and establishes her new foot hold on Terra_Gemini.
Chapter 1: A new foothold
The egg shaped probed went through cyber space faster then the speed of light, it didn’t go through a vortex which would make the trip faster, so it took 400 years to reach the Terra-Gemini star system. During that time the egg shaped probe had magnetized rocks built up on it, making the object bigger than its original size, by the time it reached the Terra-Gemini star system it would look like a chuck of rock hurtling toward the planet, with the core which was the probe. It streaked across the night sky of Terra-Gemini like a falling star, across the land known as Gemini, far into the northern territories, and hit the ground with a loud explosion. The magnetized rocks ended up protecting the core which was the probe from being damaged from entering the planet’s atmosphere, the probe landed on a remote island in the sea of Ping, named after the human named Ping founded his kingdom there, where he still rules.
The hatch of the probe opened up, and one of the eggs hatched open, and a swarm of giant wasp came out carrying the virus! When stung by these wasp carrying the virus the victim would become infected, and make them sick and die. So much time passed since King Leo, and his friends destroyed the Medusa Empress plans, so they thought, that it became forgotten in the four centuries it occurred, and those who were there long since died to tell the tale. Another egg came out of the probe, and hatched out a clone of the Empress Viii, which the real one back on the home world of the Medusa was killed because, the Dragoons attacked and killed the real empress, and retook their home world, then began establishing their empire.

the virus making many humanoid
creatures die.
The new Medusa queen started laying her eggs, to produce male drones, and Dragoon soldiers, along with fire breathing dragons. Though it would take her time to accomplish this, she had plenty of time, while the first wave of Wasp were released into the world.
Chapter 2: The Plague of wasp

The new Medusa Queen made sure her male drones were given the antidote of the virus, but not her dragoon soldiers fearing they would turn on her if they new by instinct that their world was freed from the Medusa rule, now numbering in the hundreds of both male medusa males, and dragoon soldiers who she held in check by placing a snake chain of obedience around their necks, along with an injection of a purple potion which temporarily block the virus for a brief time, before they would succumb to the virus effects, if they don’t receive another injection of the purple potion every three weeks.
The swarm of these “killer wasp” grew in a short time, stinging people, and other humanoid peoples alike, spreading death through the known world at the time, effecting all of the humanoid creatures, except for the humans, there were immune by the effects of the wasp stink. All the empires of the known world was being attacked by these wasp swarms, many of the Lynx, Bear, Genii, Mystics, and Aqua-people were getting sick, and dying by the millions. Empress Viii’s plan was working.
Many of the Humanoid people seeing that their end was at hand, faced their deaths bravely like all the races of the Lynx (animal human life forms),. But some made it to the Pyramids in their territories that the digital gods built and made their escape from Terra-Gemini to other worlds. Along with some of the Races of the Lynx, many of the Aqua-people, Genii, and Mystics fled the world through data-stream portals for parts unknown, leaving behind their cities, technologies, medicines, and cultures behind. Leaving only the human race left on the world of Terra-Gemini, along with the animal life that wasn’t infected by the wasp plague.
The only cure of this plague was in the hands of the Medusa queen Clone.
The Queen Medusa felt confident that her rule over the northern territories of the land of Gemini was secure, she thought that the human race busy with funeral fires of those who died with the plague, and counting on their greed to take over lands once held by these humanoid lifeforms, they would be easy targets for exploitation by her, and her dragoon armies.
Chapter 3: A man named Ping

Of the Dragon empire.
What the Queen didn’t factor in was humanities sense of empathy, and compassion toward those who died. None felt such lost of his friends as Ping, ruler of his clan of humans. He felt the lost of his Lynx Tiger Pride friend named Yule, whom he had to cremate along his entire pride of Lynx. Ping swore on the death of his friend he’d keep their memory of their race in a written scroll called, “ The scroll of the lynx peoples.”
Ping noted the crashing of the rock from the sky, but thought it was just a space rock hitting the ground, he didn’t know at the time because it landed miles away from his village, that it was more than a big rock falling from the sky. When the rock hit the ground it made the ground shake, and a big wave from the sea, caused a flood in the lands undersea level. Fortunately their village was on higher elevations over looking the sea of Ping. While his friends around him were dying, he took 300 men with him, flying on winged horses, over the island where the rock struck. Immediately they were attacked by flying breathing dragons, with dragoon warriors flying on them.
Ping seeing that they were no match against these flying monsters, flew his horses away from his village, with the dragons gave chance. They led the chance of the dragons following to a area knowing stronger flying animals would come to their aid, Pterodactyls were still around, seeing the dragons made them attack the dragons chancing the wing horses.
This gave Ping long enough to land his horses, and mounted on some of the Pterodactyls still on the ground, now armed with firesticks, and flying on Pterodactyls they made a good aerial fight. Many of the people on the ground saw the battle in the skies, they too joined in fighting the dragons, by flying Pterodactyls, and, winged horses. This would be the first ever air battle in the skies of Terra-Gemini.
Then they heard buzzing sounds behind them, a swarm of wasp was after them too, half of the fly force of pterodactyls, turned and engaged the on coming wasp, the flying reptiles ate the bugs in mid flight, while some were destroyed by their riders using arrows, and spears shot at the giant bugs.

Chapter 4: The dragon empire of Ping
Meanwhile, Ping and his half of the flying force managed to make it to island hide out of the queen medusa and engaged her and her army of male drones, and dragoons. Ping landed his tired pterodactyl and went on foot along with his men fighting his way through the dragoon army, and drone males of the Medusa, he found where she was hiding, and quickly beheaded her, causing the chain reaction that peoples on this world witness whenever destroying a queen Medusa, the male drones turned into stone, and crumbled to dust along with the snake chain necklaces around the throats of the dragoon soldiers, which Ping and his men killed along with the rest of the Medusa Queen’s army.

The wasp swarms also turned into rocks, and crumbled to dust, thus ending the fight. Ping didn’t kill the remaining fire breathing dragons, he kept them, and let them breed, lay eggs to make more of these dragons. He found the ingredients of cure for the wasp virus ad mist the ruins of the cave hide out, and ordered that his apothecary make some and start giving injections of the potions to his people, and send these ingredients to the other kingdoms of the known world.
Ping started the Dragon Empire in the northern territories of the land known as Gemini he used those flying dragons to protect his domain, which stretched all the way north to the north pole of the planet, and eastward to the Cannon sea.
Ping established the day of the fallen, in memory of those who died during the plague, or left this world behind through portals to escape the wasp delivering the decease. He started the “Day of the Fallen” by ringing temple bells all that day. The bells could be heard all over his kingdom, then other villages, towns, and even kingdoms of the world joined in on the ringing of their temple bells to the digital gods, and even in the land of Capricorn the temple to God the bells was heard.
That tradition lasted for centuries even to this day on the planet of Terra-Gemini. In honor of those no longer among us. Without the other humanoid creatures, the world of Terra-Gemini felt like a void to many of the humans who lived during those days. Little did they know back then they’d see their friends again on other planets, while exploring the stars in their space ships thousands of years from those days long ago. But during this time the humans were still primitive, and ruled by kings who didn’t much care for their subjects, as long as they got rich, fat, and sassy. Of course with a few exceptions some of those early leaders were quite benevolent to their subjects, Ping was one of those leaders.

Chapter 5: The second great migration.
It took the human race on the planet Terra-Gemini 1,000 years to begin to migrate to territories which was once occupied by the other humanoid lifeforms, the kingdoms of the Trojans, Acquires, Gemini, Capricorn, The Ping dynasty, and the kingdom of Camelot were still active, but people from those kingdoms moved elsewhere, especially one clan of humans, who lived in the Ping dragon empire, decided to move across the “Ice Bridge” which spanned across the ocean of Poseidon, into the Continent of Libra ( This world version of the Americas).
They traveled the “Ice Bridge on mammoths, winged horses, and regular horses, along with their herds of cattle, goats, sheep, across the arctic waste land, down south into the “new world” of Libra, and Virgo. It would take these clans of people from the Ping empire generations to travel south into those lands.
When the “Ice Bridge’ melted after thousands of years, the peoples of Libra, and Virgo had those two continents to themselves, and isolated with the rest of the world of Terra-Gemini which means ( earth’s twin).
Meanwhile while the peoples of those new lands were establishing their kingdoms, and culture, on the eastern hemisphere of the “Known world” had their stories to tell yet.
Music Video
Space Ambient Music. Outer Space. Deep Relaxation
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