Before there was life on the planet Terra-Gemini, aliens from another reality, came to the digital planet, and built pyramids on each continent of the world. They were highly technologically advance beings, some considered them as gods! These pyramids were posted all over the planet, to be used as door ways to other realities, outside of the digital universe. It was as so these beings were setting this world for other lifeforms to escape their realities, and live in this digital world. When a new race of beings came to this world their leaders were given “pass words” to operate the portal devices which would allow them to visit other universes, and the planets that was in them.
That’s the reason these digital aliens were revered even worshiped as gods because they offered the opportunity for a second chance at life on another world. But, in the case of the humans that came, they came with their own pyramid space craft escaping the destruction of the Earth they knew thousands of years ago by a global flood. They can’t go back unless they find the technology to do so. . .
Chapter 1: Gone but not forgotten.

of the Medusa.
During the battle of the Medusa “goddess” in the underworld, the drones, and Imps seeing that their queen was about to be killed by Troy fled to the Pyramid in the “underworld” most of them turned into stone statues seeking shelter inside the pyramid all but one Imp made it inside, and managed to punch in the code word that would open the door way to the Medusa home world, two hundred light years away, the data port open up, and the creature jumped into it, just before the pyramid was destroyed along with everything else, near the area.
The Imp made it to the home world of the Medusa, a green planet, with a green ocean, and one land mass on it, orbiting a red dwarf star. The Empress Viii conquered this world, which was the home world of a reptile race known as The Dragoons, eons ago, now serve the Empress as her army, flying on fire breathing dragons. The Imp came into the Medusa maze where the Empress was, and gave his report. . .
Imp enters the Empress chambers and bows down to her.
Empress Viii: “ Rise Imp tar, what news to you bring?”
Tar: “ Bad tidings your Majesty Terra-Gemini is lost to us, a race known as humans came to that world thousands of years ago, and after three attempts to subdue them, they with other beings defeated us. Especially these aqua-man creatures helped them to defeat us. The last battle with these humans was in our underworld of our Queen-God, a man named Troy and a Lynx cat creature defeated us, killed our queen, and destroyed our Pyramid in the process. Your Majesty.”
Empress Viii: “ Fortunately, I planned ahead for such failures, I sent a detachment of dragoon soldiers to Terra-Gemini to take over land there, so we can attack that world, when the time is right. To date, brute force didn’t work, I want a bio metric weapon developed, with a virus which will kill these pesky life forms so we can come in and conquer that world easily.”
Imp Tar: “ What about us your Majesty won’t this virus kill our people too?”
Empress Viii: “ Don’t worry, we’ll make a potion so were immune to it, this might take awhile to develop this weapon, but in the meantime you go back contact the Dragoons stationed there, and prepare them, and while you are there capture one of these humans and bring them back here so we can learn its biology so our weapon can affect them too. We have the address of the Pyramid where the Dragoons are, and the password to it, (drag123%$%99) remember it.”
Imp Tar: “ I’ll go right away your Majesty.”
The Imp left the Maze, and entered the Pyramid which was next to it, entered the password, and a dataport opened up, it walked into the data-stream and vanished.
The Imp appeared on the other side in a pyramid, and was surrounded immediately by Lion Pride warriors armed with bows and arrows, and spears that shot balls of fire, and led projectiles.
A cat like figure that looked like a lion came up to the creature and said: “ We’re not what you were expecting to find here bug, are we?!”
Chapter 2: Wrong address?
Lion head islands, from space the three island land formations looked like a head of a lion, located in the northern waters of Poseidon Ocean, it’s Terra-Gemini version of the British Islands. Which was currently ruled in this point in history by Lion Pride of the Lynx, king Leo a humanoid lion creature. His city name he ruled from, Camelot. It was the ancient city of Camelot this Imp creature came to through the data-stream inside the pyramid. ( This was before the empire of Camelot existed on Terra-Gemini.)
Lion Guard, asked the Imp tar, at the point of his fire stick, “ What brings you here in our realm bug?!” Imp Tar didn’t answer, so the Lion Guard ordered the guards to put the Imp in jail saying to the Imp as he was being carried away, “ Maybe you won’t talk to me, perhaps you’ll talk to our interrogator in our dungeon bug!”
During these times there were a race of telepaths known as mystics like there counterparts in the desert sands of the land of Gemini, the Genii, they could read minds, they were perfect interrogators in prison, they can read minds of the prisoners, and get information for kings to know, which other methods of getting information didn’t work.

as Imp Tar.
The interrogator a mystic named Mervin came to interrogate the Imp Tar who was sitting in a jail cell…
Mervin looked at the creature looked at him reading his mind, saying, “ Now tell me all you know what’s in your mind or I’ll give you pain like you never knew before.”
Mervin looked into the mind of the Imp-tar, he felt the creature’s confusion why wasn’t there any dragoons to meet him, and Mervin found out the plans of the Medusa Empress, plans to send a virus to kill them all, most importantly where this Medusa world was located, and the code word which would take troops to fight this new threat.
After reading the Imp’s mind Mervin went and reported to the king, all that was reviled by his mind reading of the creature. Mervin wasn’t about to tell the Imp anything about why there was no Dragoons there, so he left the creature pondering about that in his jail cell.
Mervin stood before the King and told him of the creatures mind, while he was speaking King Leo, remembered the tale of his grandfather told him many times, how his grandfather, long with the Bear Clan, and humans living there, came together to defeat the invaders who came from the Pyramid.
Chapter 3: Three Islands, three kingdoms.

With his pet lion by him.
King Leo remembering those days hundreds of years ago…
“ It was during the year of the Hunter when out from the pyramid came a whole army of these reptilian creatures called the dragoons, being led by a Medusa male drone, claiming to be our new leaders. We were completely caught off guard by their mere presents, the came with these dragon eggs, once hatched these fire breathing monsters came out, and started to burn down our villages with these dragoon warriors flying on their backs, they flew on these giant dragons across all three islands, destroying villages as they went. Many of the peoples of our islands were turned into obedient zombie slaves. They made a Mystic witch called Mamb, turning her into a medusa queen, she willingly wanted to be turned into one, she betrayed her people in doing this, by ordering the deaths of her own kind by the thousands.
This went on for ten years under the rule of this Medusa queen deep down in her lair maze. Her nest was on our island, my grandfather couldn’t take no more of this tyrant, so he clandestinely met with leaders of the three islands, humans, bear clan, and dwarfs, including aid from the Aqua people who was living in the waters around our island. They started with engaging the enemy by gorilla war fare, hit and run battles at first getting weapons, and supplies from our masters. The real help came when the Aquas gave us a gifts of these firesticks, and these amulets to make us shape shift into anything we wanted to look like.
![]() |
A Dragoon solider |
The day came when they changed shape to look like dragoon soldiers, and fallowed a group of dragoons, down into the queens lair, then they made their move, they started fighting the dragoon guard protecting the queen, my grandfather struck the queen with his sword and beheaded her, suddenly all the Medusa drones started to turn into stone statues, and crumbled into dust, leaving only the dragoons to fight, the cave walls were falling around them and the dragoons were being killed, while they made their escape from the maze. They managed to mount on the fire breathing dragons, and turned the tables on what was left of the dragoon soldiers. They restored our freedom from the Medusa and the dragoons that day.”
When the mystic finished giving his report on what the Imp had in his mind, Leo focused back his attention to what the mystic was reporting. He thanked the mystic’s report and said, “ I’ll go and visit the Imp myself, because he is going to help us now!”
Chapter 4: A lion’s pride

King Leo escorted by his warriors went to the dungeon where the Imp-tar was being held, the prison warden lead the way to the cell they were holding the creature. The prison was filled with other inmates pleading for mercy, as they went to the cell they were holding Tar.
Leo: “ So your empress wants to send a virus that will kill nearly half on this world’s population is that right bug!? Don’t bother in denying it, we know her plans, and your going to help me stop her bug, or you can just rot here in jail, either way I’m going to stop her.”
Tar: “ If you are going anyway without my help, why do you need me?”
Leo: “ You leading me the way to her chamber will be a lot easier, and with my mystic along making sure you are leading us through her maze safely, knowing if you lead us into a trap, you’ll be the first to die.”
Tar: “What’s in it for me?”
Leo: “ Your freedom, and life. Don’t try your disappearing act to try and escape, from here, we gave you potion in your food to prevent you from doing any vanishing acts bug, the potion should be out of your system in five years.”
Tar: “ Where would I go if I’m granted freedom if I help you?”
Leo: “ Anywhere you want as long as it’s not in my kingdom, as an intensive I’ll give you 1,000 gold coins if we complete this mission of killing your empress. Do we have an agreement, I’ll hold you at your word bug.”
Tar: “ Okay, I’ll do it on your word I’ll be release from your custody.”
Leo left the prison and wrote letters to the other kingdoms of the threat to their peoples, and the world at large, and his intention of traveling to this Medusa home world to defeat the Empress, and her evil plans.
While preparing himself to enter the data stream to the Medusa home world, he was visited by the two other kings, from the other islands of Lion head islands; King Uther Lion Heart (human), and King Harf (Dwarf).

King Uther: “ Going somewhere friend?”
Harf: “ It’s rude to just send us a note, and not include us furball!”
King Leo: “ I thought I made myself clear in the letter, that I alone must go on this journey.”
Uther: “ If this just was affecting you alone, that’s one thing, but this threat affects us all, we all live on this rock. No one is above another, friends help their friends in time of need.”

Harf: “ So, like it or not furball were coming with you, if you want to go down in a blaze of glory, so be it, we’ll come for the ride to hell and back. So, are we going or not.!?
Leo: “ Okay, we go tomorrow at dawn to the Pyramid to whatever awaits us.”

That night, Leo, the Imp-tar, and the mystic went through the portal alone, leaving behind Uther, and Harf behind, Leo leaving a note: “ I’m sorry friends but I must complete this mission for all of us.”
They appeared in this Medusa Empress maze, Leo using the amulet, making himself look like a Medusa Drone male, the Mystic changed is appearance into a dragoon guard, with the Imp leading the way, they made it to the Empresses chamber. The Empress appeared before them slithering her way, standing before them.
Empress Viii: “ I see you made it back Tar, you didn’t bring back a human for us to study?”
Tar: “ No, your majesty, but I did bring back King Leo!”

Virus while Empress Viii torments
Suddenly on being betrayed by the Imp tar, the Empress yanked the amulets from the necks of Leo, and the Mystic which made the two appear normal, Leo grabbed for his knife to strike down the Imp, but was ceased by real dragoon guards. He let out a rower baring his teeth at both the imp tar, and Empress. The guards killed the mystic, leaving Leo their sole captive.
Empress Viii: “ You foolish cat, now we’ll see how many lives you have, strap him down on the table so we can test the virus on him!”
They strapped down Leo on a table, the Medusa Empress dangled two flasks of potions, taunting Leo saying, “This Blue liquid is the virus, red liquid the cure.”
Then her had the Imp Tar injected the virus into Leo, who was still laying in the rack.
Chapter 5: With friends like these.
“We’ll see the affects shortly your majesty. He should start feeling dizzy, feverish, coughing, his skin will produce sores, breathing will become difficult, and ultimately heart failure, full effects takes place in 48 hours.” said the Imp that gave the injection of the blue liquid into Leo. The Imp went on to say, If we don’t give the cure to him within 24 hours he’ll be beyond help.”
The Empress ordered that a drone male keep watch over Leo’s condition and report to her.
Discovering that Leo left without them, Uther, and Harf rounded up troops, and a mystic female to aid them in getting access to the Empress chamber when they charged into the data stream to rescue their friend from the clutches of the Medusa Empress. They came in firing their staff weapons as they went through the maze, toward the Empress chamber, they found her, and Uther quickly destroyed her, then all the drones became stone statues, and crumbled into dust, they only had the dragoons, and the Imps to fight off as they made their way to the chamber where they were holding Leo. They found him sick, and dying, they made the Imp tar tell them about the cure, the female mystic injected Leo with the red liquid and then they carried him out of the maze which was crumbling around them.
While that was all happening a Imp managed to launch a vile of the virus inside a pod into space heading for Terra-Gemini as a last ditch effort.
The group with Leo, made it back to Terra-Gemini, King Leo recovered from the virus, the Mystic female took a sample of both flask to study further while all the caucus was happening.
Back among the ruins of the Medusa Empress maze, a voice from the shadows asked a dragoon guard, “ Did they go, and was a pod launched?”
Dragoon Guard, “ Yes your majesty, they left, and pod was launched containing not only the virus, but one of you eggs, so your clone can take your place, the clone they killed fooled them majesty.”
Empress Viii: “ Good once we can establish another foothold there, and when the virus is released, and does its desired effects my clone will set up things there.”
Dragoon Guard: “ That might take centuries to get to Terra-Gemini your Majesty.”
Empress Viii: “ That’s fine were patient.”
Music Video:
Sands of Arrakis - An EPIC Ambient Music Journey - Inspired By The Movie DUNE [Vocals By Syberlilly]
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