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Grey Pentleton, Pinkerton Agent |
Chapter 1: Dispensing is own brand of Justice.
His name, Grey Pentleton, He fought on the side of preserving the Union, during the Civil War, under General Sherman, fought in eight engagements during the war, earn the rank of Coronal. After the war he served out the remainder of his tour of duty he served two years in the US Calvary, fighting Indians, in New Mexico to enforce the reservation system the government imposed on native peoples. He was glad when his tour was over, he resigned his commission, then moved to Chicago, Ill, there he was a member of the city police for two years, he quit the force because of the pay mostly, but wanted to stay in law enforcement, then he heard about the Pinkerton Private detective agency, and joined up.
He figured the pay was good, plus gave him the opportunity to make money on the side when he wasn’t on assignment from the agency, he gambled, and collected bounties on wanted criminals, to supplement his income. The company assigned him the territory of New Mexico, so back to New Mexico, in Santa Fe, which would his home base for the agency, but in practice his office would be any hotel room where his job took him.
He boarded the train in Chicago, heading south to Missouri to the city of St. Louis, then he’d take a train down to Dodge City, Kan. From Dodge City he would take a train on to Santa Fe. While traveling on board the train heading to Dodge, the train was held up by a gang of comancheros out laws, the blocked the train with boulders on the train track, the newly licensed Pinkerton man, wasted no time in deposing of them quickly with his Army Colt revolver (the peace maker) when the bandits attempted to board the train to rob the gold shipment it was carrying, Grey Pentleton got off the train alone, with his gun drawn, he faced five outlaws, he asked who was their leader, the loud mouth of the group, a man named Hosoi Rivera, said, “ You looking at him amigo.” Grey said, “ Well, Mr. Rivera there’s a warrant for your arrest, dead or alive, and a sizable reward, $4000 I hear tell, the rest of you rats are about $300, that would be good starting money.”
Grey keeping his eyes out on the five robbers, and said, “ I’m placing you under arrest, you are first going to clear the track of these boulders. Then you going to put these shackles on, and sit in the cattle car, there I’ll guard you until we reach Dodge.” One of Rivera’s men made a move to shoot Grey, but Grey shot him off his horse dead. The Grey said, “ Any more objections? Now drop your guns, and climb down off those horses.” Then Rivera asked, “ Who are you?” Grey answered, “ I work for the Pinkerton agency, you picked the wrong train to rob today.” After the rocks were removed from the tracks, and horses put into the cattle car, Grey put shackles on those who remind alive and along with the one dead bandit, he placed them in the cattle car and stayed guarding the prisoners. The rest of the passengers on the train were amazed, and starting talking about it. When they arrived in Dodge, Grey Pentleton was the talk of the town.
Chapter 2: Three days in Dodge.

around Dodge City Kan.
He turned his prisoners to the US Marshall’s office, and collected the reward moneys, and stayed for three days for the last part of his trip. In the Long Branch Saloon, everyone was buying him drinks for saving the gold shipment, and capturing the second man who ran the comancheros in the territory, their leader, Montez Horus, wasn’t to happy when he got word his right hand man was captured, he vow revenge. Everyone in Dodge including the Marshall became friends with Grey Pentleton. He spent time gambling making more money playing an honest hand of poker.
When he went to his hotel room a telegraph message was left under his door from the Agency saying, “ You’ll meet your partner, E. Watson there in Santa Fe, will have office arrangements set up when you get there, plus allowance on hotel room rental for three months only.” Then he read a little from the Bible that someone left behind, and went to sleep.
In the morning he was awoken to gun fire in the street, he got up looked out the window to see Montez Horus making good on his threat to seek revenge, his gang of ten men were both trying to attack the jail, holding his men, and attempting to rob the bank at the same time. Grey sprung into action he armed himself with his 1874 Sharps Rifle, and his Army Colt Revolver joined in the fight defending the jail house, while the Marshall was fighting the bandits robbing he bank. He made quick work in helping to defend the jail, all of the five outlaws attacking it were killed by him, and the deputy. The rest of the outlaws managed to ride off with over $10,000!
The Marshall ordered a posse to be formed to give chase. Grey quickly got prepared to join them, then mounted on a horse witched was in the livery stable, rode with the posse with the Marshall. They tracked the bandits hiding in a abandon barn, and surrounded it, the the Marshall ordered Horus, and the rest of his gang to surrender. Horus said, “ My brother, Rafael, will avenge me!” Grey, asked the Marshall who was Rafael Horus, the Marshall answered, “ He’s probably the worse of the two brothers, he too runs a gang of comancheros, in New Mexico where your heading.”
Then the Marshall told Montez to surrender for the last tine saying, “ This is your last chance to give it up.” Then Grey spotted a ladder on the side of the barn, with an opening to the hay loft. He pointed it out to the Marshall and said, “ Cover me.” Then while the posse was giving him covering fire, Grey climbed the ladder, and entered the opening, and standing on the hey loft, he drop a smoke bomb, which smoked out the bandits, making them drop their weapons, coughing as they went out of the barn, the Marshall and the rest of the posse moved in and made their arrest, and recovered the money. The Marshall thanked Grey Pentleton by saying, “ Look’s like you got more award money coming to you.” Grey collected the bounty on the five remaining outlaws, and the next day he started his final trip to Santa Fe.
Chapter 3: Meet your new partner Emma Watson.

He finally made it to Santa Fe, New Mexico by train, the passengers on the train felt save while Grey Pentleton was on board, train pulled into the railroad station, and waiting for him was a redhead young woman, greeted him saying, “ You be Grey Pentleton?” Grey answered, “ Yes I am miss?” I’m Emma Watson your assistant, I have our office set up, and rented you a hotel room to stay in, and got you a nice horse.” She eugenically replied.
“ The telegraph said I was to meet my partner, not an assistant.” Grey said. She answered back, “ That’s me also, besides your assistant, I’m your partner.” Grey answered, “ You got to be kidding me right?” Emma answered, “ No sir, I’m dully license, agent of the, Pinkerton agency, and I’m a good shot with my Ruger Vaquero.” Then she went on to say, come on we’ll talk about this after I get you settled, and have dinner.” Grey thought to himself, “ This is going to some hay ride.”
After checking in the Santa Fe Hotel, he spent the day opening an account in the Central Bank, opened the account with the amount close to $9,000, Kept some cash to buy a horse, an appaloosa stud he named Willy. Then he went to the only restaurant in town, Franchisees. Emma Watson met him in the lobby of the hotel, and they walked across the street together, to Franchisees.
While seated, Emma Watson started the conservation saying, “ You probably expecting a male partner, weren’t you?” Grey answered, “ Well to be honest, yes, I did you’d need to able to cover your partner in a shoot out.” Emma replied, “ I can assure you I can, hold my own.” She went on to say, “ The agency, felt to have female agents who better can infiltrate in some cases which a male agent would find difficulty in doing especially if it involves tempting a male criminal to leak information, the agency wanted to give this a try hiring female operatives.” Then she said, “ If you prefer I can just be assigned to another agent, that is less than traditional.” Grey sipped his brandy, and lit a cigar, and said, “ No not at all Miss. Watson, this should prove to be interesting.”
They left the restaurant, and parted company, while they were leaving a drunken cowboy started to push himself on her, she quickly took action, without help from Grey Pentleton, who was half way down the street, when he saw his new partner tripped up the drunk cowboy and kicked him between the legs, causing him to drop, she whipped out her pistol and pointed it at the cowboy writhing in pain, holding him there at gun point until Grey came to the scene, taking the drunk cowboy to jail, saying as he went, “ Yep, you handled that just fine Miss. Watson.” Then he towed the drunk to jail.
In the morning Grey found Emma Watson making coffee in the office, with a stack of sweet rolls on the table. After having a danish and coffee, he went to the local office of the US Marshall who was station in Santa Fe, Bill McCoy was his name, he had two deputies working for him. Grey Pentleton thought to make his introductions, making McCoy aware there is a Pinkerton office opened up. The Marshall seemed not to friendly a first, giving the agency reputation of being ruthless at times. But, the Marshall got a good feeling about Grey Pentleton.
Chapter 4: The feud over Gutter’s Mine.

clear her father of a crime he didn’t
commit hired Grey Pentleton.
30 years ago, a man named Jacob French, was hunting bison in the Nebraska territory, he camped in a cave one evening, and saw silver in the walls of the cave, he staked a claim to the mine, and became rich over night. Other people got wind of the fine, and headed to where the discovery was made. French defended his claim, with the help with a local native tribe whom he had a good working relationship with. He managed to keep his claim protected from claim jumpers. He made is fortune, got married, and had six children, he built a mining camp, which quickly turn into a mining town, run by his mining operations in the area. The town was named Frenchville, shortly after that Jacob died, leaving his wife, and three boys, and girls behind.
Then 10 years after, another man name Michael Gutter, came to Frenchville, he too like so many came seeking fortune in silver. He too found a silver deposit, miles away from the French mind, and staked his claim, he brought his family along on the journey, before seeking fortunes, Gutter was a farmer in Kansas. He settled his family near his discovery, he had five boys, and two girls.
When hearing that Gutter discovered silver, one of Frenches son’s Calvin French, a young man of twenty, spoiled to the core, getting his way, and what he wants, wanted two things, Gutter’s mind, to make his own fortunes, and one of Gutter’s daughters as his wife, Anna Gutter. He figured what better way to take over a claim, to marry into the family. Michael Gutter got onto Calvin’s under handed scheme, and told Calvin to get off his land, besides Anna wouldn’t have any part of Calvin French, a bully and coward.
Then one day the body of Anna Gutter was found near a river bed, she been raped, and murdered. The blame was put on a town drunk, named Barney Copper, who had been known to force himself on pretty girls when he was drinking, he had been seen harassing Anna Gutter in town at times when her family was in town shopping for supplies at the general store. Near the body of Anna when she was found was a gold watch that Copper was known to have, it had a picture of his daughter in it, Susan Cooper, he would often show the watch and picture to people around the saloon bumming for drinks. They tried and convicted Barney Cooper, and hanged him for the murder. The town Sheriff didn’t buy the line that Cooper did the crime he was charged, how the evidence happen to be there caused the sheriff some doubt, but a jury convicted the man, but did they convicted the right man?
The Sheriff investigated further, and was making some headway to the actual murder, then he was found dead in a alley in town. Then the investigation into Anna Gutter’s murder ceased.
Just a few months later, a young blonde woman entered the Pinkerton office in Santa Fe New Mexico, her name was Susan Cooper. She told Grey Pentleton about her father being wrongly accused, and hanged for a crime he didn’t commit, she told him about the sheriff reopening the case to investigate further, and was killed in the process.
Chapter 5: Covering up a spoiled brat’s crime.

who gets what he wants
Susan Cooper afterword said, “ Mr. Pentleton, my father wasn’t a violent man, he might hassle some girl around when drunk, but he would never harm anyone intentionally, he was the sort of man who would bum money off to get his next drink, so why would he kill this young woman?” Grey answered, “ They found the pocket watch near the scene of the crime, that what they convicted your father on, if I understand right?” Susan answered, “ Surely you must know that the watch could be planted, along with the whiskey bottle also found on the scene?” Grey answered, “ You’re right it seems all to good to be true.” “ So, you’ll take the case Mr. Pentleton?” Asked Susan Cooper. “ Yes my fee runs the current rate of our agency, $50.00 per day plus expenses.” Grey told her. Then Susan got up from the chair, handed Grey an envelope with close to $1,000 then thanked Grey for accepting the case.
The day after, Grey Pentleton was on the train heading north to the Nebraska territory, leaving Emma Watson behind to hold the fort when he was away, only taking his horse along in the cattle car. Eight days latter he was riding his horse into the town of Frenchville. It was a busy town filled with work hands for the French mining town, he knew right off this town was a company town, ran by a rich mining family. The atmosphere seemed hostile to strangers riding into town, his first stop was the sheriff’s office to check in, and see the wanted posters. The sheriff seemed nervous, when Grey Pentleton showed him his badge, he heard stories about Pentleton. The Sheriff who replaced the one that was murdered, asked Pentleton, “ I know you, at least I heard stories about you, this is out of your range isn’t it? Grey remarked, Sheriff, you have two unsolved murders, one feels like a set up job by someone, the other your predecessor who was investigating, if you were doing your job, maybe I would be in my range now, not here.”
Grey took out a cigar and lit it, looking out of the sheriff’s office he saw a young man getting on his horse, he walked out the door and whistled, the horse reared on its hind quarters and bucked the man off. It was Calvin French who tried to make off with Grey’s horse. Grey drew on Calvin with his Army Revolver, and said, “ That’s my animal sonny.” Weren’t you taught any manners not to ride another mans horse without permission?
Then Grey said, “ Do yourself a favor boy, get out of my sight, if I see you near my horse again, I’ll shoot you dead.” Then kicked French in to backside and said, “Now, get out!”
Calvin said as he went, “ You’ll regret this mister!” Grey answered, “ I’m sure I will.”
Then went back inside the Sheriff’s office and asked, “ Who is that idiot?” The sheriff answered, “ That’s Calvin French, their family owns this town, be careful he’ll send his big brother Neal after you.” Then Grey answered, “ This Calvin character, he use to get what he wants, no one tells him no?” The sheriff answered, “That’s about it.” Then Grey said to himself, “ Interesting a spoiled brat having his way.” ( end of part one)

Grey Pentleton in, Bringing justice to a company town
By, Peter Ripley
Chapter 1: Did you forget something?
The next day, Pentleton saw Calvin French, harassing a woman who had nothing to do with him, he saw no one offering to help the young lady, he walked across the street of his hotel where he was staying, and heard the woman say to French to leave her alone, it happened to be the second daughter of Mike Gutter, Treasa Gutter. Calvin was pushing his way on her, then Grey Pentleton stepped in saying, “ I believe the young lady said to leave her alone sonny.” Smoking his cigar as he talked. Calvin answered, “ Ah, she don’t mind shes getting some attention do you Treasa?” Treasa looked at Grey as though to say help me. The Grey said, “ No, I don’t think so sonny let her go.” By this time a crowd was gathering watching what would happen. Then Grey said one more time, “ Let her be sonny, or I’ll place you under arrest.” Calvin the reached for his pistol, but Grey drew first and pointed his weapon at Calvin French chest saying, “ Drop it sonny, or I’ll drop you where you stand.”
Then the sheriff arrived at the scene and asked, “ What’s going on here?” Grey Pentleton answered, “ Sheriff, I’m placing this man for assault, and attempting to steel my horse yesterday, I forgot to do that.” The Sheriff ordered Calvin French to drop his weapon, which he did, then led Calvin to jail. Pentleton asked the Gutter girl if she wants to press charges of assault, and harassment, she did.

Treasa Gutter thanked Grey saying, “ Thank you Mr. Pentleton, I just came into town to shop for supplies, and some sewing material, there’s a barn dance come this Saturday, perhaps you will come? Grey said, “ Perhaps, I will, lot a people come I gather?” Gutter answered, “Oh yes, it’s biggest dance we have every year, being its the Fourth of July, also fireworks afterword’s. You should come.”
Grey Answered, “ We’ll see in the meantime I’ll see you make it home with your supplies alright.” Then after Grey helped Treasa Gutter load the wagon, he tied his horse to the back of it, and drove way on the wagon, with his horse following behind.
They arrived at the homestead of the Gutter family, Mike Gutter was thankful that Grey Pentleton was there to assist his young daughter of 18, from being pawed at by Calvin French, age 25. He offered Grey supper, and Grey accepted. After supper Mike, and Grey enjoyed a smoke, and drinking brandy which was on hand. Gutter told about the Frenches desires of having them married off his eldest daughter Anna, to Calvin, so they can take over his claim. Mike said, “ After we told Calvin what he could do with his offer, three days later, Anna was found dead.” Gutter went on to say, “ I always felt that no account son of theirs had something to do with it, but they found themselves a patsy, this Cooper fella.” He also said, “ His mother won’t stand having her son be in jail long, expect her to pay a visit at jail soon.” They parted company, that night and Grey rode his horse back to his hotel.
Chapter 2: Mother’s pride and joy, can do no wrong.

Pentleton for putting her son Calvin in jail.
In the morning Grey Pentleton came into the jail house, and there was Calvin’s Mother, Ester French, and her oldest son Keith French. Ester French was middle of her speech demanding the sheriff to release her son from jail, saying “ My family built this mining town that in itself should mean something sheriff!” Then Grey Pentleton chimed in saying, “ Does that mean your son here can take off with another mans horse? Or give license to attack a young girl in the streets mam?” She turned her head looked at Grey Pentleton with a cold glare and said, “ So, you are the one who place my son in jail for just being friendly to that girl offering aid with loading her wagon!” Grey answered, “ If pushing himself on someone who weighs 104 lbs, him being around 230, I like to see how that’s being a help, after the girl to leave her alone.” Ester responded, “ My son told me he was only helping the girl, nothing more, and I believe him sir!”
Then Grey asked the sheriff when next circuit judge comes into town, the sheriff said next
Monday. Then Grey said to Mrs. French, “ Okay until next Monday your boy stays in jail until there’s a hearing.” Keith French was going for his gun. Grey drew first aiming at Keith saying, “ Make that two arrest sheriff, this one for being stupid pulling a gun on a Pinkerton Agent. Ester chimed in saying, “ Keith! Put that away don’t be foolish!” Then Grey took away Keith’s gun and locked him up too beside his brother. Then turned to Mrs. French saying, “ I think were done here mame, don’t compound their mistakes by doing anything else.” She parted saying, “ We’ll see about this sir when I telegraph Al Pinkerton himself!”
Two days later a stage couch arrived in Frenchville, carrying Emma Watson! Not expecting to see Emma’s arrival, Grey Pentleton was surprised seeing her arrive, partly annoyed she came after being told to mine the store back in Santa Fe, and partly glad she came perhaps able to handle an overbearing mother. She came into Grey’s hotel room carrying a dispatch from Chicago, from the boss Alan Pinkerton saying, “ You’re doing a good job on the case you are working on take whatever course is necessary to solve it, this agency plays no favorites. Mrs. Ester French has been notified about our decision.”
Then after reading the dispatch he asked, “ Why are you here Miss Watson, this dispatched could have been sent by telegraph, there was no need for you to come personally.” Emma answered, “ Is that anyway to greet your partner? We are partners or not Pentleton, I’m not a token Pinkerton agent just sit in the office doing paper work! If that’s not clear, then I’m walking!”
Grey answered, “ Okay I get it Emma, but who is mining the office? Surprised that Grey called her by her first name answered, “ Well Grey, I hired a office boy to do errands, like picking up the mail, and telegraphs he can slip in the door slot into our office.” Grey answered, “ Glad you came anyways I’m having to deal with a mother whose son may have actually committed two murders, rape, and cover up of those crimes, as well as extortion. She believes her sons can do no wrong.”
Chapter 3: See you at the Barn dance

trying to bribe Treasa Gutter, and admitting to her
Brother’s Calvin’s Crime.
It was Friday, the day before the barn dance, that Treasa Gutter told Pentleton about, he thought it be wise to have some protection for her, and family to make sure there’s no witness intimidation, or tampering while Treasa went to the dance with her boyfriend. So, both Emma Watson, and Pentleton rented a buck board to set up protection for the Gutter family, and Treasa.
Emma Watson said to Treasa’s mother, “ Don’t worry Mrs. Gutter, Mr. Pentleton, and I will see no one will try and entice your daughter to perjurer her self, she should go to the dance with her bow regardless of threats by anyone.” Treasa’s mother answered, I’m sure you make good chaperons for the young man, and my daughter, will you be taking them to the dance? I hate to have her miss this dance on account of this hearing come Monday, she was looking forward to it.” Pentleton chimed in saying, Normally we would have our witnesses under strict supervision, and guard, usually she would be staying home under guard by us, but if we can trap who’s really behind these murders, I think we can risk it, if it means exposing parties responsible, in this case.”
Mr. Gutter chimed in saying, “ You’re risking my daughter mister, using her as bait.” Pentleton answered, “ There’s too may convenient circumstances, abstinence of sound evidence to solve your older daughter’s murder Mr. Gutter, do you want to catch the real murder? See him hang for it? I have a suspect in mind, but I need more than circumstantial evidence, like Mr. Cooper was a patsy, we need to find our own.” With that Mr. Gutter was cautious, but partly satisfied with Pentleton’s reasoning. Treasa chimed in saying to her father, “ Pa, I want to do this for the sake of Anna.” Mr. Gutter then said, “ Agree, it’s settled, see you at the dance, I’ll be taking my family there too, haven’t been to a barn dance for a long time haven’t we Ma?”

10 years in women’s prison.
It was Saturday evening, everyone seemed to be at the barn dance, both families, The Frenches, and the Gutter were present. Ester French still brooding over the telegraph she got from Al Pinkerton, and two of her sons in jail waiting for hearing with the Circuit Judge on Monday, Glared when she saw the Gutter family arrived, along with Pentleton, and another woman she never met, it was the young redhead with Pentleton, that got her attention, wondering who she was, she went to the woman standing near the punch bowl table, and introduce her self, “ Hello, my name is Ester French, you friends with Mr. Pentleton?”
Emma Watson answered, posing to be someone else, “ My name is Nancy Cutler, I traveled with Mr. Pentleton here on the train here we became good friends, so we decided to spend this evening dancing, and watching the fireworks later.” Ester responded saying, “ If I may can I have a word with you in private for a moment?” Emma answered, “ Of course.” Then the two women stepped out of the barn, Ester French started, while Emma was observing Treasa Gutter, with another young girl.
Pentleton spotted the two young women departing the rear door, along with Emma, and Mrs. French, so he ducked out from the side door of the barn and over heard what the other girl was saying to Treasa Gutter, “ Look, if you withdraw your complaint, and deny having been harassed by him I’ll offer you and your family, $10,000 to leave town, everyone knows that my brother will never hang for killing your sister, and that clumsy sheriff.” Treasa went to slap Lisa French for admitting that Calvin French committed the two murders, and the rape of her sister to hear, like so their Family was above the law. But, Grey stepped in after hearing the confession of Lisa French about her brother and stopped Treasa from striking her saying, “ That will be enough”
Then he looked at Lisa French and said, “I’m placing you under arrest for attempted bribery of a witness.” Just then Emma Watson joined the group, along with Ester French, both heard the tail end of the conservation of the two girls, just when Grey Pentleton made is arrest of Ester French’s daughter. Ester said, “ What is the meaning of this, why are placing my daughter under arrest?” Grey answered, “ She just tried to intimate, and bribe Treasa in withdrawing her complaint against you son, and also implicated your son two more crimes, murder and rape.” Ester tried to defend her daughter’s behavior saying, “ My daughter would never do such a thing.” Emma Watson chimed in saying, “ I heard it too Mrs. French, just when you started in talking to me.” Ester French was taken back and asked Emma Watson, “ What’s going on here, who are you?
Emma Watson answered, “ My name is Emma Watson mame, I work with Mr. Pentleton, I’m his Pinkerton agent partner.”
Ester French said, “ We’ll see about this, it’s entrapment plain and simple.” Grey Pentleton answered, “ Like two of your sons, your daughter here used Mr. Cooper as a patsy to commit murder, and extortion?”
Chapter 4: Conviction, and heading home.

rape sentenced to hang
Then Emma Watson lead Treasa Gutter away to rejoin her parents in the barn dance, while Grey escorted Lisa French to jail, with her two older brothers, with Ester French trailing along. Still shocked by all of this revelation of her children’s involvement.
That Monday the hearing was held, and found the three defendants were to be remanded for trial in another town so they can have an impartial jury. A US Marshal was assigned temporary peace keeper, until a new sheriff could be found, he appointed Grey Pentleton to transfer the prisoners to the town where the trail was to be held, the placed with prisoners in a paddy wagon, Emma Watson, and Grey Pentleton drove the wagon to the nearest town, leaving the three prisoners with the Deputy Marshall there to stand trail. The trial took a week of testimony, with both agents testifying their to their activities on the case, and the confession by Lisa French. Treasa Gutter was there also testified in the trial, which led to three convictions. Calvin French was sentenced to hang, and Lisa French was sentenced to the state prison for women, for 10 years for bribery, and Keith French convicted for threating a law officer, sentenced for five years in state prison.

for his crimes, Keith French vowed revenge for his
brother Calvin
After arriving back to Frenchville Emma Watson asked before she, and Grey Pentleton boarded the train back to Santa Fe asking, “ Aren’t you glad I came along when I did Mr. Pentleton?” Grey Pentleton answered, “ Absolutely Miss Watson, let’s go home partner.”
The when his horse was loaded on the cattle car, and they boarded to train passenger car, the train blew its horn, and pulled out of the station heading back home.

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