by Hermes, Apollo.
Now that the treat of the Medusa is gone, Hermes of the kingdom of Aquarius still rules his empire and won’t relinquish rule over territories that he conquered under the influence of the Medusa, now free from his bond of control from them he won’t give up territories such as the Island of Pieces where the kingdom of Aries was, and they want their sovereignty back. Hermes read the copy of the scroll of Eternity that his brother Troy gave him before he left back to Capricorn, but ignored it, he thought he was all the people needed in his kingdom to judge right and wrong.
His greed for ultimate power and dominance of the whole continent of Scorpio, including islands on the sea of Pieces was his for the taking now that his nations once allies left those lands for parts unknown such as the Jaguar Pride, and the Children of Poseidon all lived in the region, they fled those territories when Hermes went rampaging those territories while under the Medusa control. When Troy left for Capricorn so did 6000 people from Aquarius, choosing to fallow the law of God, instead of staying in the kingdom under Hermes.
An emissary from the kingdom of Aries came visiting the palace of Hermes with a message from their king, Tirius.

Aries emissary: “ Greetings king Hermes, from our king Tirius, now that the Medusa has been destroyed, and you are no longer under their control, which our king understood, you were acting under the influence of the Medusa, he wants you now to relinquish control of our island kingdom, and grant us our sovereignty.”
King Hermes sitting on his throne said, “ I have no intention of granting sovereignty to territories we conquered, your kingdom is strategically important to the entire empire, a line of defense from enemies that may come by sea to invade us. Tell Tirius sorry but no, the island of Aries now is part of the Aquarius empire.”
Then the emissary left to deliver Hermes message to the king of Aries.

Chapter 2: King Tirius of Aries.
King Tirius who also gotten a copy of the Scroll of Eternity and read it, he went as far to adopt its principles of governance for state law, but kept the practice of worshiping the digital god, Jupiter.
Tirius sitting on his throne while his emissary returned with grim news, that King Hermes wasn’t going to grant their sovereignty back.
After hearing Hermes refusal he sent a letter to Hermes, by a dispatch rider on a winged horse, he knew it will probably take a few days to get there, that gave Tirius time to start a campaign against King Hermes.
The letter said, “Dear King Hermes, I am surprised by your lack forbearance in this matter. It wasn’t long ago your sovereignty was stolen from you by the Medusa, we understood at that time you weren’t in complete control of your own will, you were doing the will of others. From what I read from the scroll of Eternity, your brother gave me, it says you shall not steel, or covet your neighbors land, yet you are doing just that, by keeping what does not belong to you. By the next three full moons, if you don’t comply with our request, then you’ll hear from us soon after. Signed- King Tirius of Aries.”
During the same day he sent the message he was paid a visit by a representative of the Children of Poseidon, bearing a gift of a device called “ Magic Carpet” it was in a small box, it was an orb shaped device which installed on board a ship, or other water crafts such as barges would make them hover over water, as well as land. The Aqua men, developed this down under the waters of the Ocean of Poseidon, in their underwater city, down on the ocean floor, next to Lobster Island, in the south seas of Poseidon Ocean.

a device known as “The magic carpet”
to King Tirius
The representative upon giving the device to Tirius said, “ Since the king of Aquarius no longer view us as allies we offer you this device to help you to take back you sovereignty. As for my kind we are going back to our ancient homeland in the Southern waters Ocean of Poseidon. We are leaving these shores and won’t be coming back, so no one else to gain access to our “magic” we will hide what we have in our underwater fortress city, until such time when your kind is ready to have it, but we decided to make an exception in your case this one, and only time to right a wrong that as been done.”
The the Aqua-man creature left the palace, and dove into the sea of Pieces and swam away.

In the mean time, in the land of Capricorn…
Troy before he’d become the new king of Capricorn, sat at the feet of King Salmon learning from Salmon all the virtues of God, and how to live with the Spirit of God, reading from the scrolls. Dilly and him built a modest home to live in, and had children. Troy became a teacher of the word of God like King Salmon, he began spreading the word carrying scrolls in a pouch, handing them to both common people, and nobles of Capricorn, as far in the land of Gemini, which was the nation next to Capricorn, all who read and understood it, because not only these scrolls updates whats written, also translates automatically so all nations can know of God’s word. At this time in history of Terra-Gemini those who followed God, also practiced animal sacrifices to God for atonement of sins committed. They also practiced circumcision, as a symbol to God’s will, at this time in history on Terra-Gemini.

Chapter 3: “ He fears an invasion? I’ll show him invasion!”
After several months, the armies of Tirius landed on the shores of Scorpio, the southern border of the continent. They came sailing on barges shaped like huge horses, they had towers so archers can fire from them, and catapults to launch hot balls of led to hit the enemy ships, and land targets with, these barges could travel on both sea, and land using the device the Children of Poseidon gave him the “Flying Carpet” .

“ King Hermes feared an invasion, I’ll show him an invasion!”
These floating craft also carried troops to do battle when they landed on shore, Tirius was standing on the top deck of one of these craft, said before giving the order before beginning the invasion, “ King Hermes feared an invasion, I’ll show him an invasion!”
The land of Scorpio was shaped like a Scorpion with its tail that was in the south of the continent, and it’s “claws” looking like they were pinching the heels of the Continent of Aquarius which had many nation states in it, Gemini, Capricorn, Leo,
Aries, Sagittarius, and Taurus. The Continent Scorpio had nation states and islands around the Scorpion “tail” and the sea of Pisces, which had the Island Pisces, which the kingdom of Aries was on.
On the western hemisphere of the globe across the Ocean of Poseidon were just two huge land masses, Libra, and Virgo. But in this time these two lands were unknown, and in the Neptune ocean, was the Island of Cancer (The Crab) home to another group of Aqua-men.
Tirius began his invasion of the land of Scorpio from it’s “tail” and moved northward toward the city of Aquarius, which was located on the “claw” of the scorpion.
Where ever these floating fortress siege towers floated to, were met with resistance, but were unstoppable because the archers would either fire their red gunpowder laced arrows at armies, or fired off rounds of the hot tar laced led balls of fire against any advancing armies from the upper decks of these huge wooden Horses barge platformed fortresses. They would stop along the way north, to camp for the nights, while camped some troops from the army defending the Empire of Aquarius, defected to their side.

Chapter 4: Compared to this the Trojan War was a barn dance.
With these floating wooden horses fortresses, they would become the ancient version of a Sherman tank! Making this conflict more disastrous anyone else could imagine, by comparison the Mythical Trojan War, was a barn dance!
Word of the invasion and advancements of the armies of Tirius of Aries reached King Hermes…
King’s aid: “ Sire a large invasion force landed on our Southern lands, and now advancing north towards us. Our forces tried to engage them but they over powered them they have these huge siege tower weapons shaped like a horse which can float above the ground!”
King Hermes: “ Impossible, no large wooden horses could float in the air!”
Kings aid: “I swear it sire by all the gods, our troops have been defeated by these platforms with these wooden horses towers.”
Just then his military aid came in and confirmed the wooden horses floating fortresses were real and heading toward the city.
Hermes: “What magic is at work here, how did they get this power?”
Military aid: “ We don’t no how they got these siege towers or by what means they are able to float on the ground sire, all I know they’ll be here less than eight weeks, and plus some of our soldiers are defecting to their side.”
Hermes: “ They must have gotten help by someone, but who?” The Genii? The Lynx? Or the aquatic men?” If so why they turned on us?”
Aid: “ Perhaps sire because we turned on them?” Our allies understood your circumstances, but they were hoping you would be gracious enough to make what was the honorable thing to do.”
Ignoring the aid’s comment Hermes asked, “ Does anyone know where my brother is? Perhaps he can put a stop to this conflict, since he’s now a man of peace. Go look for him and bring him back. We have eight weeks before Tirius comes with his army.”
So, a rider on a Pegasus horse flew off, looking for Troy.

Chapter 5: The price for greed.
Tirius stopped his march north, half way the continent of Scorpio and made a line of the siege towers like a line in the sand, making a border of these fortress towers, making like a demilitarize zone. He sent a messenger on fly horse back with this message: “ King Hermes, we now occupy half of your lands, and will take these lands as compensation from what you foolishly wanted to keep. If you try and attack on our side of the demilitarize zone we have set up by our fortress horse towers, we’ll launch a full scale attack on your kingdom, and destroy your city. This is the price for your greet King Hermes. As a jester of good will toward your brother we’ve decided to form a new empire, and call it the Trojan Empire. You brought this on your self King Hermes.” Signed, King Tirius.
When Hermes gotten the message he put it on the floor and stomped on it, signaling he refuse to give up any land to Tirius, he then ordered the messenger this reply, “ King Tirius you are trespassing on my land, and what ever is on it belongs to me, I’ll come and claim it with my army, and with fire!” — Signed King Hermes.
Then just before the messenger was heading out the door with Hermes reply a voice cried out, “ Not so fast brother.” It was Troy dressed in Capricorn attire wearing a turban.
Hermes: “ Clear the room my brother and I need to talk privately.”
The people left the throne room leaving just Troy and Hermes.
Hermes: “ Will you have a drink my brother?”
Troy: “ Why have you sent for me my brother, and what happened to you? The Medusa is defeated, and you were released from their spell, from what I heard and now see you act as though you’re still under their influence.”
Hermes: “ I’m in complete control over my faculties my brother, I simply took advantage of expanding the empire further making this a complete terrain empire for our kind, weeding out the undesirables in our land.”
Troy: “ Do you know what you done? You made our family look like a bunch of racist pigs!” He went on to say, “ Our father, and grandfather, would never drive out peoples of different beings, now it looks like one of them turned on you brother siding with the king of the Trojans!”
Hermes: “ Yes, about that one of these malefactors gave the kingdom of Aries, gave them powers we don’t have. I want you to go and find out who it was, and steel what they gave our cousins from the south that now call themselves Trojans of all things.”
Troy surprised by his brother’s arrogant attitude, and lack of compassion toward other peoples said, “ With all good conscience brother, I won’t be a party to your greed, and bigotry, what you done here is wrong, and goes against God’s law, and everything that is decent.”
Hermes: “I’m sorry you feel that way. Guards!”
Hermes palace guards came storming in, at the same time Troy’s men that came with him also came in with their swords drawn.
Troy: “ Have you gone mad Hermes, one move from your guards to take me, will end up in a blood bath, don’t you think I came prepared for such an event?”
Troy drew his sword, and pointed at his brother’s throat, and said, “ You left me no choice brother, me, and my men is going to leave peacefully, and you are going to lead us out.”
Hermes pleading for his life: “ Okay my brother I get the point, anything you want I’ll do I promise!”
Troy: “ Alright then, if I can make the Trojans agree, to just take all the territories, in the south of this land the “tail of the Scorpion ” as compensation for what you done here, will you agree with those terms?”
Hermes: “ Yes, I will.”
Troy: “ Very well I’ll talk with Tirius and see if we have a deal, this is the price of your greed and pride brother, remember this lesson.
Tirius agreed to the new borders of his lands, and placed the siege tower fortresses along the border of the “tail of the scorpion” Tirius built a fortress city on the border, and called the new city Troy, in honor of Troy, Apollo.
Troy went back to Capricorn and became a great leader. As for Hermes, he vowed to even the score one day, with the Trojan Empire, if not in his life time, then in his son’s life time.
Music video: Epic Roman Music – Rising Legion
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