Chapter 1: Quest to find God’s Law

Ruler of the Empire of Aquarius
holding court
It was during that part of history on Terra-Gemini when everyone did things they felt right, they knew the concept between good and evil, and it was common practice to marry more than one wife, and have many children. In the temples to pagan gods they worshiped, the priest didn’t teach that there should be one man, for one woman to be husband and wife, infidelity, and polygamy was accepted in society in those ancient days, even on Terra-Gemini. But the question rose should the king beheld to a higher standard than the rest of the kingdom of Aquarius? This came up after Apollo had an affair with Morning Star, and some people felt the king at least should have been loyal to the queen Aurora. Now after the death of the king, Apollo, along with his queen, and mistress years later, that question was brought up to one of his sons, Hermes who became the new emperor of Aquarius. Some people heard of followers of a God known as I Am, who laid down the foundation on how all men are to live, and conduct themselves.
They knew of such people back on Earth that worshiped him, they remembered the stories from long ago, and wanted to follow His ways. But unfortunately, now being in another reality, they didn’t know a way to get back to that reality, and get that knowledge. Some people of Aquarius felt that their faith in pagan gods were empty, they needed more.

Peoples concerns.
Some people approached the king’s brother, Troy with their needs to have the knowledge of God’s law. They wanted to start worship Him, and follow His ways. Troy was the kind of man that people felt they can come and address their concerns to more easily than his brother Hermes. It was the month of Cancer, the year of the Crab when Troy came and stood before the throne of Hermes.
Troy: “ May the king live forever my brother the king.”
Hermes: “ What brings you before me brother?’
Troy: “ The people are wanting to follow, and worship a God, we only heard about from ancient times, back on Earth before the great food occurred there when we as a people had to flee from there long ago when our grand farther Xeus rescued our people from the asteroid which was about to hit our island of Atlantis. There was a man named Noah who worshiped this God, now some of our people also wants to fallow this God too.”
Hermes: “ Our digital gods serve us well my brother, I don’t think their high priest would take it kindly that the people are wanting to worship a God we only heard about in another time and place, plus even if we could go back to Earth where would we start looking for this God they speak of? Can this God you want to search for be in this digital reality?
Troy: “ That’s the question I am looking to discover my brother, can this God even be in this universe as He is in another reality, or is He already here and we don’t know it? Those are questions I want to know the answers to my brother.”
Hermes: “ If you want to go searching for this God we only heard about from stories you can do so, but don’t assume I’ll accept the God, you speak of, or make people worship Him, or tear down our temples to the gods.”
Troy: “ Very well, I’ll go and search for this God, and people who want to start to worship Him, I’ll take the people away from here.”
Hermes: “ Very well my brother, I won’t stop anyone who wants to leave this kingdom to fallow another God you have my word on that.”

this unknown God.
Chapter 2: The quest for knowledge begins.
Then Troy left the palace throne room and started getting prepared for his quest. But first he had to figure out where to go on this journey. One of his friends from the Jaguar Pride named Cider offered to come along on his quest for knowledge, Troy welcomed the company, and they started on their journey on the backs of winged horses to the land known as Gemini, it was there they might find some answers from the Genii.
But, the continent of Gemini was now under the rule of a Terran king calling himself after one of the digital gods, called Zen-Ra. He took over the entire land which once just a scattered tribes of peoples, and a few kings that ruled in cities. Zen-Ra with his army of hound soldiers swapped through the territories with little or no resistance of the Genii peoples, whom he made as slaves.
All other humanoid creatures were now subjects to the Zen-Ra Empire.
It’s been years since the kingdom of Aquarius heard any word from the land of Gemini, so Troy, and Cider was about to find out what’s been going on there since the days of his father.

Tribal leader: “ Get away from here human! Haven’t your kind done enough!?”
They arrived by a small village rear a river for the evening, Troy noticed another camp fire not very far away with tents, Cider and Troy went to the tents were and found it was a small tribe of Genii there. They weren’t very welcome by this small tribe of Genii, especially towards Troy since he was human.
Tribal leader: “ Get away from here human! Haven’t your kind done enough!?”
Troy: “ Wait, we come here peacefully seeking knowledge from our friends, what happened why are you treating us this way? We had an ambassador here in this land between our two kingdoms, where can we find Jenall?”
Tribal Leader: “Jenall is dead, three years now after trying to defend our Genii King from your people who came here and lived with us in peace for twenty years, then a new king rose from their clan, and started warring the other kingdoms on this land, claiming the whole land of Gemini his empire.”
Troy: “ I’m sorry we didn’t know, if we did we would have fraught to help to defend you.”
Tribal Leader: “ Don’t you think we tried to send word to your king of our need? We were ignored by your brother Hermes! When he was still prince!”
Troy: “ Surely my brother would inform the king of this when he was still alive, my brother wouldn’t keep none of this to himself.”
Tribal Leader: “ Apparently, my people didn’t warrant much attention after your father’s death. Maybe you should have checked on these matters yourself, prince!”
Troy: “ I offer no excuses, only my shame, and beg your forgiveness for our kingdom’s lack of empathy toward your peoples.”
Cooled down from his anger of seeing a human in his camp, the tribal elder asked, “ What brings you here prince?”
Troy: “We are seeking information of an all powerful, all knowing God, in order to teach us how we as a people are to love others, and seek real justice, and show compassion like to your people in time of great need.”
Tribal Leader: “ If this God is all knowing and powerful, I think he’d give you that knowledge of him already within you. But if this helps in you finding redemption of your soul, you have to travel to the northern territories of this land to the temple of the gods, they say there’s a library where’s knowledge of all the gods known to peoples of this world exist. Maybe this God, or information of Him can be found there.”
Meanwhile back at the palace…

in his bed chambers, making him into a zombie slave
wrapping a snake chain of obedience.
Medusa Queen using magic to send her image into the bed chamber, while one of her minions, and watcher comes out from their hiding place the queen starts saying, “ Well done king Hermes, you sent your brother on his quest to fine his God, this will give we the Medusa to take complete control of you, and your kingdom. This snake chain necklace will now be part of you if you resist our demands it will wrap itself around your neck and choke you to death, the floating eye will become invisible it will watch every thing you do, it will show us your activities, it will only show itself to you when you are alone.”
Then the eye, and the Medusa Queen’s servant vanished. The next morning Hermes woke up thought it was a dream, it wasn’t the snake chain necklace was around his neck, the floating eye could only be seen by him.

now under control of the Medusa
Chapter 3: Captured

The king of the Gemini Empire
Troy and Cider left the camp of Genii after three days being there helping them with hunting for food, along with the Genii hunters, and fishers. Unaware what was happening back at home they continued their journey heading to the territories north of the land known as Gemini.

prince Troy of Aquarius
They managed to travel fifty miles when suddenly they were surrounded by Hound Guards the leader of the Guard said, “ Why do you travel through our land, with that Lynx?!”
Troy: We are from the kingdom of Aquarius, we travel your lands to the Temple of the Gods to seek knowledge, and understanding of a God that is unknown to all of us humans who live here. We come in peace, were not seeking any harm to your king, or his kingdom. My friend here is from the Jaguar Pride, an alley to our kingdom.”
Hound Guard: “ You’re coming with us, you’ll ride your flying horses on the ground, if you try flying away on them we’ll shoot you down.”

They brought Troy and Cider before the king Zen-Ra. Zen-Ra was sitting on his throne when the palace guards brought them into the throne room saying, “ We caught these two traveling in our land heading north my lord, they say their were heading to The Temple of the Gods, for some religious reasons, thought we bring them before you mighty king so you can question them.”
Zen-RA: “What brings you here son of Apollo, Troy to my realm, spy on us?! With your Lynx friend?”
Troy: “ No, your highness, we come just to travel your land to the Temple of the Gods, to find enlightenment, and knowledge of a God our people, we humans only heard stories about from our forefathers who came to this world with my grandfather Xeus.”

Zen-Ra: “ I don’t buy that you are journeying through my realm seeking spiritual enlightenment, I say you’re spies looking for our weaknesses! Take them away put them in prison!”
They throne them in the dungeon with no word if they could plead their case before Zen-Ra, however this was during the time they had no court system to turn to, no one to plead their case to. They would have to sit and wait, maybe the king will change his mind and let them go.
Chapter 4: Escape

All they could do at this point sitting in a dungeon cell was to start praying to the digital god. But however Troy decided to pray to them, he convinced his Jaguar friend to pray with him to the unknown God instead. Troy prayed: “ To the God known as I AM, please help us from this imprisonment help us to gain knowledge of you, and seek real justice in this world.”
Then suddenly a great earth quake occurred that shook the palace’s very foundation, and the dungeon cell doors were unlocked, and a thunderous voice was heard saying, : “ I Am always present every where, Troy of Apollo. I have witnesses here in this world too who worship Me, find them, but not at the false god’s temple, but further east from where you are.”
Surprised he gotten such a answer from God, that he thought would have nothing to do with a person who worshiped these digital gods, empowered Troy to trust in God to follow his directions. So, both him and Cider managed to leave the dungeon, and palace unseen!
Meanwhile back home, things grew worse, King Hermes now under the influence of the Medusa began breaking treaties with friendly kingdoms, sending troops to territories of the continent of Scorpio taking by force those lands, attacking the kingdom of Aries and taking over it. Making the entire region, including the islands at the tail of the Scorpion Continent under the rule of the Aquarius Empire! Its been several months now since Troy went on his quest.
Troy and Cider managed to get into the palace stables, unseen by palace guards they were all I a deep sleep, they mounted their wing Pegasus and flew away, heading further east, then they traveled north east to the land known as Capricorn, and in the desert of Sire they found themselves in the kingdom of Capri, which by the sea of Capricorn which the land was named after, because the land mass on this land was shaped like a goat head, with the sea in the middle of goat horns of this land.
King, and High priest to God, named Salmon ruled there. He taught God’s laws, and godly virtues from the Scroll of Eternity ( This world’s version of the bible. In this case when ever any changes were made back on earth the scroll will update by itself!) Salmon taught these moral, and godly ways to his people he ruled, and went by them when he judged the people on cases of state, and moral laws.
Chapter 5: The Scroll of Eternity.

a sand dune monster
When they were flying overhead on their Pegasus horses, Troy and Cider saw a monster was about to kill a woman, they swooped down from the sky, and Troy grabbed the young woman, while Cider flying on his horse attacked the claw like creature. After putting down the young woman to safety, Troy joined in the fight of the humanoid creature with big claws for hands. Troy drew his sword, and fought the creature along with Cider. Troy managed to thrust his sword in the creature’s stomach and the beast fell dead. Then he came to the woman who was hiding behind some rocks, and saw that she was alright.
The woman said, “ Thank you sir, I thought that sand-dune man would kill me sure, my name is Dilly, my father Salmon is the king of Capri, he’ll be grateful to you, what’s your name?
Troy: “My name is Troy this is my friend Cider he accompanied me on this journey to find this God that is above all other Gods.”
Dilly: “ Yes I know whom you speak of, my father is high priest, of those who worship Him, I’ll take you to my father, he’ll welcome all who seek to know God.”
They arrived at the palace of Salmon, Dilly greeted her father, and told him she was rescued by Troy and Cider. Being grateful Salmon said, “ With all that’s holy I thank you for saving my daughter from one of those ghastly creatures, come inside let us talk.”

Salmon sat on his throne, with his Daughter standing beside him no worse for wear after her ordeal. Salmon asked: “ What brings you to Capri?”
Troy: “ I came here seeking knowledge of the God, whom we humans knew from stories from lands far away from our land on Earth.”
Salmon: “ I take it your from Aquarius, where our kind began from?
Troy: Yes, the people have grown tired of not having laws that all of mankind should live by, including kings.”

King Salmon gives a copy of the scroll of eternity.
Salmon: “ Yes, I know, my clan came from there centuries ago to this land, we all like you were seeking something better, more nobler, and free will. Something that God gives to every one in this world, and back on Earth. We too were without a campus, or some short of written testimony about Jehovah (God). Until these scrolls appeared from no where, and we were encouraged and enlightened by the words which they have with in them, that has the power to change people in a godlike behavior toward other peoples. These scrolls not only can change a man, or even a nation, but it magically updates itself when changes happens on Earth.”
Troy: “ May I have one?”
Salmon: “ Of course, here’s one for you friend too. Please you are welcome to stay for a few days, get rested, for your trip back home, I sense you brother is in great need, The Medusa has taken over your kingdom!”
Troy: “ Then I should leave now.”
Salmon: “ Listen son, makes no sense in you leaving now, your animals are tried, and need rest. Don’t worry about tomorrow, worry about what’s going on right now.”
Chapter 6: The final defeat of the Medusa

Medusa once and for all.
Troy stayed for four days, getting his provisions ready for the long trip home, he spent the nights reading from the scroll that Salmon gave him, and felt his soul being full filled and encouraged by reading it. He felt something inside of him was enlightened him in a way that was hard to explain. He became close to Dilly as friends during that time.
When the day came to go back home to save his brother, Salmon gave him an amulet saying, “ Wear this, it will give you powers to destroy the Medusa once and for all by killing the Medusa queen of all queens, in the temple of the Medusa god.
the necklace will guide you there. God go with you son.”
Then Troy and Cider mounted their flying horses and flew to the entrance of the underworld, with a prayer on his lips for God’s protection, Troy found the temple of the Medusa god. Cider and Troy was attacked by her drone males, and minions by the hundreds. But something happened that made the drones, and the Imp armies flee with terror! Leaving just the Medusa god and Troy alone to fight.
Little did Troy realized the amulet he was wearing, along with his belief of God’s protection made the Medusa god become fearful losing her immortality, Troy sensed her dread, and swung his sword, beheading the creature. The ripple effect on the death of the queen made all the Medusa queens, and their armies turn into statues all at once, and they all crumbled to dust, along with everything associated with them, including the spells.
Back in the Kingdom of Aquarius King Hermes felt the snake chain necklace fall from him, turning into dust as it went. The eye was visible enough so Hermes could take a sword and stick the eye with it, making it dye.
No one knew what happened until Troy and Cider returned to the Kingdom of Aquarius. Troy told hid brother about their journey, and destroying the god of the Medusa. Hermes thanked his brother for saving the kingdom, and granted him an ambassador in that far off land Capricorn. Troy gladly accepted, and journeyed back there with a caravan of treasures enough for a brides dowry, he married Dilly and became a king in his own right, build a city called it Capricorn.
Music video:
Outpost: Epic Ambient Sci-Fi Music for Deep Focus and Relaxation [Ethereal & Timeless]
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