a small defeat in Saratoga, laying down, they launched a attack of Fort Ticonderoga just a mere month after their defeat, in efforts to retake lost territories they lost during the first year of the war.
There were less than 2000 troops in the fort to defend it, refusing to abandon the fort after orders were giving on the contrary, among those defending the fort were, John Meyers, Jeremiah Patterson, and Pere’ who seemed to be three leaders of the fort, but British ships carrying troops laid siege on the fort which would end badly for those foolish enough to hold their ground.
During the constant bombardment from three British ships on Lake Champlain, John Meyers who took command of the abandon fort, sent out a messenger to bring back reinforcements. He sent Pere’ for that task. So Pere’ in the line of gun, and cannon fire mounted his horse and rode out. He rode west hoping to find militia or friendly Indians to come to rescue the fort, and its combatants.
While he was riding for help, the British made their move and retook the fort. With only 500 Colonist left, they quickly made prisoners of war of. A familiar face came into the fort to assume command, Gen. Kimbel. He viewed the prisoners when entering the fort, which made to stand at attention, right away he recognized John Meyers. He said, “ So this is what became of you, becoming a traitor of his majesty, and the British army.”
He then gave John Meyers a slap in the face, and said, not only to Meyers, but the 500 prisoners which included Jeremiah Patterson saying, “ By the order of the crown you’ll are charge with treason, and you’ll be all hanged.”
Then he focus his attention on John Meyers, and said, “ As for you, you’ll know the price of betrayal, you’ll spend three days on the racks, after you receive forty lashes, before we execute you!” Then he ordered his men to take all 499 prisoners in the stockade, and make them watch while they torture, trying to make him condemn the Revolution.
All that Jeremiah could do while chained inside his prison cell was to hear the screams of his friend as he was being whipped, never once giving into the demands of his tormentors. He watched his friend be denied water and food, while he was in the stocks, in the middle of the fort court yard by the flag pole which now flying the British flag. On the fourth day, barely alive, they took John Meyers out of the stocks, and Gen. Kimbel said, “ This is your last chance renounce you alliance to the colonist.” John Meyers smiled and said, “ Liberty and freedom for all.” Then they hanged him on the gallows.

Meanwhile. . .
Pere’ managed to find French militia, and Colonist Militia with a band of Indians, to go and liberate the captured fort, which had around 1000 British, and Hessian mercenaries, under Gen. Kimbel command, apparently the British felt comfortable in their number, which would end up being a blunder on their part, because Pere’ manage to gather up 2000 men to ride along with him.
They first had to deal with the two British ships which were still anchored in the lake near the fort. They had with them three movable cannons at their disposal, the French assault team, took on the ships, while Pere’ and the rest of the men took on the fort. It was a simultaneous attack catching the British troops of guard, inside the fort, and the ships. A French ship came on the scene and aided their fellow French troops firing their cannons from the shore, they made the British pay for their mistake of leaving only two ships to guard the waters of Lake Champlain.
Inside the fort the British was quickly overwhelmed with intense fighting, Only Gen. Kimbel and a few men made their escape by blowing a hole in a wall of the fort and fled on horse back. But the damage was already done, when Pere’ and his men came into the fort and released the prisoners, John Meyers was left hanging on the gallows. French doctor was on hand to tend to the sick and wounded, which Jeremiah Patterson was sick and wounded, it would take him a month to recover.
Chapter 5: Yorktown
Vowing vengeance Jeremiah Patterson was going to start his little own war with Great Britain, by hunting down the men responsible for torching and killing his friend, starting with killing Gen. Kimbel if he could track him down. After a month of convulsing, with his wife at his side who braved the trip with an escort of men, lead by Pere’ who found out where she was living by the fever stricken Jeremiah, who when seeing her at his bed side when the fever broken said, “ I’m glad you came darling.” Lilly answered, “ No problem dear, now you rest, and get well.”
He then asked her, “ Hows the children?” Lilly answered, “ Their doing fine, missing their pa, wondering when he’s coming home.”

tend to her husband, Jeremiah.
Jeremiah: “ I miss them too, especially being with you, missing spending Christmas, and celebrating birthdays. Tell them I’ll be home for good when this war is over, we can start over in this town called Burlington, which just became a town not so long ago, perhaps we can build a new homestead there since we lost our home by the British when they burned it down.”
Lilly: “ I already made arrangements and move to the town, staying in a cottage with the children just outside of town owned by a friendly elderly couple, no worries darling we’ll be here when you think the time is right, now eat your soup I made you.”
Jeremiah answered, “ Yes, mame!”
After he recovered he got to see his children before he left to even the score, he said good bye to his sons; Nehemiah, Jacob, Benjamin, his daughters; Martha, and Susan. He felt better seeing them all before they left the fort back to Burlington.
He then started looking for volunteers to form The Patterson Razers.
For the rest of the war he lead his Razers countless victories over the British army, attacking caravans of supplies, small garrisons, and ambushing large troop movements. With each victory the number of riders grew from 200 to 900 men, they hounded the British all the way to Yorktown Virginia where the end of the war took place.
The general didn’t say a word, only gave Jeremiah a haughty look. Jeremiah was about to fire when Pere’ rode up and stopped him saying, “ HOLD YOUR FIRE JEREMIAH! The war is over Cornwallis, surrendered!”
Jeremiah still holding Kimbel at gun point said, “ This war isn’t over until he is dead.”
Pere’ got of his horse and stood in front of Jeremiah’s drawn weapon, shielding the general, saying, “ Then you’ll have to shoot me first, killing him will not bring my master back, all it will do will put a stain on your soul, let this pompous jack ass go, he is not worth it.” Jeremiah looked at Kimbel and said, “ You owe your life to this man General, if I ever see you again, I’ll plant you six feet under.” Jeremiah, and Pere’ got on their horses leaving Kimbel standing there at the cliff.
On their way back home no longer soldiers, Jeremiah asked Pere’, “ Now your a free man Pere’ what’s your plan?” Pere answered, I might go west, as far as I can go and start life as a free man.” Jeremiah answered, “ Well good luck to you, your more than welcome to work for me on my farm if that don’t workout, and I’ll pay you a good wage.”
They parted company, and Jeremiah started back home to Burlington Vermont to work his new homestead.
Part 3: Defending freedom
By Peter Ripley
Nehemiah Patterson, Jeremiah's son
Preface: It was President James Madison's War, The War of 1812., once again pitted the Americans in another conflict with Britain. Most of New England were opposed to the conflict, along with the Federalist Party.
Federalists were opposed to war with the United Kingdom before 1812, which can be seen in their opposition to the Embargo of 1807. While many Democratic-Republicans thought of the war as a "test of the Republic", Federalists denounced calls for war, with John Randolph advising Madison to abandon the thought of war, as it would threaten United States commerce...
The War of 1812 was unpopular in Vermont and the rest of New England, which had numerous trading ties with Canada. Neither Vermont nor other New England states provided militia units or financial support. Vermont voters supported the Federalist Party, which opposed the war.,_Vermont
This story takes place a year before the war, leading up to the battle of Battle of Plattsburgh (aka The Battle of Lake Champlain 1814).
Chapter 1: West Point & Maple Sugar Candy (1811)
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Nehemiah and his girl friend, Susan Cliff, attend the annual Christmas barn dance to meet the folks. |
It's been close to thirty years, when America gain her independence in 1783, during those years Jeremiah grew older in his mid 50's, and became a successful farmer, and trades man, he raised his kids as God fearing productive citizens in society, with his store, he was able to provide for his family, and afford the best education for his children. He never whatever happen to Pere' since he last saw him, he was hoping for the best for him.
Jeremiah got land which had five maple trees on it, during the winter, he'd harvest the maple sap from the trees, and gave it to his wife Lilly to make candy from it, she was wiz in cooking one of the reasons why he married her, he'd joked at her sometimes. She cooked maple fudge bars, with chocolate frosting. She'd share batches of the fudge with neighbors around town, and served them during the annual Christmas Barn dance.
Jeremiah suggested that she make a batch of the candy to sell at the store, and as soon as they were on the shelves, that went like hotcakes! The became very popular in the small town of Burlington Vt. Little did they realized then her candy would become an enterprise, sold at Patterson's Store.
It was Christmas time in 1810, and as usual Lilly would have her maple sugar candy on hand for people to enjoy. On this occasion their eldest son Nehemiah was on leave from West Point, where he was going to military school. He came to the dance with his girl friend Susan Cliff, and greeted his parents...
Nehemiah: “ Hi Ma, Pa! We just came into town, thought we surprise you, this is my girlfriend, Susan Cliff.”
Jeremiah: “ Glad you could make it son, is the Point treating you well?”
Lilly chimed in after giving her son a hug saying, “ It's so good to see you home, can you stay long?”
Nehemiah: “ I'm staying until the new year, then we'll head back to West Point, there's signs of war heading our way again, there's been talk about it in the class rooms of the Point.”
Susan Cliff chimed in saying, “ So glad to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Nehemiah told so much about you, and your wonderful maple sugar candy Mrs. Patterson. I would like to take some home if I could?”
Lilly Patterson: “ Of course you can there's plenty. We have an extra bedroom at the house, I insist you stay in while you are here.”
Susan Cliff: “ Thank you for your hospitality mame, I'll try not to be to much of an inconvenience.”
Lilly Patterson: “ Nonsense it's no inconvenience guess are always welcomed at our home, come along I'll introduce you to the rest of the family.”
The two women wondered into the crowed dance hall to meet the rest of the Patterson family, and have some punch.
The next morning the family attended the Community Church for Christmas services.
Chapter 2: Saber rattling around the Christmas turkey.
The family attends Christmas services at the
Community Church before having supper.
During church services, the preacher gave a sermon on loving your enemies, doing good toward those who prosecute you. He said, “ This is the season we think about peace on earth, good will towards man, we don't honor the Prince of Peace by killing others who disagree with us, or our way of life.” While the Preacher spoke, one thing was on Jeremiah's mind, hard thing to practice when you have the philistines knocking down the door of your home.”
After services, Jeremiah went hunting for the Christmas turkey they would have for the evening dinner that night. They all gathered around the dinner, that evening , and discussion over the dinner was talk about the possibility of war in the coming new year.
Jeremiah: “ I hear the Brits are rattling their sabers again son, is that true?”
Nehemiah: “ Yes Pa, the collage professors speak of the possibility of another war with England, James Madison says if the British continues to interfere with trade, it might lead into an all out war.”
Jeremiah: “ Well, there's other ways to handle trade disputes besides declaring war, and shedding of blood. But, if it comes down to it, we'll have to pick up arms I suppose.”
Nehemiah: “ You're not the only one feels that sediment, The Federalist party is speaking against the need for an armed conflict.”
Jeremiah: “ Well, I may oppose war, but I won't stand by and be tread upon by a foreign government bent on conquest, and aggression.”
Nehemiah: “ I doubt it will come to war Pa, besides I hear our governor will not support one if there is a war, he refuses to offer any state militia if it does come to a fight.”
Jeremiah: “ What does he thinks the Brits will do just go home, they will stomp their feet on us, and try and take back our freedom that's what they'll try and do, I'm glad I didn't vote for him!”
Nehemiah: “ Right now it's a lot of hear say, and talk but, I think were prepared for a fight if it's forced on us.”
Jeremiah lifted up his glass of wine, and said, “ Let's all hope for peace, without bloodshed.”
Chapter 3: Yes, Susie that was Johnny Appleseed.
John Chapman (aka Johnny Apple Seed)
Read story:
The following is a fictional account.
After the long winter ended, and the start of a new year (1812), the snows melted into spring, flowers were blooming, the lake came back to life again, when the ice melted, teaming with fish, and black bears were emerging from their hibernation, deer does, were showing off their fawns. It was Spring time, that meant planting season. One day, in the month of April while Jeremiah was planting seed, in the field, Lilly was doing household chores, their youngest daughter Susan Patterson was playing in the front yard with the family dog. Susan who was only 8, saw a stranger coming up the dirt road leading up to their farm house. She ran back into the log cabin, with the dog trailing behind, and said, “ Ma! There's a strange looking man coming here wearing a cooking pot on his head!”
The family dog, (Horus) started barking as the man wearing a pot on his head walking up to the door to knock. Susan's younger brother Benjamin, who was 5 years old at the time, was in the cabin, practicing reading from the bible, while her older brother Benjamin who was 12, was helping their father out in the fields, Martha the eldest daughter, was also in the cabin helping to prepare supper, when a knock on the door with the stranger coming calling...
Appleseed: “ Good morning mame, may I come in?”
Lilly: “ Sure please do, may I take your err your hat, or pot?”
Appleseed chuckled, took off his pot from his head and said, “ I get odd looks all the time wearing this thing, saves me from finding a pot to boil my apple cider in when I share my recipe for it.”
Appleseed then asked, “ Is the man of the house is about? I'm giving away some Apple seeds to plant, and some literature about my church, and a bible for the family. I see you have one already so I'll give you an extra, it is good to see your using God's word to teach reading from.”
Lilly: “ Thank you Mr. Chapman, we heard so much about you, can I offer you some food on your journey, we have plenty.”
Chapman accepted the offer for a meal, and some food to take with him, included some maple sugar candy. He left his recipe for apple cider, then left walking down the road. Susie Patterson ask, “ Who was he ma?” She answered, “ That was Johnny Appleseed dear.”
Later that day, Jeremiah, and Jacob returned from the fields and Lilly shared her encounter with Johnny Appleseed.
Lilly: “ You never guess who paid us a visit today darling, John Chapman!”
Jeremiah: “ Well I be, sorry I missed it, I wonder what was all that barking about from old Horus.”
Lilly: “He came giving this sack of apple seeds, and an extra bible, was thinking I'll send it to Nehemiah as a graduation present in June.”
Jeremiah: “ Why not deliver it personally? I think we can make the trip to West Point, we'll make a vacation out of it, I save enough for the trip, and give him a surprise.”
Lilly: “ That will be wonderful dear, Mr. Chapman even autograph the inside cover of the bible, that will make it even more special. He also left his recipe for his apple cider.”
Benjamin chimed in saying, “ Are we going to plant those seeds Pa?”
Jeremiah answered, “ Were sure are, we'll plant them next to the three apple trees we already have, maybe have an apple orchard.”
The next day they planted the seeds, and were grateful for the blessings from God.
Chapter 4: The class of 1812
They attended the base chapel, to hear the commencement speech by the base chaplain.
It was the early part of June of 1812, the family celebrated two graduation ceremonies, the eldest daughter, Martha Patterson was graduating from the one room school house, where her brothers and sister, been attending since the first grade, Martha now at 18, with her high school diploma, would start working at the local dress shop as a seamstress during the days, and work around the home at night. Little did she knew she would playing an important role than just a seamstress, and helping out on the farm.
Then one week later the Patterson family, packed up their covered wagon, and headed to West Point, they even brought Horus along so he won't be alone back home. They crossed the lake of Champlain on a barge with their wagon on board, the trip there to West Point took about a week, just two days shy of the start of the war. Nehemiah greeted his family when they drove up in their wagon near the entrance of the military academy.
Nehemiah said upon then arriving, “ Well Pa, Ma this is it, the day after tomorrow I'll be graduating with the rank of Corporal.”
He then turn to his sister Martha and said, “ Congrats to you little sister, hope you'll sew many dresses.” Martha responded, “ I hope you being a corporal won't swell that head of ours brother, I won't be able to make a shirt with a large enough neck collar.” She said jokingly. Nehemiah responded, “ Always a punch line. There's one in every crowd, your a real cut up.” Joking back.
His mother greeting him with a hug, and invited him to join the family at the camp they were going to make so he could join them for supper. Nehemiah wouldn't hear of them making camp in the small field where they were, he invited to stay in the quarters that the academy had set aside for visitors during commencement, so they drove their wagon to the quarters, and settle in for the evening. Nehemiah invited his parents to dine in the officers club, where Lilly presented the bible that Johnny Appleseed gave her, to him. Nehemiah was grateful for the gift.
June 18th, 1812
Nehemiah Patterson was glad to see his family, and his girlfriend, Susan Cliff, attend the commencement ceremonies. The cadets paraded in formation, with the sounds of the band playing marching music. Then they attended the base chapel, to hear the commencement speech by the base chaplain. The chaplain started his speech from a quote by George Washington during his first Annual Address, to both Houses of Congress, “To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." He then went on to say, “ This nation is now at the door step on another conflict with England, this nation must be prepared for such a reality. By nature a solider wants peace, like anyone else, but when forces who opposes freedom, and acts of aggression comes upon the innocent, we must be ready to challenge those acts of barbarism, examples can be found in scriptures, in 1st and second books of Samuel, and 1st and 2nd book of kings. How God was with the children of Israel during their conflicts with the philistines...”
Then suddenly his sermon was interrupted by the base commander, who said, “ Sorry for the interruption pastor, I have some bad news, war has just been declared with Britain, all officers, cadets, is dismissed, report to your commanding officers. May God forgive us, and grant us victory.”
Then they all started filing out of the chapel. Nehemiah said farewell to his parents before he reported to his commanding officer saying, “ I hope this war won't last long.” Jeremiah said, “ You'll do fine son, God be with you, write often.” His mother bid him farewell too. The later in that day the rest of the family started back home.
Chapter 5: The Cost of freedom
Jeremiah Patterson gave his life so others can be free.
June 1813
Burlington Vermont was a small town back in 1812, so when American troops were stationed there to protect the town the number of troops outnumbered the population of civilians living and near the township, 5000 troops were stationed there, and Nehemiah Patterson was among them. He welcomed the chance while serving his country he aided in protecting his home town, despite the fact that Vermont offered no military, or financial support. Something that galled Jeremiah Patterson to no end, so he rounded up his old band of volunteers who didn't want their lands trampled under the foot of British troops. It's been a year since the war begone and the people could hear sounds of battle off and on from a distance. All hoping that the war will stay away from Burlington.
Supplies were low, which put a strain on the populace, usually ships coming to port would have the much needed supplies, and medications if needed. Then an outbreak of influenza broke out among 500 troops which were being tended to in the main building of the University of Vermont. Martha Patterson volunteered to help with visiting the sick, and doing the laundry. It was here she would meet her future husband, Mark O'Neil one of the soldiers who was sick.
Seeing they were desperate need of supplies and medicine, Martha Patterson asked her brother Nehemiah if he could getting their needed supplies.
Nehemiah went to his commanding officer and required if there could be anything done to get the supplies they needed. The commander said, “ Intel we get on British supply trains are sketchy, but they also tell of a small outpost about 10 miles away, that the British as built to keep prisoners in, until they can transport them to their prison ship, they might have the supplies, but not promising anything.”
Then the commander said, “ Take about 200 men to scout out this outpost is said to be, and see if it does exist, if it does I'll order an expedition force to siege it.”
Nehemiah asked for volunteers, and his father, Jeremiah along with his riders, came along for the ride. They did find a staging area outpost holding not only prisoners, but runaway slaves. Jeremiah looked through the spyglass, and he saw his old friend Pere' was among those being held captive, he also saw his nemesis Gen. Kimbel there! They saw wagon trains of supplies, and men coming and going from the outpost, around 2000 troops were stationed there.
They went back to Burlington and reported what they saw to the commander, he ordered all his men he could spare, along with Jeremiah's volunteers, and tribal members of the Mahican to take the outpost, they brought along 5 cannons. They lined the cannons among the trees in the forest, just yards away, not to be seen by the guards of the outpost, they started with three volleys of cannon fire before the troops came charging in, they blew a hole through the outpost gate, got the British off guard when they came marching in battle formation with their muskets loaded and pointed, ready to fire at the defending troops.
They manage to fire two rounds using musket, and flint lock guns, then they came in with a Bennett charge, they fought the troops, while outside those who were manning the cannons shot off rounds knocking out the guard towers. The battle only took 15 minutes. Gen. Kimbel seeing he lost this fight, he got on his horse, and searched out Jeremiah Patterson. His back was turned about to celebrate the victory, when a shot rang out striking Jeremiah in the back! He fell, dead.
Nehemiah saw that his father was shot in the back, saw Kimbel chuckling to himself, before he rode out of the outpost! Nehemiah didn't waste anytime, he pick up a loaded flint lock pistol, and got on a horse and chased the back shooter, he got up with him riding just a few feet ahead of him, he shouted, “ Kimbel! Prepare to meet your maker!” Then he rode up along Kimbel's side and fired his weapon, killing Kimbel.
He went back to the outpost to see his father, Pere' and some of the men were standing around the dead body of Jeremiah. Pere' said, “ He was a good man, thank you for rescuing us, it's a terrible price for freedom.”
The war would last until 1815, and they buried Jeremiah near some clove of trees which his wife would be buried, ten years later next to him. Nehemiah married Susan Cliff, and built a house next to the old homestead house, they used the house for guess from then on. Martha Patterson married Mark O'Neil, and stayed in town, most of the children would stay living in Burlington, Except for Benjamin Patterson when he grew up, he too join the army, and moved to Tennessee, with his wife. He would be involved in the American Mexican war in 1845.
Music Video:
Casting Crowns - Beulah Land (Audio)
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